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A harem numbering in 3 digits are gonna go through a lot of thongs. Fortunately, the harem has maid duty, so they don’t have to worry about doing their laundry... Unless they are ON maid duty of course 😂 Then they might have to wash an entire harems worth of thongs.

I want the duties of the household to be sorta like a lottery among the maids, so they it’s completely fair. Sometimes they are on laundry, other times they are cooking, other times again, they are on cleaning. In any case, they are keeping Ron’s mansion spotless and tidy.

And… we are gonna meet a person soon in sketch/drawing form that has otherwise only been a name in the comic. A person, that will take the role as Head Maid and will be in perpetual Maid form. She is sorta like the general of Ron’s army of maids and she is the one to keep them all in line.
  And we all know certain maids are gonna complain of their duties… Cough!-Bonnie, Connie and Lonnie! -Cough! Sorry about that.

But some girls, including Ann are actually enjoying Maid duty, because when the girls are off maid Duty they are expected to either relax or do other stuff than household work.

I hope you like this sketch.

Yours truly



Nicholas Hernandez

Oh my you should take care of that cough 🤣


The crazy part is that there wasn’t a single bra in any of the dirty laundry.