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Things finally go off in this chapter!

By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

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Part 4: Getting Your Insect On

Ivy woke, and this time there were no early waking moments of blissful ignorance. She had dreamed of growing extra parts, all of them increasingly inhuman. In the dream she had no choice as her body changed bit by bit, until she was completely unrecognisable. Now, full waking, she could feel other changes having manifested.

Her chest was sore, and full, the nipples bigger and feeling very tender. They were still cramped into her DD-cup bra and overflowing the cups, and worse still was the sensation on the . . . lower pair of breasts she had somehow developed, which felt crushed beneath them. 

They had grown too, only slightly. As had her stomach. The antennae - if that’s even what they were - were thankfully still quite small, and could easily be hidden if she wore a hat or fluffed up her hair. But anxiety was setting in. People didn’t just grow a second pair of breasts! And they certainly didn’t start swelling up like a balloon this quickly! Nor did they grow freakin’ antennae!

A wave of hunger rolled through her, her taut dome of a stomach jutting outward, no longer resembling the thin form she had had only two weeks ago. She was in the midst of searching the internet for any similar symptoms or cases and unable to find anything when her stomach rumbled. She felt flushed and full and already sweaty despite having a shower, and whenever she brushed her nipples she felt all four of them hardened with near-painful arousal. 

She could find nothing to help her online, and with no plan and a need to cover up her shame, she did the only thing she could think of; try to ignore the problem to the best of her ability and hope against hope that it would go away as unnaturally as it had come. It wasn’t like she could visit a doctor’s until Friday, and even when she did, she was terrified that they might think her a freak and put her on display!

Ivy managed to find one of her A-cup bras that she hadn’t thrown away, and awkwardly placed it around her lower breasts. The bra wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it beat having her much larger ‘upper breasts’, as she had begun thinking of them as, weighing down painfully upon her lower ones. This gave some reasonable padding. Her upper ones meanwhile were bulging out over her already-sizeable DD bras. The skin over her chest was flushed, slick with sweat, and they almost felt as if they were full. 

She went to school with that setup, her improvised outfit managing to be still too small to properly contain her burgeoning figure. Still, she tried not to think about her developments, or moan in response to the alien sensation of her breasts weighing heavily upon her lower ones. When she passed him, Daniel eyed her strangely, while Delia and her friends continued to whisper and giggle behind her back. Ivy had to continually will herself not to touch the strange nubs on her head. It had taken effort to hide them in her hair, which she was continually adjusting out of fear. She just had to wait until Friday, and hope the doctor didn’t make her some kind of case study.

Unfortunately, her discomfort reached a fever pitch in the lecture theatre when she leaned forward in response to her aching back and accidentally pressed her hefty breasts against the writing tray before her, which in turn pressed down even harder on her lower pair.

"Oooohhh!" she groaned. The lecture theatre fell silent as eyes turned her way. Even the professor was frowning.

"Something to share Ivy?"

"S-sorry." She rose, clutching her gut. "I - nggh - need to go to the bathroom."

She waddled out, her swollen stomach impeding her movement and her large breasts wobbling heavily. She made it to the bathroom. She was distraught at the sight before her. Her breasts were bulging heavily out of her DD cup bras, more like E’s now, or even Double-E’s in size. Below them, her tender lower breasts ached in the A-cup bra she had put around this morning. Already they too were bulging out slightly, the skin sore where the cup was nearly cutting into the flesh. She opted to remove her A-cup bra and replace it with an emergency B-cup one. Anything to hide the existence of her extra nipples. 

“Too much. Shouldn’t have c-come. Stupid. Stupid!”

She hurried home, hunched over awkwardly to conceal any developments, her uniform straining to contain her chest, and the buttons pulling very tightly around her stomach now. She had been so slim, so cute! Why was this happening to her?

“Just trying to b-be normal. Not working.”

Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of a strong urge to eat. Her kitchen was practically empty, so she ordered food, getting them to leave it at the door. She devoured the fast food, then ordered seconds once she was done. There was no stopping her hunger, or the changes it was fuelling. She ended up going topless, rubbing her sore double-pair of breasts and trying to massage out the aches. Little did she know that she was only causing them to grow larger, stimulating further growth.


The next morning when she went to inspect her form in the mirror, there was no doubt that her lower breasts were continuing to develop in size. There was a plumpness and firmness to them that there wasn’t the day before, and the nipples had become as large and erect as those on her ‘upper’ pair, which themselves were already being strained by her largest set of E-cup bras. 

There were other developments that worried her. The . . . things sticking out from the top of her forehead were getting harder to conceal, having grown another ‘stalk’ of sorts. They were pinkish, a little darker than the colour of her skin, and occasionally she felt one twitch automatically, though for what reason she couldn’t tell. It took her nearly half an hour of doing her hair before they were properly covered over. What’s more, small protrusions were pressing out from the area just beneath her armpits, like swollen fleshy golf balls, much like her antennae had been before emerging. Only they were harder, with a wider surface area. With her increased . . . largesse, they were difficult to even spot while looking casually, but pressing against the skin made it very, very obvious. The twin areas ached, and there was a feeling of pressure against the surrounding skin. The area above her butt was also becoming quite sore and pressurised, and she had no idea what that meant.

