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Chad is an alpha male future football star stuck rooming with the nerdy Derek at college. However, after mocking Derek and hurling one of his scientific finds in the bin, Chad finds that he has accidentally activated a recovered alien artefact . . . one that is slowly turning him into an attractive female alien. The changing jock and his nerdy roommate must travel across country to the original crash site in the hopes of changing her back . . . before her new lust for a human mate becomes too overpowering.

First Part 

Previous Part 

Part 3: Becoming One of Them

Chad had to have a strong beer after he woke. Derek had given him a blanket to throw over his shoulders, and while ordinarily he would have scoffed at such a measure, that and the beer were a welcome bit of comfort. His body was all wrong: too lithe, too hairless, too feminine. Just speaking gave him the heebie jeebies, having a voice that clearly didn’t belong to him coming out of his mouth. It sounded all wrong. It sounded weak.

“Okay,” he said, doing his best to ignore its cadence, “run this over again, nerd.”


“Dude, I’ve got fucking green skin! Just tell me what’s happened already, I’m freaking the fuck out here!”

Derek pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to think of a way to simplify it, or simply make it sink in. Chad got the definite feeling that his roommate was trying to decide if Chad was stupid or just in shock, or possibly both.

“Okay, okay,” Derek said. “I’ll try to explain it one more time in words you can understand. Aliens are real, I think this pretty much proves it. And whatever device I found belongs to an alien race. And when you touched it like you did, it activated somehow, and it seemed to recognise that you weren’t one of them.”

“But why is it making me fucking green? Why am I growing fucking tits?”

Derek paused. “Because it’s ‘correcting’ you to become one of them, I think. You might understand it more than I do on some level, given you can hear and understand bits of their language.”

Chad put his head in his hands. “Most of it is garbage. Can’t understand a word. I just get weird little flashes of information I can’t piece together. But something about a ‘mate’ is in there. I don’t get it.”

Derek placed his chin in his hand as he thought. “Regardless, I think it might be changing you into one of them. We need to quarantine you.”

“What? Hell no! I’m not getting locked up in a damn cage! I’ve got a game to play!”

Derek was exasperated. “Chad, your skin is green! Green! This isn’t normal. You’ve lost almost half your muscle mass by the looks of it!”

Chad looked over himself, wincing at how clearly obvious it all was. “I’ll - I’ll cover it up. Until it all blows over.”

“And what if it gets worse?”

“It - it won’t! My body will fight it off. You said it’s an infection, right? Then I’ll fucking beat it like I’ve beaten everything in my life, including little pussies like you.”

Derek tried to position himself in front of the door. “Chad, I can’t let you - oof!”

Chad pushed him aside, still the stronger of the two, at least for now.

“Get out of my way! I’ll figure this alien shit out without quarantine!”

He ran from the room, nearly bowling over other figures who stared at the strange individual with the slightly green skin. Chad could feel their prying eyes upon him, but still he ran. His mind was blank of ideas, and he was in full panic mode. He knew already he was making a mistake, but there was no way he was going to become a freak. That was exactly the kind of thing his old man had always told him never to be. He was a champion, not some science experiment. He’d find a way to beat this fucking thing.



‘Somehow’ turned out to be little more than a collection of very bad ideas. Chad immediately went to Kaley with the notion that if he could borrow her makeup skills, then she could make his skin look normal again, long enough for his body to fight off whatever was happening to it. He had no intention of becoming a freak on some reality television show investigating the ‘alien virus boy’ or whatever, so it was his best chance. As such, he texted her a quick message.

Hey babe, put that Derek pussy in his place. Feeling a lot better now. How bout we meet up for some good times now that I’m no longer sick?

The reply didn’t take long to come through. Kaley was always on her phone.

Took u long enuff. How bout you cum to mine and then we both cum together?

He cringed a little, particularly as two fellow college students walked past him in his car in the parking lot and gave him the side eye. He didn’t want to mislead Kaley - she was a vengeful one after all - but it was necessary.

Be right there.

Good. These tits won’t suck themselves. And I don’t give them out to anyone but a winner.

