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$20 and up Patrons who have Paid status (meaning that they have successfully paid for at least one prior video) have received a DM this morning which they can respond to with their topics for the bonus video for May! You will have until the 7th of this month to respond before the options are put into a poll for the $5 and up tier to vote on.

I also slightly adjusted the schedule for the bonus videos due to the difficulty I had this month getting an unscripted video up on Patreon before the month rolled over. The new voting period is from the 8th to the 14th. This has been updated in the master post explaining these perks as well. I just need to know what the video is about much earlier in the month to guarantee Im not scrambling to get everything finished in the last few days. I'm excited to kick all this off!

Last night I just barely got this month's main channel video finished and up before April was over, and it will be in early access for one week again before it goes live. I would like to try to clean up the stream clips I used in the video so that the audio is not as desynced and maybe a few other little things. Thanks for your patience as I work all these little kinks out.


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