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Tonnie: What? Even nudists do their laundry every once n a while.

Tonnie’s daughters aren’t reliable so she ends up doing most of the work around the house. That is, Tonnie doesn’t expect her girls to do her work, but now that they are basically all adults she appreciates the help.

Connie helps where she can, but… she is so clumsy that no help from Connie would actually be preferable.

Bonnie has her mind on other things and therefore either forgets or willfully forgets to do her chores.

Lonnie is the worst of the bunch though. She would strut around naked in public given half a chance.

Facts about Tonnie that some might know and others might not.

Tonnie is a splendid cook. In fact, among Ron’s harem she is in the top 5 in the cooking skill. Not only is she creative but her many trips to Europe has given her a lot of insight into healthy, tasty and nutritious diets. I like to think that is one of the key elements to why her daughters are all taking so well after her.

I hope you like this sketch of Tonnie.

Yours truly



Meshach Berry

I would love to be a nudist in Tonnie’s home ☺️