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Hello Everyone ♥️

I am back.
I have had a nice little 4 days vacation with my father in the wonderful city of Berlin. Visiting some nice familiar restaurants and getting a little sightseeing done. The city once torn in two by a wall has become a cultural marvel, filled to the boom with gorgeous buildings, centers, museums and great hotels.

The city has a colored and not all good history, but instead of denying it, the population embrace it, and teach it at every chance they get.
The city has long ago won my heart, in many ways, more so than other wonderful cities in Europe - and I have seen a great number of them at this point.

Berlin is not for everyone, that I understand, but if you ever get to spend some days in the city, then grant yourself a good experience, and take some good long strolls in the city. You wont regret it. It is perhaps not as glamorous as Paris, perhaps not as antique as Rome, and perhaps not as inviting as Amsterdam, but Berlin has more than it’s fair share of a great number of other traits, that puts the city high on my favorite list.
If there ever was a European city I would say was New York-ish then it’s Berlin. Just with better parking.

My father and his wife has been away a lot so it’s not too much I have seen of them lately, so 4 days with my old man was wonderful. We walked a ton around the city, and had some great food and some really good wines.
The drawing I have made I have just spent the last few hours on. Yes it took that long, because sadly I have acquired me a really bad case of Land-sickness. Yes that’s a thing.

It’s kinda the opposite of sea-sickness.

See, we took the ferry to get from Denmark to Germany. You can discuss which is faster, driving through Jylland to Germany or take the ferry at the southest island, but from Copenhagen to Berlin the ferry way is the most direct route.

But there can be a hitch, like land-sickness. It sorta feel like I am still on the ferry, while I am just sitting in my chair writing this. I feel like I am rocking, but I am not actually sure if my body rocks. It sorta follows my breathing.

Don’t worry though, I have felt like this before. Some long walks and I should be up to speed again, but it can last a while.

The drawing itself is featuring our lovely Freya and Gunnlöd. Both are characters of the Norse mythology. Gunnlöd I think I have presented for you at least once, and is a Jotun. The Norse equivalent of a giant/titan from Greek mythology. In essence, related to the gods, but also distant from them, and more often, the antagonists of the gods.

Gunnlöd is the keeper of the poetic mead and she is both very strong and very beautiful.

Popularly gods are depicted as somewhat larger than humans. Like a head larger than even a tall man. So Freya towers over our hero Ron. Now imagine how large Gunnlöd is.
I think I have to make a line up where I show Gunnlöd next to Freya, just to show in full detail.  
Anyhoo ♥️

I hope you are all in good spirit and can forgive my rather quick decisioned vacation, but it was wonderful. I hope you all have a good Easter as well.

Yours truly



I. Nobes

She big and thiccc... Death by snu snu!

Uncle Flaco

Good Gracious She's Big & Hot XD 👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥


I cannot wait till we get this far into the story.


I am happy to hear that your ok and that you have had a wonderful time from wich you have made memories. Thank you for your work considering you have just returned from your trip. ☺️♥️


Hey have you ever though about doing the girls from total drama island.

Julian Fratzscher

Okay, I definitely misread that at first, cause I thought Gunnlöd offered to have sex with Freya in exchange for Informations about her husband.