“Fucking hell, she’s horny. And a bit of a bitch too. Didn’t need to rub the football loss in my face.”

It made him unexpectedly emotional, and those emotions seemed to make the two bumps at the top of his forehead ache and tense, pushing against the skin. He grunted, trying to ignore it, grateful at least that the larger middle bump wasn’t affected. He rubbed his tailbone again, annoyed at how weirdly pressurised it felt, then turned the keys and headed off to Kaley’s. He had to continually remind himself not to scratch his strangely distended, darker nipples.


Kaley screamed, and it was dreadfully high-pitched.

“Chad, what the actual fuck!? You look like a freak!”

Chad had managed to step inside wearing a covering hat and a thicker jacket he’d quickly purchased from a confused clerk. He could still roughly imitate his old voice if he deliberately spoke low enough, but it only sounded like an imitation, not the real thing. It had barely been enough just to get him into Kaley’s door. But when she questioned his weird attire and voice, he had to drop it all and come clean.

“Something’s happened to me, Kaley. I need your help, babe. It’s serious. That shithead Derek, he did something to me. He had alien tech or something, and it’s made me look green and thin and-”

“Oh. My. God. You’re infected with something and you brought it to me!?”

He shook his head. “It’s just temporary! And it’s not infectious, I’m certain of it. I’ve been losing weight, and my voice has gone all weird-”

“You sound like a gay man, or a girl.”

“I know, but it’ll vanish. I just need to keep it under control a couple more days and then it’ll be over. I need your makeup expertise.”

She cocked an eyebrow, clearly marvelling at his changes, and not in a good way. He had tried to hide the protrusions on his forehead using his hair, but it was too short, and her gaze fell on them with alarm.

“Your head is messed up,” she said, still clearly shocked.

“I know, I know. Can you make my skin look lighter? Even just my hands and face for now? Enough that I can get around in full clothes and not be seen as a freak.”

But Kaley took a step back. “You are a freak. I don’t know what shit had happened to you Chad, but you are a freak.”

He froze. It felt like something was dangling over his heart, precariously close to plunging deeply into it. “Kaley, I’m not a freak. This is just a weird virus thing-”

But she jabbed a finger against his chest, making him wince.

“It’s not just some thing, Chad! You’re shorter! You’ve lost all that sexy muscle mass. Even your face has changed: you look like you’ve got skin as smooth as mine. You looks like you’re fucking transitioning, only into a green freak as well!”

“Kaley,” Chad begged. “Please, you’re my girlfriend. You know we care about each other. If you were in my position, I’d help you. I’m asking for you to please help me now.”

But the dagger plunged into his heart as her expression hardened, and she crossed her arms beneath her perfect B-cup breasts. “That’s the thing you never understood, Chad, even after I told you again and again. I only date, I only fuck, the best of the best. And clearly that’s not you anymore. I can’t be seen with some weirdo green man whose claim to fame was being the most popular guy before he turned into some green alien thing. So consider us through, and next week when you see me on Mark Hallam’s arm instead, don’t be surprised that I’m fucking him instead of you. Now get out before I take a photo of you and post it all over my socials.”

Chad backed away, unable to believe she was being so cruel. But hadn’t she always been this cruel? She had recognised a kindred spirit in him, and he in her. The two most popular people on campus, willing to crush others under their heel to keep their positions. And now he was on the outside looking in, finding out exactly how much it hurt to be beneath Kaley’s boot.

“Fucking hell, Kae,” he said, but she just pointed.


He turned, got in his car, and the emotion of the moment got to him. He broke down crying, big sobbing tears that he had never given permission to fall in years, and yet now seemed to come so easily since his changes started. He held his head in his hands, trying and failing to ignore that his hair was too long, and his hands too soft, and his entire stature too short compared to his once 6’3 height.

“I’m so fucked.”

For a brief moment, he considered calling his father. He dialled the number, set it to call, and when after three long rings it answered his heart actually seemed to stop.

“Son? Is that you? Hello? What fresh shit have you turned up on my doorstep this time? Don’t tell me you’ve actually succeeded in school? Because the news about your latest games have been embarrassing to say the least. Hello? Are you fucking there or not?”

