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Day two of our complete Trigger Treat bestiary! When I was around five I made a Styrofoam tombstone bearing the ominous name "YOU" and painted it to look like it was bleeding. This was the scariest thing I could think of at the time, and I was disappointed that nobody seemed particularly alarmed by this. Maybe if I had made it twenty feet tall things might have turned out differently. Arizona has no other defensive capabilities besides her stony exterior, but she knows that players would likely be too busy trying not to get crushed to chip away at what would have been a hefty health bar. The grave holes would have prevented players from running away while she hovers directly over them, and the fight would have required use of the player's dash to get away. As I've mentioned before on my personal Tumblr, the flop move was something we came up with years ahead of Cuphead's release, but since they beat us to the punch I have no problem giving them dibs on forward-flopping gravestones.





I love it!


It's so cute!