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  • Tigermonthtimelapse.mp4



At the start of February it's going to be the Year of the Tiger! So for January stream sketches will have a tiger theme and hopefully get one or two tiger sequences out of the way too!

Will aim to do one tiger wheel stream per weekend back to regular schedule. Weekdays will be reserved for posting, working out larger commissions on and off stream, appointments and rest days.

In February I may take break period from wheel streams to refocus on the larger commission queue and contact some people.

Q: What if I don't like tigers and have been waiting to commission ______ instead?

A: If you win a wheel during tiger month and don't want a tiger commission, I can skip your win on stream, and add a normal sketch to my trello sketch queue for you to be done off stream or over discord at a later date. However there's a reasonable limit to how much I would be able to queue up so just keep that in mind if you are dead set on something else.

(Feel free to ask any other questions and I will add them to this post!)



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