He waited for his father to hang up. He could pretend it was an accidental ring. His heart remembered to start beating again. It was always that way with his dad. Unfortunately, the tension of hearing his father’s voice was only dissipated by that strange energy bubbling up in his form again.

“No! No, not now! Please stop, not any more! FUCK!”

But it didn’t matter what he wanted, it started again. His form was overcome with a flood of that alien sensation, and his vision turned a deep red. When the eldritch, outer world voice rang through his consciousness, it lasted longer than usual. And this time, he could understand bits of it.

$^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ INCORRECT FORM $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ REAPPROPRIATE TO SPECIES TEMPLATE $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ MATING PROTOCOL $^^^#$#$%@##$%$^$^&$#@$ NEXT PHASE

“What the HELL DOES THAT MEAN!?” he screamed in his car.

But then the red faded from his vision, and the energy bloomed within him. He shrieked, his voice cracking a little more as further changes came over him. More of them than he could have anticipated, and in places that made him plead for mercy from whatever force was doing this to him.


Chad had slept in his car out in the middle of nowhere, on an old country road. He didn’t know what else to do. He was practically catatonic after his changes, and needed time to come down. He hadn’t expected to be so tired, or so hungry. But he couldn’t appear in public. Not how he was. Not with the skin . . . or the protrusions . . . or the thing sticking out of his tailbone. It gave him the awful shivers just to feel it, and he could always feel it. His stomach rumbled again, and he knew he had to take action. He had never been super bright, God knew his father often said as much, but he understood a hopeless situation. He’d gone to Derek for answers, then ran when he didn’t like them. He’d done it twice. He wouldn’t do it a third time.

“He’ll know what to do. This time I’ll listen.”

He adjusted the seat for his reduced height, and headed for the university. He just had to hope that he could conceal his form long enough to reach his dorm, and wait there until Derek came back.


The other man clearly knew something was wrong when he returned from a lecture only to find Chad covered in a bedsheet in the room.

"Jesus fuck!" he gasped, "you scared me! Is that you Chad?"

"Y-yeah," he replied.

"Your voice . . . you've changed further,  haven't you?."

Chad peered out through the small gap in the fabric. His heart beat irregularly, filled with anxiety. He didn't know how to proceed, despite having had over two hours of preparation. "I - I didn't know what else to do," he said, his voice even softer than before. "Kaley didn't help me. Threatened to expose me. And then the energy . . . everything's changing. I'm fucking turning into a fucking freak! I I slept in my car. I can't go anywhere. I was, like, wrong. You're the only one that can help me." He reached forward through tye sheet and grabbed Derek forcefully. "You're the only one that can help me. You've fucking got to! You owe me!"

Derek stood silent, clearly shocked. "Let me see the new changes," he finally said.

Chad whimpered inaudibly. He was a little teary eyed, his emotions loose and out of control. But there was something in Derek's voice that calmed him. He had felt drawn back to the dorm, to the nerd, in a way he couldn't understand or describe. He reached a hand up and with one flourish tore off the proverbial bandaid that was his covering. Derek's eyes widened, but to his credit he didn't gasp or step back. It made Chad feel less like a freak, which was good, because he knew he looked like one

He had already inspected himself in the mirror a number of times, unbelieving his latest round of changes, but unveiling them before someone else only made them feel all the more real. His skin colour had become more clearly green, no longer a pale sickly look but almost a like green colour, albeit a little desaturated. His hair was still a dark black, but now seemed to have a subtle dark green tinge to it as well when positioned beneath the light. It had extended yet again, and now his hair was long enough to reach midway down his ears. It had taken on a silky, wavy quality that made it look like he was way more into hair care and style than he'd ever been. It covered his forehead a little more, but he parted the curtain of hair to show Derek the other developments: the two bumps on either side of the tip of his forehead had distended out like stubby little antennae. They were only an inch long, but already they had spherical little ends to them. Occasionally they moved, though thankfully they didn't twitch, instead rotating like game controller sticks, but very measured. The third bump near the centre of his forehead was now over lapping the bridge of his nose, which had shrank back into his face slightly to make room. The bump had become ovoid in shape, stretching horizontally, and it felt very sensitive.  Oddly, his ears seemed flatter, as if they were shrinking back into his head.

