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Been awhile since we had a post here since there's a lot really keeping us busy! 

Currently we are in the process of porting all the code for Trigger Treat over into another software, not only just to optimize the game but also to allow the possibility of console ports within the future! We're also starting to investigate the possibility of online play as a feature which is part of why we're switching the code over! Thanks to the support of everyone here we may be able to hire on some additional help specifically for netcoding! 

While all of this is great news there is unfortunately a downside - Trigger Treat will be delayed to 2018 for its release. The time needed to port the code over will take us some time so another year is required to get all this sorted out and planned. 

The delay is disappointing for us but at the same time it will allow us to get the most out of the game that we can, plus you all may be able to enjoy it on any sort of hardware! Stay tuned for more updates and information as we tackle this whole conversion process, thanks again to everyone who has been supporting our projects!

-Ding Dong



Camui Kushi

Sounds good. Delays are temporary, regret is forever. What matters most if that you guys put out something you're happy to call your own :)


I agree with Scerttle, take your time, craft something you're proud of. I know it'll turn out well in the end!


Delays are fine. Besides, there's way too many games this year for me to have time for this. Just focus on making a great game.


Rather have it be the best it can be than have a somewhat complete release!


TBH I don't even care about the game's release I just like throwing money at Dingdong and Julian


take ur time dudes


Take your time. beautiful people!