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One of the major things we're going to be taking on is upgrading the resolution that Trigger Treat runs at. When we had first started the game the screen size was being kept relatively small to give a close look at the characters and action, but over time we started to recognize that this also really limited gameplay and rooms had to be kept small and cramped. During the next month we're going to be revising the game to run at about 150% the original screen size - allowing for much more action in-game as well as cleaner larger art on all the menu screens.

This change is not going to require us to redraw any sprites in-game, as the idea was just to give more space to move around, but we will need to redo almost every bit of artwork for the menus we've drawn as well as the game's introduction. It is going to be a lengthy process for sure but in the long run it's going to pay off since we can really get creative with our level designs!

While some art assets will not be as difficult to redraw thanks to them being based off larger art to begin with, others will certainly take some time as they were cleaned up as pixel art meaning they cannot just be simply upscaled larger. April will be a month dedicated to redoing art assets to be larger - over the course of the month we'll provide some comparisons between old and new art as we work on it. 

Stay tuned for more!

- Ding Dong




would the game be able to run on full-screen on a 1080p without any fuzzy downsampling effects?


The game runs in a 1080p window with a nearest neighbor double scale applied to it, only odd multiple resolutions will be scaled with aliasing applied.


Doorbell streams pixel art cleanup some times