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A diary with this image? Yes, since Patreon doesn't allow me to publish NSFW content in public posts, I'm publishing it this way and writing a DD, why not. The image is clickbait, because the dragon girl you see won't appear in LA, it's a little wink to L'sA, because she's the antagonist of that story.

I wasn't planning to make a diary but I said, why not, I'll take advantage of the image in the post and make a diary for all of you.

Today's diary will be about a little bit of everything but focused on the current state of everything and it's a previous post to LA's first-anniversary post.

I'm going to use this diary as a general vent, so if you only want to see spoilers, today is not the day. But I will summarise the current state of development: 

  • With LA I have several things in mind for the next version but I'm focused on working on L'sA so in a few weeks I can have the first version ready.
  • With L'sA I'm at a key point that I've been dragging out because I want to plan it well + all the work of this week that has been delaying me. Soon I'll make a diary about L'sA.

That said, let's get to the bittersweet part of the diary, see you soon to those who close the post here!

I'm going to start with some "funny" thing that I remembered while I was thinking about the anniversary post: I was reviewing the year and I remembered when in the first versions there were people joining discord, asking me for Patreon codes (back then they only gave gold and not too much), I was surprised they didn't have any Patreon role when they literally told me in my dms: "I just pledged in your Patreon and I didn't receive the codes, please give them to me.", and just when I asked them for their Patreon username to check if it was true, they left the server... I've always found it funny because it hasn't happened to me just once or twice. It's a shame what some people do to get free stuff.

And it's about free stuff the thing because I want to link it with the contest that took place this week: A free EA (2w) of v0.9.0 totally free for the fastest ones. Specifically, I split it up and there were 10 people on the English channels and another 10 on the Spanish Discord channels.

The contest was simple: A quiz with a few questions just like the Lisapi Quizzes.

Answer a few questions and get access to a free EA? Fuck, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

I announced the contest on Discord, Patreon, and Itch. Do you want to know how many people participated? 3/20 in total. 1 from the English community and 2 from the Hispanic community. Ironical the low participation in the Hispanic community because when it comes to free stuff... Anyway, what did I expect? I'm not sure, I just wanted to make something different.

Same as with the short game: Something different but short and funny. I didn't want to do the typical anniversary render in a post and just say: "Well, see you next year". I wanted to make it different and with dedications included. I'm not complaining about the result for being done in less than 48h of work. As a consequence, I'm still dragging the fact that I didn't sleep for two days but apparently you all are happy with this gift so I'm happy with that.

All this + another series of events that have arisen these last weeks (nothing personal, everything is related to the project and all that it entails), has brought some disastrous consequences for my mind. I'm not going to give details because this would seem like a diary of a teenager who hates the world but the truth is that I didn't think that some things and people would push my patience and trust to the limit these last weeks...

As a consequence of this weird mix I have in my mind right now, I'm going to stay away from communities in general and mainly Discord for a while. I'll log in a couple of times a day to see if anyone needs anything or if I have any DMs but nothing more. I've already been participating less and less during the year in order to make better use of my time, although I admit that from time to time I liked to talk to everyone and especially to some of you in particular. So for an indeterminate amount of time, I'm going to be quite absent in general as far as social interaction is concerned. I'll still keep an eye on the help channels and share spoilers from time to time.

NOTE: The diaries will still be on a weird schedule until I get everything planned out but I'm not going to stop doing them.

Continuing with the negativity, let's talk about Lisapi, who is not related to the above. Lisapi on Discord drastically decreased her activity due to a set of things that happened to her in her personal life. Nothing bad fortunately but I have my doubts that she will ever be active again, at least as she was before when we were both on the same schedule as she had free time and tried to match her connection times with mine. Things happen, but I hope that one day she will be able to manage her life better and have more time to connect and not just to check DMs and make announcements when I ask her to. I could ask her for her account and pretend nothing happened, but I don't want to have even more work and do Lisapi's own roleplay.

I was going to say it's not all bad, but there's nothing good right now. Actually, there is, because thanks to you I've been developing for a year now and I'll keep on working hard so that next year we'll celebrate the second anniversary and so on.

I'm not going to thank you here because all that will be in the anniversary post that I have to finish. I am going to make a special mention to 4-Bit-Player who, when I urgently needed someone to do a quick spellcheck of the new content, agreed without complaint and put more effort than other volunteers I have had during this year. 

"Hey, Keisi I'll help you with the spelling" -> plays the new content  -> not fix shit, not even things left by me on purpose... Contests to get free stuff isn't cool but take advantage of Keisi? That's cool, sure.

Having said all this, I say goodbye, thanks to those who have read the whole thing and excuse me for this bittersweet diary but I wanted to let off some steam and tell you a little bit about the absurd and unnecessary nonsense that I have to be seeing every so often since I have no one to talk to about this kind of things.

See you in the next diary!



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