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Hello. A little update on the tablet situation.

After looking at all the available options closely I decided on and ordered a new Cintiq, this one will take some days, maybe even until next Tuesday in arriving.

Repairing the previous one (will still try to do) takes something like three months while I get some parts from China (or elsewhere). Tried doing color on mobile/phone but that didn't work for me hehe. Also yesterday I got an old Intuos that I will be using for drawings in the meantime, but I still need to get used to it well and set up various things, I will share in a another post various previews/sketchs I have been doing with it and other devices.

Thank you so much for the all the comments of support, tips, offers to help, donations, new/upgraded pledges I  received these past days <333



Tail tail

Well, it’s a bad scenario, but let’s hope nothing goes wrong with the new one when it arrives. Good luck on trying to fix the broken tablet, wish you the best of luck.


Good to see you getting back at it. Don’t let it discourage you. ^-^