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Yori and some of her classmates sneaks in, ninja style, to get up and close with the new exchange student Stoppable Ron-San.
I found them in the episode as background characters. More precisely in food line, when they have to snatch their breakfast from the sushi lady.

I always loved that scene. ♥️

They have no names as of yet. But I am working on that.

I hope you like where I am going with this sketch.

Yours truly




And btw will Ron get monkey powers or is it a working progress?


Ohh right you placed the story after the emotion control device wich i think was after that. Makes sense. It was a long time since I've watched the show. 😅


With Yori's stealth skills you gotta wonder how many times she's done this.


Probably every night Ron was at Yamanouchi. She felt it was good practice for their future as husband and wife.

Stone Quillian III

Nice Yori shot. Maybe you could call the girls Mai and Kaede.

Michael Wilson

Love this sketch, can’t wait to see more 😊

Jaguar Man

Appreciate seeing breasts on asian girls!! These OCs look amazeballs.

Jaguar Man

Would you happen to have a name for these OCs or are they remaining as background characters? They are extremely pretty.