“What else could there possibly be?” she whined to the mirror, revolted at her bloated reflection. “Am I mutating? Am I dying?”

There were no answers, just hunger and further growth. She didn’t go to college that day, despite texts from Daniel asking what was going on with her. She was starting to see cruel taunts about her on college social media exchanged, and it made her all the more adamant to not return. But the break was coming up. They were crucial to her future. She decided to try and get the education she needed, then immediately go home when she was done. 

“I have to save my body and my future,” she declared to her strange form in the mirror. “I can do this.”


The next day Ivy tried to keep her breasts and other new . . . features . . . more tightly bound, but the effort of compressing her increasingly full chest made her cry out in pain. Instead she just put her hopes in loose and thick woollen clothing, despite the heat, and that people would just assume she was getting fat. Which she was, she thought morosely. Her upper breasts were at least doing a good job of hiding her lower pair, hanging over like overripe melons to obscure the freakish developments above them.

With all the strangeness of her inhuman extra pair of breasts and strange antennae nubs, Ivy was only just noticing how much her ‘pot belly’ had expanded to become a more gluttonous-looking stomach. Indeed, each morning and at other times throughout the day she was still in the grip of great and sudden surges of immense hunger, to the point that almost anything edible would do. It was almost as if her body was trying to grow.

She barely paid any attention to lectures anymore, despite her vow. Just credit for attendance was needed at this point. She simply sat there waiting out the final week, occasionally looking glumly at Delia who eyed her with a look of joy on her face, giggling with Stacy and Maddy, the last of which always looked almost a little hungry to see more of Ivy’s form. Daniel looked at her occasionally, and all she could do was try and fail to suck in her burgeoning gut and hide her changes. Dan would just look a little embarrassed and turn away. There was no one left to turn to, and no one to comfort her and tell her everything would be alright. The pressure in her stomach was only increasing, causing her to sweat profusely from the sheer effort of her body passively growing without her consent.

When she went home towards the end of the week, agonised with discomfort over her various itchy parts and swelling spheres, she tore off her large coat and gaped in horror at her enormous breasts which were just managing to fit into their EEE-cup bras, and the lower pair which were straining against the B-cup she had put them in. It was true then, they were growing! It was impossible to take anymore. She collapsed onto her side on the bed, sobbing desperately, her large rack wobbling with each intake of breath. Her lower pair were growing and growing fast, just like the top ones had! For God’s sake, she now called her own pair of breasts ‘the top ones’ as if it was normal. As if any part of this was normal! Between both pairs of breasts, her stomach, and the various strange nubs on her head, beneath her arms, and at the end of her spine, she didn’t know how much more growing she could take.

And yet still, Ivy was still resolute that she could finish out the semester at uni. She could defer exams, sort out assignments, but she needed to be present and listed on the lecture attendance role to have a hope of achieving that. She knew she was being stupid, but she clung to the desperate hope of normality like it was a lifeboat out at sea.

It only made things worse.

As the march towards her appointment continued the nipples on Ivy’s upper breasts were almost permanently hard and rigid, swelling outwards and brushing painfully against the cups of her bra. They were the size of large thimbles, to the point where Delia scoffed out loud that “Ivy is getting so fat her tits are starting to stare at me.” Ivy could only go flush with embarrassment and discomfort at how her clothing was increasingly trying to hem in her rapidly expanding figure.

After yet another ritual visit to the bathroom Ivy wiped the anxious tears from her eyes. Her lower breasts had come out of hiding. Now they were visible beneath the heavy sweaters and coats she wore. They were at least Cs by now. Cs!

It was a day before her doctor's appointment when she received a call stating that they would have to shift her appointment to the following week instead due to the flu season rush. She begged them in tears over the phone to fit her in, but the earliest they could manage was a Monday. She instantly began searching for an alternative, painfully aware that her lower breasts were growing more and more to equal their overfull sisters up top. Worse still, the other strange protrusions growing from her body were starting to take shape. Just above Ivy's butt, at the end of her spine, a sort of . . . sac, was extending outwards. The skin was pinkish and sore, and somewhat elastic, like a giant skin tag. Only it was nearly the size of an apple, or larger..

"Is it a tumour?" she asked herself anxiously, trying to inspect it using her mirror. But didn't appear to have much in it, just a tubelike emptiness extending out her rear. Either way it disgusted her, to have this - this thing - attached to her body.

It wasn't the only burgeoning addition. She had to wear a hat now, to conceal what were increasingly a most definite pair of antennae. They twitched involuntarily more and more now, and she worried if they got any longer they would threaten to throw off her hat. She had tried pulling one out, or cutting it off low on the stalk, but she was overwhelmed by pain and strange sensations of heat and nearby movement outside, so once again all she could do was passively experience her body altering more and more freakishly against her will.

The additions below her arms sat limp like miniature rolling pins, getting thicker and longer each day. At the ends of the bony additions some small nubs were developing. She didn't even want to think about what that meant.


