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This time, the goddesses in Norse mythology, in modern party dresses.

From the left; Her majesty, Frigg, Queen of Valhalla and ruler of Asgaard.

Freja: Goddess of love, lust and war, and ruler of Folkvang and Folkvanggaard.

Idun: Keeper of the golden apples grove. Goddess of fertility and kindness.

Sif Goldhair: Wife of the god of Thunder, and (possibly) Freja’s cousin.  
The Norse pantheon was considerably smaller than the Greek. Given the Asa-faith didn’t have that long time to develop or even evolve it is really not that strange.
Also, you have to consider the environmental differences. The lavish and somewhat gentle climate around the Mediterranean gave the people longer time and better conditions to invent characters to explain the phenomenons of the world.

I know that Frigg (sometimes called Frigga - mostly in Germanic sagas) is often compared to Freja and sometimes they are held as the same. I do not personally share this opinion. In my idea they are part of a triad that somewhat explains the different stages/positions of a woman’s life - during the Viking age that is.

Idun has very little if even any stories tied to her. In fact, you could say she is kinda like the off child, as she holds a very strange position in the Nordic pantheon.
The tribes of Vikings were often barbaric and most lived of fishing. Farming and farmers where not defenseless, as they built their houses in a very smart way to actually defend well against invaders - low doors - that would force any intruders who didn’t call out a code word (maybe) to expose their necks, making it easy for anyone to defend the house. All you had to do, was hit when you saw a neck.

Idun I have decided to make a little special - in a way, she is a Greek goddess in witness protection so to speak. She is one of the Hesperides - or at the very least one of their daughters.

If you are unaware of who the Hesperides were then do not fret. As was I when I heard the name spoken in English. Pronunciation is a bitch.
The Hesperides were the Nymphs of the West. The sunset Nymphs. In a way, the most beautiful of all Nymphs. They were said to be of golden light, and the phenomenon of The green light when the sun finally sets was of their making - that last part is mine. Given I have actually seen the green flash a few times and I was blown back both times. I bet conditions has to be just right. But it happens.

So that tale, mixed with a little of my personal experience has led me to the design and the telling of Idun’s story.

Now you might ask; But Hammer, why the purple color for her dress?

And that is what I love about you guys, you ask such intelligent and observant questions, you know, I honestly don’t give you enough credit.♥️
I have to alter that.
See, the purple color is one - one of my favorites, but it also is closely related to Idun’s identity as the keeper of the golden apples of youth in the stories of Norse mythology.
Apples are a seasonal treat - or at least they were back in the day, and they are associated with autumn. And purple is popularly known as an autumn color. And it goes well with redheads, everyone knows that 😊 Daphne Blake from Scooby doo, Kim Possible in season 4, Even Dexter had purple gloves.

Sif Goldhair is as we all know the wife of Asa-Thor.
Sif has always struck me as something of a powerhouse of a woman. She had to be, to be the wife of Thor himself - the most badass of all gods ever - Yes EVER! I was born on a Thors Day during a thunderstorm, so no one will ever alter that opinion of mine.

Before you ask, my dear patrons, no, I haven’t played the last game of God of War, but I have seen a ton of art and some videos about it, and it looks fantastic, and I loved the design of Thor… a little… iffy on Odin‘s design, but Sif and Trud clearly stole the picture. Damn did they look fine.

Sif as mentioned, in my childhood, I always saw her as this really strong, really powerful woman who didn’t take crap from everyone, and also, I saw her as a boss and a warrior - one who could put Thor in his place, and match him in the bed.
And I liked the tale of which she got hair of pure gold… surely it was human hair as pretty as gold. Because gold hair would be wayyyyy too heavy 🤭
But lush and pretty and strong - and also, good with kids. A kick ass mom.

That is my Sif.

I hope you like this unusually long post for this, but it took a little longer to draw than usual.     

I hope you like it, you lovely wonderful yous out there. ♥️

Yours truly




Damn. It's mythology-class all over again. 😂 But to be fair goddesses which become Ron's wifes is really ... Intriguing. 😏 Especially with Sif. She has that thing that really makes me attracted to her. Idk what it is but she has it. 😍 Man would Tore be angry is he found out that his wife had an affair with our hero. 😅 And I've noticed that they are like a head taller than Tonnie judging from the shodows behind them. But anyway Thank you for showing the literal goddesses to us and i hope your good and well. Idk when you celebrate Easter because in my country we celebrate it a week latter (16 of April) but HAPPY EASTER EVERY ONE 🎉🐇 😊

Runus Brewblade

NORSE GODDESSES!!!! WOOHOO!!! I love them! You bring them to life and make them look and feel sexy and powerful. Freyaj is my patron goddess for me but I have a deep respect and love for the others xox


Will we see more of this quartet in the future?

Julian Fratzscher

Damn these goddesses look fine, I think my favorite is Sif. (Probably for her muscled build.^^)


So are all of them gonna be Ron Wifes


Wives/protectors. They each have a sorta magical element that they empower or instill in the girls of the harem that they have ‘chosen’ for themselves. ♥️ Kinda like, Hogwarts sorting into the houses.

Osbourne GG

I like the shadows of the other main. KP girls haha can you imagine shego and Bonnie's reactions to seeing Ron with literal goddesses haha Sif Vs Shego is no contest

I. Nobes

Just wanna see more of them all. Especially Sif. Please


Such lovely ladies you’ve drawn up dude I can’t wait to see them more