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Final countdown to the end of 2021's wild ride is almost over.

I am going to take a break from streaming tonight to enjoy it with friends/family. But can't wait to see you guys next year.

My main goals for next year: catch up on commission work, offer more colour work in general and hopefully set up some scheduled semi regular archive posts with rough sketch versions of older works. And hopefully destroy the ancient evil spirit that has been attempting to break free from the barrier in the basement before it escapes and corrupts me into a demon beast.

I don't know if I'll be able to make a quick pic for new years! But it has always been a tradition to doodle at least one thing, if I do I'll add it to this post as an extra.

Thanks for all your patience and hope you all have a great new years celebration! Cheers!

*Updated with tradition of New Years pic*



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