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Hey Good Eggs!

Exciting news, the Pokemon25 video I have been working on for literally an entire year is finally done! I have watched a final draft, just had one minor note that my editor is going to fix tomorrow and then it will be ready to go up early for all of you by midweek. Thanks for all your patience! This is a courtesy post to remind you that I will be charging for this content this week, so please if you need to make any changes to your pledge, do so now. I will be making the end screen for the video today so anyone who has pledged $20 or more as of the time I'm posting this will have their names featured. 

To give you an idea of what to expect, it has nothing to do with BDSP, it is about a half hour long, and it has a ton of hot takes that I expect a lot of people will probably disagree with, as usual. But I am willing to die on this hill, apparently.

Anyway I think you'll like it, so get excited, you have something to look forward to!

Love you all,




This courtesy post reminded me to finally up my pledge before the next video. I can’t wait to watch it 😚