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“The face that launched a thousand ships”…

Yeah right… it was her huge ass hooters that launched the Greek fleet to go into an all out war against Troy.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why the Trojans kidnapped the Queen of Sparta, but I also totally understand why the Greeks were hell bent on getting her back.

Oh poor Helen.
It is not always a blessing to be so beautiful. ❤️

I do prefer the version that Stephen Fry comes up with in his wonderful rendition of the tale as old as civilization itself. A war, fought over a woman. A tale of honor, love and the destruction that is war. And in the end, the confrontation to the daunting question… What are you willing to sacrifice for victory?

Ahem… uh… getting a little off topic here…

Anyhoo 😅 I hope you enjoy dear Helen and that you will also understand and respect my wish not to post my work anywhere else, thank you so much ❤️ You guys are the best.

I am also (in a result to what was once known as ‘twitter’ going to utter shit) attempting to become more active on discord among other places. A shame really but… there is no cure for… whatever the Lone Skum is suffering from.
Forgive my pig Latin… I never learned it.

Yours truly❤️




Forgot Helen of Troy was on the Hercules cartoon. Looks well on what you did on this version.


To me it was always a little weird that she and Hercules had a sorta flirt going on… Helen is according to the canon the daughter of Zeus as well… Herc’s half sister 😂


Ooo I can't wait to read about that!


Welcom to the afther times of the 2015 Henrik. I am shure you too will find Discord more comfortable to work with. Thank you for your work. ☺️♥️