Other changes had simply left him more female in appearance. More of his bulk had fallen away, though thankfully his height had only reduced by one inch this time, to a still-tall 5’9. He was now quite lithe, his green arms smooth and thin, like a woman's. His thighs had slightly thickened, but with womanly fat instead of hard muscle. His waist had pulled in, his hips flared out slightly, and while he didn't have a strong hourglass figure yet, he'd have one real soon if the changes continued. His stomach had lost most of its muscle, becoming slimmer and toned, though not weak at least. And, of course, a change Derek didn’t see but Chad was obsessing over was his continually shrinking manhood: it was positively below average by now, and he could almost feel it readying to shrink even further.

He was wearing an ordinary men’s shirt that was now too big for him, and shorts that were loose and tight in all the wrong places, but the overall impressions of his body were clear.

“You - holy shit, you look like you’re becoming some sort of alien woman!” Derek marvelled.

Chad sniffled. “M-more than you know.”

He pulled the shirt tighter at the back, revealing his thinner waist, but also confirming a suspicion he imagined the nerd already had. Sticking out from Chad’s chest were two prominent female nipples, and behind them was a small yet evident curve of flesh that suggested two modest little breasts.

“I was right,” he moaned in his high voice, “I’m growing fucking tits. They even fucking wobble a bit!”

He gripped them for emphasis, despite his utter shame and embarrassment, and pushed them up and down. They really were quite small, but from their slight jostle, and the way his nipples became a little sensitive and erect at the action, it was clear they were female.

Derek gasped this time. “Okay, this is really crazy.”

“You think!? It was your stupid piece of alien shit that caused this!”

“And it was your stupidity that smashed it and caused this whole thing in the first place!”

Chad stepped forward and tried to loom over Derek, but it didn’t work. He had the height advantage, but his new body was too weird, too feminine to have the desired effect. More than that, he knew it was stupid: he’d rejected Derek’s help twice, he didn’t want to do it again. He backed down, and cupped his head in his hand. It was weird to feel how his nose had receded.

“Look, whatever, okay? It was both our faults, or mine, I don’t give a shit. I just need to go back to normal. I don’t want to end up in a government lab somewhere: you freethinking alien discovery types are all about preventing government secrets, right?”

He could tell he’d hit the right note, because Derek looked around his half of the room at all his memorabilia, taking it all in.

“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want that. And even if you are a jock-headed bully and piece of shit, even you don’t deserve that.”

The insult stung. Chad knew he was more than that. He knew it. He’d just . . . never allowed himself to be.

“Well . . . thanks, I guess. What do we do? I can’t keep changing, but the device is broken.”

But to his astonishment, Derek was already packing his bag, throwing clothing in and a bunch of equipment, including night-vision binoculars.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“Packing,” Derek said. “You should do the same. It’d be better if we could fly, but given that you’re literally turning into a new half-alien species, I don’t think the TSA would look upon that too kindly. So we’ll have to go on a road trip. Is your car in good working order?”

“Um, yeah. Pretty damn good. It’s a fucking Mustang, man.”

“Less good than you think - that could attract attention. No other choice though, I don’t have the money to hire a travel car.”

“And my Dad cut me off for a spell. What the fuck are you talking about? Where are we going?”

Derek eyed him with surprise. “Where do you think? I found the device at a crash site across the country. If we’re going to change you back, and more than that, uncover further existence of real aliens that we can reveal to the world, ones that the government has been hiding from us the whole time, then we need to go there again.”

“Go where?”

Derek smirked. “To Roswell, Chad. The sight of all major alien encounters in the US.”

Chad’s jaw dropped. “You’re not joking.”

“When I go all in, Chad, I go all in,” the other man said with something approaching a mad grin.

“But your studies . . .”

“I’ll write up a note and get myself excused from physical exams. I have enough good will from my excellent grades to do it all remotely while we travel. But you don’t think I’d miss out on a chance to find a real UFO, right?”

