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Harry: Phew… that was a lot of dancing, huh Fleur… Fleur?

Fleur: I ’ope you aren’t too tired ’Arry… for now… the true party begins…

That poor bed… It ain’t gonna survive the night…

Hehehe, this one was really fun to make. I have had in my mind, pretty much since I made the drawing with Fleur in bed looking back at us ❤️
But I wanted to build up the correct line of the story. 

I hope you enjoy it, and will respect my wish and not upload any of my work anywhere else, that would truly mean the world to me. Thank you for your understanding and support. ❤️

Yours truly




Someone has been on a huge Fleur kick, and I like it.


Hopefully they don’t disturb Fleur’s bed neighbors too much and keep them up all night to listen to them fucking.


I actually suspect, that I draw certain characters depending on my mood… and that mood is Fleur at the moment 😗