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By FoxFaceStories

A Combined Story Tier Prompt for TG Sorcerer & Rilby

Mike and Hannah share a loving relationship, or at least so Mike thinks. When the couple are out with their single friend Amanda, each of the three make a wish. Mike wishes for a perfect partner, Hannah wishes she could make Mike happy, given that she plans to leave him. And Amanda wishes she could be in a relationship too. All three are about to be in for a shock as relationships are rearranged and the bodies of the two women changed . . .

First Part

Next Part

Part 2: Transforming

Hannah had no idea what to do. She’d had a little cry, which was quite unlike her usual, more stoic self. Mike, frustratingly and amazingly, had offered every possible support, but the truth was that the pair were absolutely boggled as to what could have possibly caused this.

“Perhaps it was the food last night?” Mike asked. “Maybe you had a reaction to it?”

Hannah gestured to her outfit, a stylish camisole and modern, slightly ripped-for-looks pair of jeans. She fit into them, but it was clear that her body was now a size larger than what she was wearing. She wore slim clothing, which made this all the more obvious.

“Could a reaction really cause this?” she asked. “I mean, my boobs are bigger. My waist is thicker. And . . . I feel older. I mean, I know I look older now-”

“Just a bit tired, I think.”

“Well, I’ve got fucking crow’s feet, so I’ll go with older. But that’s not just it; I feel like I’ve got less energy, Mike. I swear, I can feel my bones creaking. It’s really weird!”

Mike didn’t know what to say. Hannah was still obviously gorgeous, but it was undeniable that she looked different, and her hair indeed looked darker despite the fact that it would have been impossible to dye it so quickly.

“Let’s get you to a doctor,” he said. “We should make you an appointment.”

Hannah sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, babe, but this is just too freaky for me.”

“Hey, I’m here for you. You know I love you more than anything. I’ll help you through this.”

His arms encircled her, and again Hannah felt guilty. Mike was such a good guy, he truly was, but he needed either a girl who was just as clingy and boyfriend-crazy as he was girlfriend-crazy, or he needed to get some personal hobbies.

“Thanks, Mike,” she said.

“Hey, didn’t you have something to tell me last night? Something important before the whole wish-on-a-shooting-star sight?”

Hannah took a deep breath and steadied herself. It wasn’t a good time, but when was it ever? She needed to do this, she needed-

The phone rang, and for a moment, she thought it would somehow be the medical centre she was dialling for an appointment. She quickly realised how ridiculous that was, and saw that it was Amanda instead.

“Hang on Mike, let me get this. It’s Amanda.”

She brought the phone up to her ear.

“Hey Amanda, what’s up?”

The breathing on the other end of the phone was hesitant, almost scared. When the voice finally spoke, it sounded just a little lighter than Amanda’s usual lower-registry tone.

“Hannah, this is going to sound very, very strange, but has anything strange happened to either you or Mike since last night? As in . . . do you feel different?”


Just half an hour later the three of them were all in the same room, having travelled to Amanda’s place. Thucydides and Herakles played with Mike as the three of them talked. He was a big animal lover but Hannah had too many allergies to allow pets. Thankfully, she could stand short bursts, and Amanda had given a quick vacuum.

“Are you sure you don’t need tissues?” Amanda asked.

Hannah rubbed her nose. “It’s okay. Our place is too small for three people to have this chat. This is all just so wild. You do look different, Amanda. No, really, you do. You look younger.”

“And you look . . .”

Amanda trailed off, not quite knowing what to say. Hannah was still immensely beautiful, but she didn’t look quite so petite and waif-like anymore.

“Fatter,” Hannah said.

Amanda scoffed. “If you’re fat, then what does that make me?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”

“It’s okay, we’re all freaking out here. I actually painted my nails to calm myself down this morning. Paint my nails, me! And pink too, see? Can you believe that?”

Hannah gave a sympathetic smile. She, on the other hand, had been too worried to even go about her usual glam-up routine.

“That is a bit unlike you,” she admitted. “I actually started stress-cleaning the kitchen. That’s normally Mike’s job.”

“She’s neat, but not a big cleaner,” Mike added, before smiling at Hannah. “Sorry, babe.”

