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Hey guys! Just a little small update  to tide you guys over until we can get streams started later this week. We meant to show some animation off yesterday but DD just came down with the stomach flu. While he's been out though, he's been working on getting in the animations I showed off a while back in a new engine for the game. Hope we can show some new developments on that front soon!

Up there are some of the very first concepts I did for Bippy a year ago! Since then DD has started to zero in on what he wants for the aesthetic of the game, so most of these likely won't end up in the final game. When these were drawn, DD had nothing to give me in terms of visual ideas yet, so I tried a few things based solely on trying to extrapolate from Bippy's design alone. Out of all of these, I think melon head guy was the only one we both agreed we liked so maybe he can get worked in somewhere. Also there's some Jumping Flash guys.





I really love the little tea pot lad. It’s such a simple yet unique design.


aw man i love these guys, especially the potted plant dude and the alligator chef, hope u feel better soon dingdong!!


I like the Alligator butcher, he's got those crazy eyes.


Thanks for the update, hope DD feels better and I look forward to streams and future updates! <3