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Hey guys, sorry for the long hiatus I've just gone through with very little updates. I just finished my second last year of school and it's been a rough couple of months, so I needed to focus on that for a while. Understandably, I've lost a few patrons due to lack of activity and that's totally understandable. But I appreciate everyone reading this for sticking around and I promise I'll repay that with a ton of quality this summer.

I have a few important things to share with you all. I have been working on video stuff a ton in the past week or so though and things should be back to normal by the end of this week! The next video will be released on Friday. After that, subsequent videos shouldn't take more than 1-2 weeks to release. For information about these video topics, check the next for for 5$+ patrons, which reveals the next bunch of topics.

Secondly, I'll be adding a couple of things to the rewards. 

- 10$+ Patrons will now get early access to scripts for videos I'm currently working on. A couple of rough drafts are available in the "Upcoming VIdeo Scripts" post

- 15$+ Patrons will now get early access to a scheduled video 1-2 days before the video is released. Friday's video should be available for those Patrons a bit later today.

Hopefully you guys enjoy these. Stay tuned on the channel for a lot more stuff very soon and thanks very much for your support again.


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