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The weekend is over and it's time to get back to 100%.

Yesterday I did a rather bittersweet DD so I will try to make this one less negative.

It's a coincidence of life that just on the weekend of the anniversary my patience reached the limit and I had to say "You know what? Fuck that shit, I'm out." just like a teenager. Shit happens, I guess. A series of events have happened in a row during the last few days/weeks that have not been too pleasant for me (nothing personal, all related to the project).

Funny because the first-anniversary post should have been done on the 23rd, 24th at the latest, it's the 25th. It's not a post narrated by angels but I like to do things in a good mood.

Anyway, I'll try to finish it tonight because I also want to release the v0.2.0 that I've been keeping to release it at this time. 

For those who are curious to know what "LA Classic" was like with all the bad stuff that goes with it, especially the Engrish. As only for the curious, I'm going to leave it as is without revising any text/bug. At that time nobody helped me with the spelling. That came soon after.

This week I'm planning to send the negativity to hell even though there are some tough weeks ahead for me:

  • Stop being active in the communities to clear my mind and keep working on L'sA.
  • Look for a new proofreader (I'll make a specific post to explain this).
  • Think about new polls for Patreon (Yes, the polls will be back, and with them the explanation of why I stopped doing them).
  • Change all my Patreon and Itch pages to give a new image to LA and make it ready for L'sA to have its space too.

Looking for a new proofreader is going to be the most work because I'll be quite meticulous as it's quite important to me. Obviously. on the assumption that there will be volunteers, if not, well, I'm not an Oxford graduate although I'm trying to improve with time...  So in case I don't find volunteers, the Engrish will be present in the public versions at least until my main proofreader gets back on track.

As I said, I'll make a post on the subject giving more details, what I'm looking for, what I expect, what I offer, etc.

See you later with the anniversary post + LA Classic!



Ard Rí Sídhhe Dragon

I just happened to be reading email when the update came in... ;) And actually, my wife sometimes complains that I take too long! *quality retort*


Hey I apologize if you have already found a proof reader but I am a native english speaker and am working on finishing my English degree in writing! if you need any help I am happy to! :)


Thanks for commenting! I'll keep that in mind as I haven't looked for any yet.