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Please make sure to understand one thing.
I love Arthur and Molly Weasley and I prefer them together. I love them in the canon and I love their many children… even Ron Weasley… sometimes at least.
I wrote this as it was literally the only scenario I could see unfold. It was the only way in my mind that Molly would go over to Harry.
No other way. If you have other scenarios then please keep it to yourself, I am not interested in hearing it because I simply don’t buy it.

That being said I was actually horrified of this scenario, but I also… I also once read somewhere that Rowling had actually planned out for Arthur to die in either the 5th or the 7th book, but she altered it. Completely understandable.

But I hope that this VERY alternate version of the event’s in the franchise can be a little entertaining… I hope you can forgive me if not.

I hope you you enjoy it.
Yours truly


The funeral had been pure sadness.

Molly Weasley had been inconsolable - understandably so. She had just lost her dear husband… mr. Arthur Weasley.

Struck down by death eaters.

Harry was staying in Molly’s house. He felt guilty even though the Death Eaters targeted everyone who was against their cause.

Molly’s sons were all out hunting down the villains who had taken their father from them.

Harry had been ordered to stay back and keep safe. Harry had had the same bloodlust and wanting for vengeance as the Weasley boys, but Molly had talked to him so firmly and so strongly that even he dared not disobey her.

As mentioned, the funeral had been sad.

Molly was dressed in her black dress and was drying through it all. Harry had been at her side, giving her strength. Harry really couldn’t believe Arthur was gone… He had been the nicest and most wonderful man. Harry wouldn’t go so far as to say he had been a father figure to him, but he had seen him for what he was - a really good man, and a wonderful father to his children.

Harry sorta agreed with himself, that if he could be only half the father for his own kids, that Arthur had been to his, then his kids were gonna be a lucky bunch.

Through the entire ceremony, Molly had held Harry’s hand, and Harry had held it firmly and strong.

As the little wizard who held the speech for Arthur, Molly lost her collection and fell around Harry’s neck, sobbing like crazy.


After the funeral, Molly’s sons all went away to hunt for the killers.

Harry was forced to stay behind with Molly, who seemed endlessly sad.

Understandably so.

Harry wanted to make everything as easy and as simple for her, so come dinnertime, he wanted to help her cook, but there was little need for it.

She used her magic to make the most lovely onion soup and roast.

They ate alone, and in much silence.

When they were done, Harry wanted to help with the dishes, but Molly declined.

Harry got the feeling he wasn’t wanted near her, so… he went to bed early and sorta began preparing in his mind… for leaving the house. He couldn’t bear the thought of Molly Weasley sending him away. And he couldn’t bear it either to cause her anymore pain by staying.

He snuck into bed, and began thinking over how he best got the heck out of dodge.

It took a while, but he finally fell into an uneasy sleep.

Moments later - or so it felt, Harry was awoken by a knocking on the door. Had Harry not been sleeping so lightly, he wouldn’t have registered it.

Harry turned on the light and looked over at the door. A voice called from the other side.

“Harry… Harry dear… are you… are you awake?”

“Uh, yes… yes I am mrs. Weasley…”

Harry stiffened himself. He imagined a hundred different horrible scenarios to unfold. One including a screaming Mrs. Weasley blamed him for the death of her husband and yelled at him that she wanted him out of her house forever. In many ways, his worst nightmare.

The door opened a little and Harry could see Mrs. Weasley’s face look directly at him.

“Uh, Harry…”

Harry felt a chill fall over his body.

“Do… do you mind… if I sleep in here… with you tonight?”

This Harry hadn’t expected. At all.

“Uh… what?”

“I… I don’t feel comfortable sleeping alone… would you mind it, my dear?”

Harry blinked. He was so perplexed that he shook his head.

“No, no I wouldn’t mind it at all, Mrs. Weasley.”

Mrs. Weasley smiled her beautiful smile, and opened the door to walk inside.

Harry saw she was dressed in her morning coat.

As she approached Harry’s bed she removed the coat and showed him her nightgown. It was a beautiful silk dress. She moved the duvet and crawled into Harry in the bed.

She smiled at Harry as she snuggled up close to him.

“You are certain it is alright?” She sounded very nervous.

“Yes, it’s fine, Mrs. Weasley.”

Molly smiled.

“Thank you so much, my dear.” and then she kissed him right on the mouth and turned to her other side.

