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Last day in Kyoto. It has been absolutely wonderful here. Nice people, fantastic food, good times. I hope to return with tons of inspiration to make (hopefully) some Japanese themed illustrations. Mainly one with Ron, Kim Adrena and Shego in Kimonos ♥️ but for now Tokyo awaits. I hope to see and try some new stuff while here. We are actually attending an artists gallery showroom of his work with a party.

Daniel Kelly 😊 American artist living in Japan. Look him up to check out his work. The guy is a lot of fun, and man can he drink 😂 he’s a really chill and pleasant character. I’ve actually been pondering if I could come and work for him, just for a few weeks to see if some of his skills could help me evolve into other directions🤗 one never knows.

Other than that, I enjoy the scenery. The girls here are so cute. Standing 6’ feet myself I tower over most of them, but strangely the Japanese men are not that much shorter than me, if at all. I have no idea why the difference is like this, but it is. The Japanese have a really charming and good looking fashion sense. And then there is the constant politeness. A real gem of a people. I can only recommend Japan as a traveling destination.

My brother likes it too. Especially the food.

I hope you can accept this small update as I have had literally NO time to draw. But I shall return with a vengeance ♥️♥️ full of drawings.

Yours truly



Meshach Berry

Glad you're enjoying it. Sounds like a wonderful time.

Tom Ristenbieter

what you ahve to visit is a musclegirl bar, i was ine one once and it was fucking amazing, some girls had really sexy sixpacks XD