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Hey everyone - welcome to April! Hopefully everyone has been keeping up OK and keeping safe! Our last month was hectic to say the least but we're still managing to work around the clock on Tough Bippy!

( You can now wall bounce enemies with the final hit of your auto-combo! )

The past few weeks were spent correcting a lot of smaller issues/bugs and beginning the process of implementing new battle mechanics and attacks! Our goal for the next test build is to have all of Bippy's attacks functional, the build focused around showcasing combat and the full extent of what it'll have to offer.

Special moves, super meter, EX moves, and super armor are all major additions that the game will be seeing before the release of the next test build. New directional attacks will be introduced as well as the punch button  becoming the light attack button. 

After a lot of consideration we decided that Bippy's launcher and sweep will be moved over to a new heavy attack button. With light, heavy, and special - the game will be using three attack buttons. ( Light cancels into heavy, heavy cancels into special. )

Defensive maneuvers such as dodging will be finding its way in in addition to tweaks being made to clashing. The clashing system was very sloppy in the first test build and just felt loose and accidental rather than planned and deliberate. Expect some massive overhauls to it as a mechanic - it'll be a tool that players will want to utilize frequently!

 ( New animations have been implemented - check out this pushing animation! ) 

Corrections have been made to most of the animations in-game currently, some running too quick, some too slow, some having their pivot be slightly misaligned. Bippy's movement feels a lot smoother and easier to gauge in terms of where you're actually positioned.

  ( Bippy now has over 650 frames of animation - holy guacamole! )  

Julian has been really hard at work when it comes to the animation side of Tough Bippy, the game so far housing over 1000 frames of animation with 650 of those dedicated to just Bippy himself! For anyone curious about the process of how animations are handled for the game - Julian streams Tough Bippy animation work every Tuesday and Thursday on Twitch!

April is going to be one heck of a busy month for us but we're also really looking forward to adding so many new features to the game. Thank you again to everyone who has been supporting us - you guys are why this project is even possible for us to work on! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue work towards this second test build!

~ DD



That's amazing! <3


Really excited with the second test build! I got a lot of fun out of the first one even with how little content and moves there are in it (and I might even try continuing to play it). I think that with more added moves I will have exponentially more fun experimenting with the next test build! My only request is, can you add something to the debug view that tells you how many hits you got out of your last combo? A lot of the fun I'm having is trying to get the longest combo I can, and it can be hard to see the numbers and they go away quickly, sometimes I'm having to record videos (don't worry, I'm not leaking anything) just to make sure I got as many hits in a combo as I think I did.


Also, an idea I had, when you "counter hit" someone in Guilty Gear the hitstun and other properties are modified so you can land longer combos on them, it'd be cool if this game had something like that, like maybe if you land a bunch of clashes on an enemy it might put them in a state where you can get a longer combo off. That might add some extra reward for clashing with enemies that don't have super armor.


Late to the party but awesome work guys. I'm so excited to see what happens next! Keep it up!


over 650, goddamn Julian wasn't kidding about how big the texture page was