Harry blinked and smiled. She had kissed him… probably how she used to kiss…

Harry fell onto his back.

He stared up into the wooden ceiling.

Of all the horrible things the Weasley Family had endured, now they had this horrible loss in the family.

All the children were adults, and all had good jobs. They would easily pull through. All graduates from Hogwarts University. They would all be fine. But what about Molly?

Harry looked at her shoulders. In the dark she was still slightly visible to him in front of the moonlight that came in from outside the window.

If she only knew how much he loved her. And how much he cared for her. She had shown him the truest and deepest of affections. In many ways just like a mother… even though she wasn’t his mother.

He didn’t really see her as his mother either. But he loved and cared for her unlike any other woman in the world.

How much more pain would he end up causing her…? Was he toxic to the people around him? Was he really a walking deathmark to all who took him in?

Harry was once again filled with thoughts of leaving the boroughs. Leave, in order to spare Mrs. Weasley from anymore suffering.


A gentle voice could be heard in the dark room. Harry had been so far off in his thoughts he had forgotten that he wasn’t alone in here.

“Uh… yes… mrs. Weasley…?”

Harry felt the bed shake, as Molly was turning around. She was now facing him, but he could only slightly see her face.

“Harry… I beg you… please don’t think that anyone blames you for any of this…”

Her voice was the gentlest and most sweetest sound Harry could ever have imagined. It was almost as if she could feel his emotions.

“Because no one does… what happened to Arthur… that wasn’t your fault… or anyone else’s fault… other than the people who killed him.”

Her voice and demeanor was unusually strong and steadfast. Harry didn’t know what he expected. Sobbing, crying… blurred words… but no… there was none of this. Only a steadfast and stoic woman, who had a need to tell him this… and a need to make sure that he understood her.

Harry nodded enough for Molly to at least feel it. This made har reach out her arms and hug Harry.

Harry swung his arms around the woman in his bed, and he gave her a huge hug.

After a good long while, where Harry could feel his entire body and soul being warmed by her very presence, she moved her head backwards and tried to look at him.

Harry… overtaken by his deep desire and passion for her… ended up… giving her a kiss.

It was at first a kiss on the mouth… then… it quickly became… a deep and tender… tongue kiss.

Later Harry couldn’t recall if it had been him, or Molly who had first pushed it to a tongue kiss. He could only remember the night as a haze.

When the kiss finally stopped Harry felt how his hands were no longer between her shoulder plates on her back, but instead he had a firm grip on her butt with one hand, and a hold on her back head with the other.

Harry sought her lips again and Molly sought his. They kissed.

Harry was sure he was dreaming at this point, and he wanted more. So he lifted up in her nightgown and got hold of her underwear. He pulled it down.

As he did, he felt Molly remove his pajama bottoms and his boxers.

Then Molly rolled onto her back and Harry rolled with her, and landed between her legs.

They still kissed, but for a few moments they broke off the kiss and Molly moaned in Harry’s ear… She gasped and tried to breathe. All the while, she moved her body, to get Harry to rub his cock up against her.

When Harry finally couldn’t take it any longer, he reached down. He got hold of his cock. He aligned it with Molly’s pussy and… With a little shove… he was inside…

“Oh… oh yes…” Molly gasped in his ear. “Take me Harry… take me…”

Harry pushed himself as deep inside of Molly as it was even possible.

“Oh…. OH! Merlin!”

Harry was inside Molly Weasley… He was balls deep, and he felt just how warm and wonderful she was. She was completely wet and her snug pussy clambered down hard on him from all sides.

Harry began moving inside of her and Molly adjusted her position and lifted her legs. Harry felt them on his flanks as he moved in and out of her.

The dark made it hard to see her, but the moonlight from the outside shined through the window, and Harry’s eyes adjusted slightly to the dark.

He was beginning to see more and more of the woman underneath him.

“Oh Harry… Harry… this is… this is wonderful…”

Harry lowered himself down so he could hug her while fucking her.

“Oh Harry…”

She kissed him, and he kissed her.

“Molly…” Harry said. “I love you… I always have… I always will…”

“Oh my dearest Harry…”

Molly kissed him.

“I love you too… not like a son… but like the man you are… oh please Harry… make me feel like a woman… make me forget my loss…”

Harry got into a better breeding position, and with Molly’s exact orders in his ears, he began pounding her pussy.

