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Yesterday I got an eye exam and while there was thankfully no issues with losing my vision or going blind, there is still a strain on my right eye which has been causing a bit of blurry double vision and strain when reading and working. So in two weeks I will have some glasses that should fix some headaches I've been having lately when trying to draw.

I still have to wait a month to see if there is an inner ear/jaw joint problem but thankfully nothing that has been affecting me lately seem to be anything life threatening.

I do think it'd be best for my health for now if I reduce my screen time until I can go pick up the glasses, so I may be on a streaming hiatus until around Oct 11th. I may take this time to plan some stuff out in pencil or get some organization/cleaning done.

I will still finish up what I can and try to get a bunch more personal/commission work uploaded in the latter half of October. Paw beans crossed that no more health issues arise.




Welcome to the world of glasses. My eyes are worse than yours, a lot worse. Break as long as you need to, we'll wait for you.


*paw beans crossed*