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So a worst case scenario just took place the other night while my pc was attempting a major update.

After the update failed, there was major corruption in critical system processes and drivers and nothing was working correctly. But I was still in a bootable state and able to move most of my extra download folder, preferences, and document files on the install disk to an external for backup. I carefully documented everything I needed to reinstall, attempted to back up any settings for programs that I could, rescuing anything and everything I could think of.

I will need to take the next few days to diagnose a potential issue with my RAM, and if one or both of the sticks are causing bluescreens on restart, I may need to replace them entirely.

So that is where I am at, tonight I attempted to repair the windows install while keeping the files, which failed. So I was forced to format the ssd and do a clean install, which also gave a memory related bluescreen but still seems to have installed fine otherwise?

I am hesitant to start the arduous process of restoring all my drivers, programs and settings until my constant random memory related blue screen when restarting issue is resolved.

So I apologize for delays in updating the patreon with anything.

I must stress that despite the pc issues, no artwork is at risk and it’s all safe on my drives/cloud for now. I can still work on my ipad, I just won’t really be able to stream again or sketch stream in general until I have restored my art program, obs, reinstalled my tablet, restored my brushes, etc, etc.

It has been kind of a random nightmare, so I apologize if I don’t end up posting more than one or two things this month, I am working hard on finishing older queue work as well as working on updates to the Donkey Machine on the side. But the extra stress and anxiety from this whole PC scenario has just been a punch in the gut and I can barely think straight trying to desperately remember what all I have to do in what order right now.

I am going to try to take deep breaths and work through it all. Hope to be back at 100% soon!

I may need to take random sketches later in the month to help out with bills here or there, but the best I can offer aside from doing them offline is 1-2 hour sessions (airpod battery life kinda limits me) while streaming it on discord in private or through the server screenshare on my ipad. But I’ll see how things go with the pc the next few days.



I'm cool with doing something offline if you need it, I'm sure there are plenty of others who would be happy to as well. I hope everything works out well soon, super condolences for this.