He sank deeper and deeper into her with every thrust until he simply plowed her.

Harry couldn’t decide what felt the best. Plowing Molly in the missionary with her butt lifted and her legs around his ears. Or Molly riding his cock like a ginger cowgirl. Or when he moved her into doggy style and fucked her like she was his bitch.

In every position Molly felt awesome.

Her pussy wasn’t as tight as either Hermione’s or Ginny’s but the sensation was in how it felt. It was a wonderful, and amazing feeling. Like her entire body pushed and massaged his cock from all sides.

“Oh… oh Harry… this is so good!”

They were back in missionary, and Harry was pretty much fucking Molly out of the bed.

Harry had cum several times but he wasn’t able to stop. He wanted to fuck her all night if need be.

But it was at this very moment, when he came into Molly’s pussy again, that he fell down upon her, and drifted out of his own mind.

He fell into a deep and blissful sleep.

Unknown to Harry, the same happened to Molly. He had fulfilled her wish… He had made her forget her sorrows for one night.

They slept… in each other's loving embrace… Harry, still deep inside her and still between her legs.


It was a dream.

Harry said in his mind.

It was a dream. He had dreamt that he had had sex with Molly Weasley all night and that they had slept together.

He could smell bacon and eggs.

And that is mrs. Weasley who is cooking breakfast.

Harry turned around… but as he did…


Harry landed on the floor, with a bump.

He hadn’t been sleeping with his head on the pillow like one would usually expect, but instead he had been on the foot end of the bed, and at the very edge of it. When he turned he pretty much rolled off the edge.

Also… he discovered he was naked.

He usually slept in pajamas… unless… he had had sex…

“Oh no…” Harry said…

He stood up, found his pajamas and dressed up.

He then carefully ventured down.

As he reached the kitchen he saw Molly Weasley standing by the sink, cleaning up the pans used to cook the breakfast… which was already on the table…

Harry saw bacon and eggs. Toasted bread. Pancakes, waffles and much more.

It was a pure breakfast feast.

Molly was standing in one of her usual dresses and she seemed to smile.

Harry… remembering the last night in a sudden burst of memory… gently walked over to Molly… he wanted to tap her on her shoulder… but… instead he reached his arms around her and hugged her… tightly… pressing his face into her soft, flower scented red hair.

“Hihi, good morning, my dear.”

Harry didn’t let go of her. He wanted to show her… how much he loved her… how much he cared, and how much he appreciated her.

Molly turned her head and tilted it backwards. Harry turned to face her gaze, which was smiling like a sun.

Harry kissed her… vigorously.

He began massaging her tits. This made her moan and gasp over her kisses.

“Oh Harry..” she gaped and Harry simply lost it. It was the sound of her voice speaking his name in that passionate tone that made him wild.

He gently but firmly pushed her forward so her body leaned in over the sink. She leaned on her arms that he had released from his grasp.

He then opened up his fly and out sprang his cock. Ready for action.

“Oh my dearest Harry…”

Harry lifted up in her short dress and got hold of her underwear. He pulled it down and exposed her.

Then he aligned his cock with her pussy, and once again, pushed himself inside of her wonderful flesh.

“Oh Harry… even… even after… we had sex… all night… you are still… still this… this hard…?”

“I can’t help it Mrs. Weasley… I have been wanting to fuck you since the first time I saw you…”

“Oh Harry…”

Harry began plowing the beautiful woman. It was a wonderful sight. Her ass moved and wobbled whenever his cock smashed into her.

She seemed to enjoy it when he gave her round buttocks a good spank.

But when he wasn't spanking her, he simply dug his fingers deep into her soft flesh and skin. She was so hot and so… so round and wobbly…

“Harry… Harry… please kiss me…”

Molly turned her head around in order to kiss him. Harry moved his head to kiss her, but he didn’t stop moving his body to fuck her.

“I love you Mrs. Weasley… I love you so much…”

“Then… stop… calling me… Mrs. Weasley my love… and call me… Molly… from now on…”

She spoke through her kisses and Harry felt like he lost it again.

He pulled himself out of her pussy, he spun her around so he faced her, and then he shoved his cock into her pussy again. Molly was standing with slightly spread legs and Harry was going deeper and deeper inside of her. In this position, he could enjoy her beautiful face.

She looked him right in the eyes. Her face was busy gasping and moaning.

