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Hey everybody! How you been? It's been a bit since I last posted here but don't fret, I have not disappeared or given up. I've been having some bad mental health recently which has made it difficult to work. It seems to go like that a lot. Whenever I'm already behind, setbacks keep piling on. I have gotten some work done this week though so little by little I'm getting it done. Sometimes very little.

Today though I had a meeting with a manager from my new network, and it amazes me how much I still don't know about this platform I've lived and worked on for so many years. Granted it changes quite often, but even so I put a lot of energy into keeping up with YouTube and am still left in the dark. I learned a lot from our meeting which was mostly about boring (*I* find it interesting) back-end-y things like search engine optimization, but my manager also made the suggestion that I every once in a while do another Top 10 list to help smooth the transition from my old stuff into my new stuff. It had never really clicked what a difference that would make before, but now it seems like a brilliant plan. I was hesitant to get back into them for a bit because of how much work they take, especially when I don't already have years of footage backed up onto hard drives to use like I do with Pokemon, but maybe I can sort of plan them into my seasons. Every X video do a Top 10 list that might recycle some footage I already have. Or just record games for it between videos if I already know what the list will be.

Not only would this work with the almighty algorithm, but Top 10s are a tried and true way to get viewers to watch a video about a variety of topics, and not only retain viewers but bring in new ones as well. It might help me show up in peoples sub boxes again while easing people in to the idea of talking about things other than Pokemon. 

They are a bit of a trap though. They're not good at building an audience based on personality driven stuff, so you can't do them too much if you want people to come back for anything else you do. At the same time they'll always preform better than other stuff so it can be hard to see the point in doing anything else. But as long as I keep my perspective and just do them every once in a while I shouldn't have that problem.

I know most of these posts tend to be about planning rather than doing, but planning is a way I can get work done even in my downtime. It helps keep me excited to keep making videos. If I can just get through this one there's something I can't wait to cover always waiting around the bend. My biggest obstacle in making videos has always been my brain. It just doesn't like to work on a schedule. It is extremely good at some things that not many people are, but it is very very bad at the basic being-a-productive-member-of-society things that seem to be simple for most people. Neuro-atypical is what they call it, right?

If you have any ideas for Top 10s you'd like to see me do, feel free to let me know! I'll keep brainstorming as well. Maybe I can find a way to do a Top 10 Licensed Games video to keep with this season's theme? Thanks to all for patiently waiting while I sort through all this muck in my skull. I'm grateful that once I can get Patreon off the ground I can work more at my own pace, so thank you for your support once again :) Have a great week everyone.



Maybe you could make "Ask Tamashii" videos just to help you with the "algorithms" as well. This way there's more of a personal touch to it. Also, do you think you could share what you've learned with your manager? (I'm very very curious :3 )


Top 10: Launch Titles. Game Scores/Music. Game Antagonists/Protagonists.


I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share since this is a network program. Mostly it's about the same things everyone tells you (titles matter, tags matter, etc) just in more detail about how it all works. I didn't really enjoy doing Q&As so much, and I don't think they'll really help me algorithm-wise the same way. Thanks for the suggestion though!