“No offence taken,” she said. She ran her fingers through her hair. “Okay, so overnight I’ve put on weight and gotten some curves. I feel more tired and look a bit older, but it’s probably just stress at this point, because you actually look better and healthier, right?”

“I actually do,” Amanda admitted, before lowering her voice so just Hannah could hear. “And my boobs are better too.”

“Bigger, like mine?”

“No, at least I don’t think so. But more pert. Less saggy. Less blemishes too.”


“Could this be . . . the wishes?”

Mike sat up straight, and Hannah leaned in. 

“You don’t think it could be that, Amanda?” the other woman asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve never been very superstitious. But this morning I felt a warm glow just like last night when I was seeing how I’d changed.”

“Me too!”

“She did,” Mike added, and she described it as just like last night.”

Amanda coughed into her hand, trying to put forward something radical. “Then is it possible that we each made a wish, and the wish is . . . doing something? Maybe even coming true?”

“It would depend on what you wished for, I guess,” Mike said. “I mean, I just wished Hannah would stay my perfect partner.”

Hannah bit her lip, feeling that shame and guilt rising again, but Amanda was the one to reply.

“Was that exactly how you worded it?”

“Um, well, if I can remember, I think my actual wish was I wish to be with my perfect partner, which is basically the same thing.”

“I wished to make Mike happy,” Hannah added.

“And I wished to be in a loving relationship with a man who wanted me,” Amanda admitted, blushing a little. “A bit pathetic, really.”

Mike frowned. “So we all made relationship wishes, I don’t see what that has to do with all of this. Besides, I haven’t changed. I still think it’s the food from last night.”

The three of them mused on that for a while.

“Let’s just . . . keep it in consideration,” Hannah said, concerned with Mike’s wish. Was she becoming his ultimate dreamgirl? He loved her body, but she knew he had previously dated more voluptuous women.

Amanda concurred. She too had thoughts about her change: just as Hannah would be fitting her own wish and Mike’s by becoming a bit more curvaceous, perhaps she was becoming more dateable by gaining more pertness and even looking younger. The prospect excited her, even if she recognised it was probably unlikely. Still, the notion of being a young, gorgeous woman, when she’d only ever been one of those things before, made her contemplate all sorts of possibilities.

“Keep in touch?” she suggested.

“Of course,” the other two said.

Hannah left with Mike, his hand around her slightly thicker waist. She still felt strange about it, but she was still beautiful, and she had been stressed lately. This was likely just all a ridiculous misunderstanding, not magic.

Mike, on the other hand, had an imagination that was stirring. He felt guilty for thinking it at all. Hannah was perfect for him. Just perfect. And yet, every man has in his mind the image of a perfect woman they knew didn’t exist. It was ridiculous, but the idea of an ultra-feminine gal with large breasts, a delectable hourglass figure, and nice ass and hips was still something he thought about, very rarely, sure, but still thought about nonetheless. Hannah was unbelievably beautiful, but the loving boyfriend could imagine how much more wonderful she would be with a sexy bustline and curvier ass. He put the thoughts out of mind as soon as he could. They were all wrong. It wasn’t fair to want his loving girlfriend to be anything different. He’d asked to be with a perfect partner, after all. 

She loved him. Wasn’t that a perfect partner enough?


Over the next week, both women started to think that perhaps the changes they’d experienced were not so remarkable at all. Sure, Hannah looked slightly older, but she reckoned that this was probably just a result of having a slightly fuller figure and not using her makeup properly; with the right application, she still looked her lovely self, albeit with a few more curves. Amanda also saw no more changes, and this was a disappointment to her. But there were changes happening, ones that weren’t visible but becoming increasingly present. Mental changes.

Hannah didn’t even notice that she had started cleaning more and more. It was usually Mike’s job, but she had taken to scrubbing marks off of the walls and getting rid of excess dust with more devotion than usual. Far more, in fact. Mike didn’t complain, thinking it was just another show of affection from his girlfriend. She hadn’t yet worked up the courage to dump him; with her body image altered, she wasn’t sure she wanted to deal with that alone yet, as selfish as that was. Besides, she was starting to stress eat, or at least so she thought. More than once she ordered food to their apartment, aiming to get a nice salad as always, only to get french fries with a chicken burger. Yet when she checked her phone app, that was indeed what she had ordered! The worst part was that she had developed a hankering for said greasy fast food, and was willing to eat it alongside Mike.

