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Here's a peek at the process we used on two of the playable characters Ding Dong designed for Trigger Treat. In these cases, Ding Dong drew up some preliminary designs and handed them over to me to gussy up and translate into something more in line with my own artistic sensibilities. While Ding Dong's main discipline isn't drawing skill, he's got a pretty good sense of style, and his pixel art sketches made for a fun springboard to work from. Artistic collaboration is a thing I like doing a lot, since one person's vision can bring something to the table that their partner probably doesn't have, and it widens the scope of the project overall. By the way, here you can see a couple of the fancier sketches I did for the game, which I've been anxious to show off for a while. Expect to see them full size in later posts!





Wow, I had no idea Ding Dong could draw like this; this is really awesome to see. I just pledged gold, I'm looking forward to seeing more of y'all's progress!


Love the character design for this game. Keep up the great work can't wait for the game!

Dustin Jackson

Love 'em all, love seeing the creative process.


i love em!!

Camui Kushi

I dig the curl on the red guy's tie. Are the wolf man's feat meant to be dismembered in Ding Dong's sketch or is that just for demonstration purposes or something? Also he draw good! He should get onto Doodle Doods if you guys care to be guests on there again. Should swap roles with Julian commentating and Ding Dong doing the arts :3