Chad was shocked. “I don’t get it, you’d do all this? You’d go this far? Why not just, I don’t know, turn me in for the money and fame or something.”

“You said it yourself, the government would just hush it up, and I’d probably end up in quarantine for life with you. You’d probably end up dissected, or worse, vivisected. That means dissected while alive and awake.”

“I know what it means. I’m not stupid.”

It seemed to surprise Derek a little, but he continued. “And if we can find something further, then I can find even more evidence of UFOs and alien existence, all while understanding them more. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You actually have no idea how thankful I am for this.”

Chad crossed his arms, annoyed. “Well, I’m glad me being turned into a fucking green-skinned alien space babe is making you happy.”

Derek grinned. “Very Star Trek TOS, isn’t it?”

“What now? Don’t even joke about this man, I’ve got fucking green tits and Kaley left me over it! I’ll go with you, but don’t act like this is all exciting and-”

“Wait - shhh!”

Derek hushed him, and his expression was serious enough that Chad listened. He pointed to the window, which he was peeking out of stealthily. Chad looked, and shuddered. There, down in the courtyard, four dark-suited agents - three male, one female - were talking to an individual who could only be the dean of the college. They looked very serious, and while he couldn’t quite make out their agency, their dark sunglasses and ties, and the fact that he could just manage to hear their lead one - a man with shock white hair slicked back - talking about ‘strange energy readings’, made him instantly think of the mysterious Men in Black.

“Are they who I think they are?”

“Yeah, I think so. That’s not the FBI, alright. These are the guys I saw around Roswell.”

“Fuck! We’ve got to get out of here!”

Derek kicked the back over to his side of the room. “Pack anything that’s essential. We’ll grab the rest on the way! Move!”

Chad’s heartbeat went crazy as he shovelled what clothes and items he needed into it. He kept looking out the window, and was shocked to see that the agents were seemingly almost done with their conversation, several moving to enter the dorms.

“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!”

It was a race against time, and he already felt like he was behind the clock. His movements at least were incredibly rapid, and even Derek seemed shocked at his speed.

“Damn, is this part of your change? You’re moving like lightning!”

But Chad had no time to listen. He hadn’t shown Derek the growth at the end of his tailbone, and didn’t want to think about it as it twitched nervously. He shut the case, seconds seeming like hours.

“Let’s go already!”

He quickly threw on a heavy winter jacket supplied by Derek, and his own football cap low over his face. He checked out the door, only to immediately pull his head back in.

“Shit, they’re in the hall!”

“Let me see, they won’t think anything of me.”

Derek looked out, waited, then turned back.

“They’re checking another room. It’s clear - we need to move now, though!”

Chad wasted no time, and neither did Derek. They bounded down the hall, Chad holding the suitcase and being very frustrated that it was so heavy, and didn’t have wheels. Derek helped him get it down the stairs, just in time for them to see another agent get in the elevator. Thankfully, the man was looking the other way, speaking into a white earpiece. Chad felt like he’d almost had a heart attack in that moment, and again the weird thing at the end of his tailbone twitched.

“My car’s not far. Let’s hurry.”

They ran to it in the lot, and were quick in getting in. Derek was cursing about how much stuff he had to leave behind, but all Chad cared about was not getting caught. He started the car and left hurriedly, though not so fast as to attract attention. He just hoped no one would pull him over.

It was going to be a long drive. Pennsylvania all the way to fucking New Mexico.


It was already in the afternoon when they’d left, and both were exhausted by the time night came. Chad wanted to keep driving, but Derek’s plea for reason won out: they were both worn out, and couldn’t simply ‘take turns.’ They needed to rest, and also to take more backroads where they couldn’t be easily discovered. The feds weren’t dumb: they’d find them if they weren’t careful. He even suggested exchanging the Mustang but Chad refused. His Dad had given him that car. He wasn’t going to throw it away or sell it . . . yet.

