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Hello everyone.

I am flying in some hours, but I am probably not gonna be able to draw a lot these next few hours. As I am gonna be in travel mode. I am probably gonna sleep most of the way. But that is one thing I do well. I can sleep on airplanes. ❤️

Here is another page for ya. Just like last time I went to Japan I had a ton of sketches ready to line up and ink. It wasn’t easy to sketch in Japan, but I might get some work done in the hours in between seeing the sights. So hopes are I can at least update you a little bIt. I love traveling, but it can be stressful, and nothing decreases stress for me than drawing.


Amelia is an opportunist. And she also creates her own opportunities. But she also talks a big game. Ron better put that beautiful loud mouth of hers to good use… don’t you think 😊🤭

I hope you are all doing well and are taking every day as it is.

To all my long time followers I am eternally grateful for your support of my work, you are amazing ❤️
And to all newcomers, Welcome welcome welcome ❤️ and if you have returned back from a break, a heartwarming welcome back to you ❤️

Ron Stoppable’s adventures continue.

Yours truly




I definitely love Amelia.


Rest well man. Enjoy the trip.