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As I have recently begun to take more care of my body - daily walks, home workout, the likes, I sorta thought it would be fun to put Narcissa Potter - a pureblod witch in a muggle gym.
And I bet even the clothes are obscene to her. Now don’t get me wrong, Narcissa shows off flesh at a number of times, but I sorta figured she would look down upon this type of clothing, and I thought it would be funny for Harry to ‘force’ her to wear it.

Now I am not saying that Mrs Potter has gotten fat or anything (would never dream of it… I am not that dumb… I know she knows the death spell…😓) but we all benefit from a healthy stroll and some simple work out on a regular basis.

I hope you like this Narcissa Potter drawing.

Yours truly



Uncle Flaco

Dude this is great XD

Jeremy Zachary

How do purebloods stay in shape, I mean magic can do so much l, but it can't last forever.


Well in Narcissa’s situation she simply lets her husband breed her until the fat literally drips off of her… other than that, a slim fast potion is always a good option-


I am sorry but why is it that she looks sooo cute when she is angry or mad?

The Incredible Bray

Harry at this point is going to make a list of places to FUCK. The Supermarket Someone’s Birthday Party The Public Pool The Game


Oh wow that’s really tight on her I wonder what that back view looks like 🍑👀

Julian Fratzscher

Dunno what she has against those clothes, they really point out her exquisite body.


We all know where the fat on her goes anyways. Literally actually, Henrik did a character info on the Black family that explain their bodies. Select breeding can do wonders for certain genetics.

I. Nobes

No matter what she wears. She always looks amazing. So Harry knows this and goes clothes shopping with her for just style? XD