By the time Ivy reached her final day of school for the year, everything had only gotten worse. Her stomach was continually pressurised, her lower breasts were painfully constrained by a C-cup bra much too small for them now, and she hid her new additions beneath a thick coat and heavy hat that made her look like an obese weirdo.

Which, she pondered sadly, she was now, really.

It was the day Ivy was dreading, but one she had to go ahead on. Presentation day. She could get enough credit to defer exams until this . . . thisness was sorted out. Her body was bloated beyond recognition now, looking in the mirror she could hardly believe the strange four-breasted figure with the large stomach and freakish protrusions had been the cute, thin, borderline waifish girl she'd been just a few weeks ago. Back then she would have walked quickly and confidently into the lecture theatre ready to present. Now she . . . waddled, visibly sweating, her upper pair of breasts heaving, nipples swollen like hard thimbles. She continually pressed at her backside, making sure the strange bulge there was tucked tightly into a large pair of her mother's panties, even if keeping it there was borderline agony.

One by one the students of the psychology class gave their presentations, but Ivy found it difficult to concentrate. She was getting hungrier again despite gorging herself on breakfast this morning, and she could swear that the internal pressure in her stomach and other parts was increasing. Delia stood for her presentation. Ivy found it difficult to take in anything she had said, but Delia had locked eyes with her nearly the entire time, an amused smile on her face. Stacy was next, and she too looked overjoyed at Ivy's predicament. Others went, and the internal pressure only increased. Ivy moaned softly beneath her breath, clutching at her mound. It felt like it was actually visibly growing, but that was impossible, right? Just before Ivy was Madduson. Something about the way she stared over at Ivy as she finished her presentation and left the stage made Ivy feel even more repulsed than Delia and Stacy's leering gazes. Maddison stared at her with fascination, not repelled by Ivy's developments but acting as if she wanted to see them up close, like she was a fascinating insect in a jar.

Finally, the dreaded moment came: "Ivy Hartridge, ready to present your research topic?"

Her stomach lurched. It felt like it was packed full of rocks instead of food. Awkwardly she stood and lumbered forward, aware of how odd her heavy coat and hat made her look. She could feel all the eyes on her, and she was paranoid that they could all see her developments. She had checked her lower breasts (which had expanded into heavy D cups now!) were obscured beneath her coat. They still made an impression, but it looked more like her body was lumpy and even more obese than it currently was. Worse, she could feel the strange skin of her rear 'addition' becoming taut and more expansive.

She made it to the stage. She panted heavily and wiped large droplets of sweat from her forehead.

"Are you okay to start Ivy?" asked her professor, who looked slightly concerned. Someone somewhere giggled. She had an idea of who it might be. Ivy just nodded, not wanting to waste words she didn't have to.

"Okay then, anytime you're ready."

She stood there, paused, dazed, overwhelmed. She grunted, and lifted her cue cards. The giggling started again but was shushed by the professor.

"For my p-presentation I researched the psychology of . . . change."

She heard a loud whisper echo across the room. "Talk about change, she looks like she's about to pop!"

Another shushing from the professor followed. Ivy swallowed. Her heart was beating furiously, and the pressure in her various areas was only increasing.

"Ummm, as I was s-saying, my presentation is about the psychology of ch-change. Significant change in someone's life, whether by circumstance of l-living, or emotional change, phy-phy-physical changes . . ."

Ivy clenched her eyes shut. A stray hand grasped her mound. Sweat dripped down her face.

"Ivy, are you okay? Ivy?"

"I'm l . . . alright, I - NGGHNNAAAH!!!"

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. The pressure was increasing, and she was getting bigger; she could feel the seams of her clothing starting to give way, and the buttons verging at the breaking points as her mound continued to expand. And worse, students were noticing.

"Ivy, what's happening?"

"Ohmigod professor, I think she's about to blow!"

There were other comments and shouts, but they were drowned out by the rush of blood in Ivy's ears. She reddened, clutching her dome as the pressure rose, trying to fight against it. But like all her changes, she was helpless, only able to watch and feel them unfold. There was a sickening release of flesh and bone below her arms that pressed outwards against her cloak, even as a sharp series of tugs at the top of her forehead saw her antennae heave off her hat and rise, and extend. The development on her rear swelled, ripping her mother's panties and releasing behind her. It was pink-ish in colour, and its top half was ribbed with what seemed to be a kind of exoskeleton.


She moaned wildly as below her arms two more shot out, the protrusions forming into identical copies of her usual set. Her stomach inched forward, popping buttons off until it rested before her to the size of a woman at full term. Her antennae twitched, and she could somehow feel the presence of all the people watching her even as she clenched her eyes, could detect their heat and sample their horror, shock, and . . . thrill? She opened her eyes as the horrid pressure subsided. Delia and her troupe were gazing with glee.

"I was right!" Maddison yelled, "she was growing an insect butt! And she’s got four arms now!”
 “And four tits,” Delia said, laughing with amazement.

Some of the students were holding up phones and filming her, like she was some science project!

The sweat-stained girl ran as fast as her impeded body could, leaving the gasping audience behind her.

To Be Continued . . .



Now we are getting into the good stuff. Can't wait for the next chapter to see how she continues to tf and the fallout from it