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And you wonder why Ron never gets any work done… 😂

Hey everyone. Mixed feelings today, but not sick or anything, just moody... it happens. We can’t be happy all the time.

I hope you are all happy and doing well.

I just wanted to roll something by you once again, please don’t post any of my work elsewhere. It really bums me out whenever it happens. I know those who do it, probably do so with the best intentions, but is wrecks my mood every single time.

I hope you understand and respect my feelings about my work. ❤️

I truly appreciate you and your support. Thank you a million ❤️ You are the best.

Yours truly



Cerulean Walker

No wonder that desk is wobbly.

Osbourne GG

Well glad to see Ron chose a very very experienced secretary Seeing this I'm reminded of Halle Berry from the Flinstones saying I'd like you to know... That I enjoy working long hours, late nights, even weekends So feel free to use me... however you see fit. 😉 Hahaha