Harry gave her a kiss, and he loved how her tongue flew into his mouth.

Harry sorta wondered how often Molly and Arthur had had sex in the kitchen. It had to be done a number of times. And now… Harry was fucking her.

By her own accord, Molly lifted her left leg and flung it around Harry. Her arms had reached out for his neck, and their kiss had become even wilder.

Then… they suddenly stopped… Molly had pulled back.

“Harry… put on the floor… I wanna lay down…”

It wasn’t easy, but they managed to stay together while standing and bending in order to lay down on the carpet on the wooden floor, between the table legs on Harry’s right side, and the kitchen station on his left.

He was laying on top of Molly and her legs once again covered his flanks. She was so soft and so beautiful.

Harry began moving in and out of her in a steady beat. Like an ocean that moved its waves up and down the shores of land.

In passionate silence they fucked there on the floor. Harry didn’t feel he could ask anymore of anything in this world.

He kissed and caressed the beautiful woman underneath him.

“Harry…” Molly gasped.

“Yes, Molly?”

“I… I am not ready… to become a widow…”

Harry looked down on her from his position on top of her. She looked beggingly and sternly at the same time.

“I… I am simply not ready for it…”

Harry understood her position. She was alone, had almost no family but her own children. It had to be a burden to feel so alone.

Harry didn’t know what to say, and it was clear that Molly wasn’t done speaking her mind either.

“Harry… would you… would you ever be interested… in an old woman like me?”

Harry smiled a smile of utter and pure joy. He leaned down and kissed her so passionately he ever could.

He looked her deep in her eyes… her beautiful brown pearls…

“Yes Molly… I am more than interested in you… no matter your age… And I always will be.”

Molly formed tears in her eyes and she flung her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

With a little effort, Molly managed to get herself on top of Harry, still with his hard cock inside of her pussy.

She grabbed first her left tit and lifted it out of its place in her dress, and then she grabbed the right and released it from its prison. Her huge tits… those big… lovely… soft tits… where now free and… Harry was in love with them both.

Molly took Harry’s right hand and placed it firmly on her left buttock. Harry grabbed hold of her soft and wobbly flesh.

Molly then took his left hand and placed it on her right tit. Harry immediately squished it between his fingers.

All Molly did was smile and look him deeply in the eyes.

“Harry… please tell me… that I am your woman… and I will forever be yours… from now on… and to the end of our days…”

“Molly… You are my woman… And you will forever be mine… from now on… and to the end of our days…”

Molly seemed like she was ready to cry of pure joy.

“And Harry… Please tell me that you love me… Please tell me that you love me more than anything… just as I love you… and that you always will… just like I always will…”

“Molly… I love you, and I love you more than anything… And I will always love you…”

Harry felt it happen. He felt how something of his inner self… collided and combined in a huge flash of warm light with Molly’s inner self.

What it was was not easily explained but it was there… He could see it… even though there was nothing to see. He could feel it, even though it had no form or mass to hold. He could hear the song it sang… for it possessed a voice… a free and bodiless voice.

And as Molly rocked her body back and forward on his mighty wand, Harry felt how these two colliding forces more and more took the same form and shape and in the end… there was only one… one… that they both shared.

Harry wanted to taste this body of… self… his and Molly’s inner self… his mouth reached out and his lips found Molly’s right nipple. His mouth sucked onto it and he began tasting their collective… self…

If Harry could give it a description he would say that what he experienced was that their souls became one. Harry’s soul melted together with Molly’s for a while… and they left a little piece of each other in the other's soul.

Harry felt how they became one.

How one never began, and the other never ended.

When Harry finally came inside of Molly it was almost like he came endlessly. He came over and over again, and in a way, it was as if he felt an echo of Molly’s voice as long as her orgasm. She was calling out his name… and it made his heart flutter and beat even harder.


Harry woke up from his sleep on the kitchen floor. He hadn’t slept long… if even at all, but his brain had been so overwhelmed by these new feelings that he had simply passed out.

He woke up and felt only slightly chilled and a little more hungry than before. He also felt something unmistakably. He felt… he felt someone… sucking his cock…

He opened his eyes and looked up into the ceiling of the kitchen.

His sense of hearing returned and he heard the gulping, gasping sounds of someone suckling on his cock… He felt it too… one of the best blow jobs he could remember. His step aunt Petunia had just gotten some major competition for the place as best cocksucker in his harem. That would upset her.

