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Welcome back everyone - it's time for another Patreon update! It's been awhile and we have a lot to discuss in regards to updates! We really want to thank you guys again for all the feedback given from the first Tough Bippy test build as a LOT of bugs have been located and squashed since then! We are about halfway towards getting this second Tough Bippy test build ready which will be showcasing finalized combat mechanics, as well as sorting out a lot of little issues that were present in the first build!

Animation Breakdown

In regards to the visual end of Tough Bippy - nearly all of Bippy's core animations (absent of attacks) have been animated! We're still in the process of working through and getting final passes cleaned up of all these animations, but we now have most of what we'll be working with in front of us!

Most of Bippy's roughed attack animations have seen finalization through clean-up!

We still are having two streams a week on Twitch showcasing animation work on the game, so if you're ever curious to see what is currently being worked on visually you can tune in! Click here to go visit the stream page! 

New Controller Configuration

One major priority for the next Tough Bippy test build will be overhauling the control configuration screen! We had mixed reports about controller compatibility with the first test build and will be ensuring something that is much more stable with the next test build with extended functionality such as setting deadzones on analog sticks and being able to macro unused buttons for specific commands!New Defensive Mechanics

To go alongside the new controller functionality we'll be implementing, we're also going to be adding new mechanics to Tough Bippy in regards to defensive maneuvers! While Bippy can clash with attacks, we're in the process of adding both dodging and backdashing! Dodging in-place will allow you to phase through attacks when timed properly and can be performed as a much safer alternative to clashing hits with enemies. You won't get a frame advantage on your opponent, but you'll be able to ensure your own safety! Backdashing can be utilized to very quickly pull back from an enemy and control your positioning during a fight. Well timed backdashes may allow you to escape enemy attacks before rushing back in with a counter blow! 

Animation roughs of the new dodging mechanic - a useful tool to avoid enemy attacks! What's Left Before Test Build 2?

We are still in the process of animating some of Bippy's new attacks that will be mapped between the Light Attack and Heavy Attack buttons, as well as figuring out the best way to integrate the new defensive options comfortably for a control layout. While a few Special Attack button moves have been readied, there are still others we are working on as well. About 40% of Bippy's movelist has been finished, once it's at 100% and we also have updated controller configuration - we'll make an announcement leading up towards the launch of the second test build!

We'll keep you guys informed every few weeks here with what we've been working on so keep checking back for more updates! In regards to this week though, something MAJOR has been overhauled that has significantly improved the combat system...


Gone are the days of simplified boxes seen in the first test build! Tough Bippy is now utilizing multi-layered boxes that allow for attack collisions that feel on point. Many attacks have extended functionality thanks to these hitbox changes as well as combo structure opening up around new boxes. 

New hitboxes allow for much more precise collisions! Combat flows a lot more naturally!

Smaller less subtle tweaks have been made as well to extend move functionality, such as the ability for specific moves to let you fall slightly through the ground. While you technically land on the ground, the game allows your sprite and hitboxes to continue falling until reaching a specific frame - then resetting you back to where you landed vertically.

Certain aerial attacks will allow you to phase slightly through the ground to hit low enemies!

Your pushbox used to be utilized for both enemy collisions and platform collisions, but this has now been broken into two separate hitbox types. This allows certain attacks to extend your box to push enemies while not impacting platforming in any way. All of these changes ultimately create for a much more solid combat system with clearly readable animations and collisions!

Pushbox changes allow for better positioning with your attacks when fighting enemies!

(Some animations need new hitboxes but we're halfway done as of this post - expect a much more solid combat system when the next test build drops!)

It has been a lengthy process polishing and rewriting a lot around the combat mechanics, but the results have certainly been paying off and we're excited to see what you will all think! The new hitbox system we've implemented has given a lot of new control to what we can do with combat, and it also has simplified a lot of the development process by structuring it in the manner that we have! The good news is that after the next test build, the core gameplay will be established and it'll just be a matter of implementing assets within that structured environment!

Thank you again to everyone who has been showing support over the year, you've all been allowing us to really go all out with this game and we want to ensure it's as solid as possible the next time you guys get to try it! The next test build is a major milestone for the game and will give you all a very thorough look into what is planned for Tough Bippy!

Have a good start to your summer, and we'll see you next update!




Keep up the great work!


Super exciting - looking forward to everything you're working on!


Awesome work you guys I can't wait to see how your next testbuild goes!