They stopped at a rundown looking motel on the edge of the state. It looked discrete enough, and when Derek went in they evidently didn’t ask too many questions. They took the car into the lot and rented a room on the second of two floors with a fire escape out the back, just to be careful. Chad was impressed: clearly the other man had practice in these matters. The only problem was that they had only a single bed in their room.

“I, uh, had to tell them it was for me and a lady friend. For cover.”

“You’ve got to be fucking joking.”

Derek gestured at his form. “Well, no offence dude, but you look more female than male.”

“I’ve still got a dick!”

“It was the only one with a fire escape directly adjacent, and the creep at the counter suggested the story by implication, and I ran with it so as not to look nervous, okay.”

“Well, you’re sleeping on the couch,” Chad said.

They looked around the room. There wasn’t a couch. Not one worth sleeping on, anyway. He sighed.

“Just like our dorm. You stick to your side, I stick to mine, okay?”

“Fair, I was going to suggest the same thing.”

Derek ducked out to get some groceries for the two of them, and to stock up on other necessities like a first aid kit, new clothes and the like. It left Chad a few hours to absorb everything that had happened to him, especially in the last twenty four hours. It was a lot to take in, and just thinking about it stressed him. He decided to take a shower, and while it was hard to ignore the sensitive, changing parts of his body - particularly his damned breasts - he managed to at least relax a little. His skin was a little more vibrantly green afterwards, and it made him wonder if his mood affected how green it was in a way.

“No, I am not thinking about this,” he said as he got changed back. “No way am I turning into some green skinned half-alien girl or whatever.”

By the time Derek returned, he was starving. He scoffed down the noodles the other man made, practically moaning at how tasty they were.

“My Mom’s recipe,” Derek said. “Though my Dad makes some great food too.”

“My Dad always said cooking was for pussies,” Chad said.

Derek looked hurt.

“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s really tasty. I’m . . . .fuck, I’m thankful. For doing all this for me.”

“Not really for you. You want to change back, and I want further evidence of aliens that won’t get you locked up. It’s a mutual aid thing,” Derek explained.

“Whatever. I’m extending a fucking olive branch here.”

Derek paused, then to Chad’s surprise extended a hand. Chad took it, wishing he had a bit more strength, then realising this wasn’t a moment to establish dominance.

“Partners,” Derek said.

“Yeah, something like that. This is just . . . fuck, this is weird.”

“Does it feel weird? Like, can you feel yourself changing right now?”

He shook his head. “Some bits are sore, like these stupid little tits and my nipples. And this weird bulge on my forehead. And these stalks on my head move occasionally for no bloody reason. But it’s mainly reserved for when I get that rush of energy, and I hear the voice. I’ve . . . you were right, I could understand bits of it. It said something about changing my ‘species template.’”

Derek nodded. “Sort of like a Borg assimilation. From Star Trek.”

“Never watched it.”

“You’re missing out. It’s cheesy, but really good. Thoughtful and philosophical.”

“Sounds lame.”

“If you say so. I’m going to shower and head to bed. I’ll take the left side - closest exit will be on yours, in case you need to run.”

The gesture actually made Chad feel a twinge of something. Empathy, perhaps? Thankfulness, definitely.

“Um, I’m not good at saying thanks. But thanks.”

“Well, well, Chad Penwick thanking nerdy Derek Mayes. Who would have thought!”

“Yeah, don’t rub it in. I’m already dealing with a shrinking dick here.”’

Derek winced. “I didn’t realise. Fuck. Sorry.”

“Not more than me,  nerd. Derek, I mean.”


The two were on the separate sides of their bed, and while it was a struggle to get to sleep, eventually they made it. Chad had strange dreams of alien voices, and he could only partly making out parts of it. Phrases like ‘ALTERATION OF SUBJECT IN SECOND PHASE’ and ‘GENETICALLY CAPABLE OF CROSSBREEDING WITH NATIVE’ and so on. It made him toss and turn, his strange alien and female parts causing fitful sleep.

And then, suddenly he woke, and he saw the dark room in shades of bright red. The energy flooded his system again, and he couldn’t help but groan beneath his breath.

“N-no! No again!”

Derek snored beside him, and he was unable to wake him before the changes came again.

To Be Continued


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