“Hey, don’t get stressed over it,” he told her. “Everyone has a week or two where they just want to eat what they want. You’ll get back on your usual diet, babe. Besides, maybe the extra calories will go to these.”

He fondled her breasts, causing her moan. They were a little sore again, but she attributed that to her upcoming period. At least, she hoped it was the case. She hadn’t felt that strange glow again. Yet.

Amanda, on the other hand, was becoming a lot more social. It was as if a switch had been flicked, and she wanted to stop being such a shut-in whose only friends were ones who she had basically met in study groups or gone through high school with. She went shopping, purchasing a number of dresses and outfits that were more daring in colour, material, and style, not to mention how they showed off her more healthy, pert breasts. She decided to keep her nails pink as well, but just to indulge in her newfound determination to become more dateable, she actually went and got a professional manicure and pedicure too. She was surprised at how fun and relaxing it was, but more than that how easy it was to chat to Barbara, the lovely woman serving her at the salon. Amanda had never been a greatly social animal, yet now she found herself giggling and chatting and gossiping with the best of them!

“Oh my God, you’re kidding, your mother-in-law actually said that to you?” she asked Barb.

The other woman nodded, speaking in a strong New York accent. “Uh huh, uh huh, I could not believe it. And lemme tell you, darling, I’ve heard some bitchy comments in my time but that takes the cake! Oh, I just love your nails right now. If you ever think of getting your face style, pink is absolutely your colour. I think you should lose the dark dye in your hair, if you don’t mind me saying, though. Blonde is definitely the real you.”

Amanda paused. She could see herself in the mirrors of the establishment. There was a faint glowing warmth within her, but she couldn’t make out if a change had actually occurred.

“Um, I’m actually just naturally brunette,” she said with a sheepish grin.

“Really? You sure? I could have sworn your roots were blonde! Anyway, my mother-in-law, you won’t believe what she said after that . . .”

Amanda kept listening and engaging, but she was quick to get home afterwards, still aware of that warmth within her. It had already been a week of coming slowly but surely out of her social discomfort zone, and of updating her wardrobe and look, but Barbara’s comments about her hair had made her think once more about her transformation. She approached her mirror, looking into the reflection as she pried apart her hair to examine her roots.

“Oh my word,” she breathed, shocked. “My roots really have changed. Barb was right.”

She examined them again, just to make sure, but it was true on every part of her head that she could see.

“I’m going blonde!”

And that was when the warm glow hit her again, and this time the changes unfolded visibly. Amanda began to grunt and moan as it began.


Hannah was out with Mike. He had attached himself to her as before, even though she wanted to catch up with her girlfriends and have coffee with them. The result was that he was among them, chatting freely to Monica and Indigo, both of whom clearly approved of him. Unfortunately, they were both in relationships themselves, so she couldn’t pawn him off. He kept looking over at her with stars in his eyes, clearly wrapped up in love.

“Everything okay?” she asked him a bit brusquely.

He faltered. “Y-yeah. Are you okay?”

Monica and Indigo paused to listen in.

“I’m . . . of course I’m fine, Mike. Can you please put that napkin on your dish? I’m worried it will go to the wind. And hold still.”

She leaned forward, licked her finger, and corrected a bit of his hair, as if by instinct. Monica giggled.

“Acting quite the momma there, Hannah.”

Hannah beamed with pride, before realising what she was doing. “Um, no. I was just . . . oh, stop it Monica!”

The girlfriends giggled, and Mike chuckled along. Hannah just sighed, ready to order a little food to go with her drink. She was feeling starved . . . primarily for fries and gravy instead of her usual salad. But as she rose to go to the counter of the little brunch takeaway place, a sudden warmth - a kind of glow - lit up in her belly. It felt just like the night of seeing the shooting star, only this time it was accompanied by a lurch and a series of pressures across her body.

“Urgghhh,” she grunted, leaning back against their table.

“Babe, are you alright?”

“Yeah, are you okay?” Indigo asked.

But Hannah could barely respond. Something was happening to her body. A series of tremors came over her, a wave of nausea too. And then, suddenly and without any way to hide it, her body began to change.

“Oh God!” she cried.

And then then it all happened.

To Be Continued . . .


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