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My pc is back from the shop, in working order hooray. I am currently in the process of restoring my system/preferences for most things and recovering my backed up files.

Gonna have a lot of files to sort through, consolidate, configure, recombobulate, give kisses, reassure with pets, let rise, bake at 425 degrees, demystify, cleanse of curses and enchantments, restore, apply for extended warranties, reinstall and bark at profusely.

I will try to recover my audio drivers/obs preferences the rest of this and if I get my tablet and clip studio back in order with all my  brushes/layouts/preferences restored I can maaaybe do a stream on the weekend.

Remember to back up your whole system image more than once a year.
Don't be me, a fool.

In the downtime have been doing my best to get some queue commissions either in the colour stage from inking, or almost fully coloured, more  than a few are at around 90% completion so I may spend a few streams  trying to wrap those up.

I will update patreon soon with some finished commission work, I do apologize for the unfortunate lower output of stuff this month given the circumstances. Will try to double make up for it going into July.

This has been your weekly Pupdate.


Dave Sanders

Oh, thank god for that.