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Just for One Night

“Yeah, yeah, I know I look hot. Just remember Pete, I’m only playing the role of your prom date this one night. So enjoy it while it lasts.”

Pete had lacked a date for the prom, and was distraught, at least until an old man at a strange shop at the mall sold him a necklace that could turn a willing participant into an attractive woman for a night. After much pressuring and pleading, his friend Olson agreed to be transformed, becoming a sexy redhead in a low-cut red dress, one with an impressive pair of tits and even more impressive hourglass figure. Her full lips and green eyes gave her a mesmerising beauty, not that Olson appreciated it: the former male had only agreed because he owed Pete a favour after his friend had helped cover for a broken window he'd caused at his mom's place.

"Seriously, how do girls stand it having big tits like this? These things feel enormous, and they won't stop moving despite this dress being too tight on me! And stop staring!"

Olson found those stares from other men, and especially his friend-turned-date, very awkward, especially since the transformation left him more than a little attracted to his date. Neither had realised that would be part of the magic. In fact, Pete had told Olson that his mind would stay the same, and that was true . . . for the most part. The new woman still felt more emotional than she would normally be, and receptive to other's feelings. But beneath that was a simmering sexual tension she didn't want but was helpless again. Her new body was undeniably one hundred percent hot for boys, and for Pete in particular, and it was causing her loins to burn with a desire she didn't want to fall prey to.

"This is all your fault! I can't stop looking at your hot body - I mean, your body! - all because you didn't realise it would make me a straight girl, dammnit! So please, keep your hands on my waist while we dance and don't you dare put them on my ass again, because it's making me feel things that are going to become very awkward when I'm a guy again."

But despite her desire to fight her instincts, she would have to get used to the feeling of Pete's hands on her ass, and on her tits, and all over her in fact. This was because, at some point in the night, Olson had taken off the necklace in order to re-adjust it. She didn't realise that doing so had locked him – now her – into her new voluptuous body for life!

Olson would have to get used to being a highly attractive and busty redhead for the rest of her days. And thanks to the necklace bonding her desires onto her friend who had given her the necklace, what started as a fake relationship with Pete soon became the real deal.  She denied it for several weeks, despite the occasional passionae sex they fell into, but in the end she realised she really did have the hots for her friend now, and would rather date him as his hot girlfriend rather than drift apart from him, even if she did blame him a little for her new form.

Olive never quite got over how strange it was to be Pete’s hot red-headed girlfriend, even as she eventually became his hot fiancé, hot wife, and the hot mother of his children years down the line. Pete, in the meantime, was just thankful his friend had gotten himself stuck this way – as friends, they'd been close, but with her as a sexy redheaded babe, they turned out to be perfect for one another. She hardly admited it, but Olive came to love her life, despite feeling often out of place. And even if Olive occasionally made her complaints about being a busty redhead known, she certainly didn't make them in the bedroom when her husband was thrusting deep into her and sucking on the very tits she once complained about.

"Fine, I do like it! It's been ten years after all. Are you happy? Good. Now shut up Pete, and fuck your sexy MILF of a wife already!"


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