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I haven't really said anything outside of discord/private so I may as well make a short post about it.

I've been dealing with some strange health issues that have started to get progressively worse, but I have been keeping track of them with a symptom journal since late August, They may have started as early as July but it was less noticeable back then and I at most just felt a little sick here and there.

But as I don't like to jump to conclusions I won't bother listing off too many symptoms for speculation. I have tried my best to make appointments with doctors and have gone to the ER at least twice with no real answers and got brushed away as they were too busy with more urgent patients and advised I speak to a family doctor instead.

However as of the pandemic, our family doctor has chosen to only go into the office once a week and now only speaks to patients over the phone to determine if they need to be seen in person. In lieu of this I called the phone health support line to see if my problem was urgent and they said I should just go to the ER. But that is the general response they have always given.

Fast forward to recently, and my last ER visit on the 14th had me get a (negative) Covid test, some blood work which I got no information given to me about other than it "looks fine" and a CT scan which there's no masses or anything in my brain at least!

I'm still waiting on a phone appointment with the family doctor so I can try to see her in person and discuss the next course of action, I have plenty of potential suspicions of what could be causing things, as one of the symptoms involves slight vision blur in one eye, and a lot of the other symptoms seem to point to either nerve related pains, poor circulation or some kind of jaw/ear/tooth related disorder or infection I may need to see a specialist for soon.

So ultimately I appreciate everyone's patience during this time if they are waiting on me to post or hear back on anything from me, I've been feeling very tired and nauseous a lot this week so I have mostly been resting a lot, trying to eat healthy and stretch when I can. It's been very poor weather lately though so I haven't really been able to go out and jog or walk much.

Going into October I may just end up needing to take a break once I catch up with any bills and not take on any sketch/stream work until I have lightened my load a bit and given myself time to heal/investigate, heck I could just need glasses soon by coincidence as a genetics thing and then I will have to draw myself in the future as a dorky werewolf nerd with glasses all the time!

Will try to get a few more things posted when I catch up though, I have been really anxious to feel better cause it sucks having no energy when I just wanna draw all of the things and a lot of them are already sketched or half done, etc.

I will try to take better care and I really hope it's just a simple problem that doesn't need any expensive dental work. I don't have insurance so that would suck if I need a bunch of root canal work. Weh. Anywhoo if you have any questions feel free to send em my way. Thanks for reading!



take care of yourself!

