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Hello everybody. Since last weekend I had issues with my Cintiq. Yesterday finally failed completely…

Until I can get it fixed or replaced, this means that complex and featured paintings will have to be paused some days (maybe a week as minimum). This includes unfinished pieces like Eevee, Grey fox, Arctic fox and complex commissions. Thanks for your understanding and patience for those all who where waiting soon for those works v_v.

Nevertheless, I still have some mobile devices I can work other things and I will take the chance to progress Monthly folders or more simple drawings this week, so in the bright side those will be sooner this month xD. I'm thinking on upload them in posts/batches instead of a full folder this time given the situation, but let's see first how I can get a temporarily workflow that works well between operating systems.





Hope you'll be able to get a replacement soon, it always sucks when electronics die :c


Sorry to hear that, Ancesra. >w<


Oh no! TwT


Oh now wish there was a way for us to help.

Tail tail

That’s highly unfortunate, I hope you get it replaced if not fixed.


Good luck with this, hope you will find a way to get that fixed soon !


On a side note I really love the drawing you did for the announcement


get some rest until you tools ready, it's fine :3