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Here's another personal favorite of mine! Now we're getting into minibosses, and Jeckle is the middle obstacle of the Pumpkin Patch level. We had some discussion about whether to switch him with Snickywick actually, since he carries a lot more personality and might be more memorable. However, as easy as Snickywick was, Jeckle is such a simple fight as he stands now that he likely would have kept his honorary position. You might guess that as a Halloween scarecrow, he'd be sentient by magic or haunting, but Jeckle is actually animated by a whole flock of crows living inside him. His rustic look made me think of him as an older entity than his fellow chainsaw maniacs and skinnymans, so I picture him as a grizzled but  loyal old soldier.





I really do like the idea of the crows animating the body, it's neat!