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As I've said in previous posts, the next two videos will be:

1) A thematic analysis of Monster, and 

2) A character analysis of HxH's Shaiapouf

Just to give you guys an update on where I am with both of them - I have the Monster video all recorded, I just need to add the visual footage and edit. However, that video is being held up for reasons out of my control so it may be a while before I can get to releasing it. The HxH video's script is completely finished (after a ton of thinking, editing and analyzing) and I hope to record at least a portion of it this weekend. In the days after that, I'll start on putting it all together. However, school is still going to be coming in hard for the next couple of weeks so it may take a while to finish.

The Shaiapouf video will take more time to make because it is a monster and a lot of little touches will go into the editing, but it actually may be released before the Monster one. I'll just see how it goes.

Thanks to everyone for the continued support and I hope you guys have a great weekend!