Harry grinned as he leaned on his elbows and looked at the person who sucked him off. It was of course Molly. She was tender, she was vigorous… She was wild, she was timid. She was everything and more, and she looked at him with eyes that told him that she not only loved him… She downright worshiped him.

Harry managed to sit up and he saw the woman dutifully continue her blowjob.

It wasn’t that Harry wanted it to stop… he was simply so hungry that…

His stomach growled loudly for him.

Molly sank to his base, and then she tightened her lips around his cock. Then slowly pulled backwards, making Harry shootout one last burst of cum, almost by forcing him to. Harry felt how she could have sucked his balls out the same way had she continued, but she only did this once.

Harry saw she left his cock, almost dry and with no drippings of saliva.

Harry saw her roll her tongue around her mouthful, and she lifted her chin and loudly gulped down what she had in her mouth.

“Thank you so much, my love.” Molly smiled at him. As if nothing in this world was more delicious than his cum.


Harry’s first day as… as Molly’s counterpart was… special.

They had only been together for less than one day, but Molly thought that it was an idea to go and visit Arthurs grave…

Dressed in black they walked the way to the beautiful green field where they had put him to rest.

A large gray stone with a magical inscription had been placed to mark his grave. His grave was hidden so the Death Eaters wouldn’t go to it and desecrate it.

Only those who knew it was there, could see the writings on the stone.

Harry escorted Molly to the place.

Molly walked over to the grave… it hadn’t even been a day since they last were here, but it was important for her to go here, so Harry had agreed.

Molly knelt down next to the stone… She was sobbing.

“My dear Arthur… I hope that wherever you are… if you are indeed anywhere… that you can rest calmly. I hope you are well… and if you are in Veela heaven that you aren't… Just… don’t flirt with too many of them, okay…?”

Harry smiled. Molly did have a sense of humor.

“Arthur… I hope that you can forgive me for not saying anything yesterday but… my pain was too deep.”

Molly caressed the stone.

“You always understood. That was your gift. And I loved you for it. Even despite your obsession with the muggles and their… inventions…”

Harry could almost hear Molly roll her eyes.

“Arthur… I know it is soon… but… I have already found someone else… I know… I know it is soon. You have only been dead for a few days… but… The very thought of being alone scared me even more… than losing you…”

Harry felt a sting in his insides.

“But I do think that you will approve of my choice… It’s Harry Potter. You always liked that boy, and he was in every way just as great a man as you. If it can consolidate you… the reason I love Harry and have chosen him, is because his character is the spitting image of yours… I mean… How can I not fall for that…”

She giggled and somewhere… Harry could have sworn that he had heard… Arthur’s gentle and mild laughter. He had heard it so often that… it was impossible to make a mistake.

“So Arthur… if you are in Veela heaven… or whatever place you have come… then… feel free to find someone special there… because I have found someone special here… Not a replacement for you Arthur… Just… someone to help the pain go away… And to build a new future with. I know you will understand my dear.”

Molly kissed her hand, and then touched the stone where Arthur’s name was written with golden letters carved into the granite.

Harry felt a silent ease and calm over his body. Like the feeling you get when you stand under a warm faucet.

Molly stood up and dried her eyes with her handkerchief. Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

It was as if then and there, Harry and Molly felt something… something warm and lovely… sorta… drift away on the winter breeze. A breeze of snow… that swirled over Arthurs grave… made an unspeakable form, and then… flew away…

And in that moment… Harry understood that what little had remained of Arthur in this world… had now moved on.

Molly had decided to let it go… let it pass. All that speaking of heaven and afterlife was perhaps just wishful thinking… but only by letting it go… could Arthur finally rest.

And Harry knew that if Arthur truly was in Veela Heaven, he was in for a wild time.

“Let us go home, my love…” Molly kissed Harry on the mouth.

Harry understood. He had now taken the place of Arthur in her heart… but he couldn’t do that before… not before Molly had said a proper goodbye.

They walked through the snow, and they came across a forest. The naked trees exposed the cloudy, white sky right above them.

Harry and Molly had their arms around each other.

The trip home would have been rather short, but… but Harry and Molly took several detours in the forest to sorta… enjoy the beauty of winter.

They often stopped and kissed each other. They hugged each other tight and groped and rubbed each other… possibly for getting warm together.

But one of these hot kissing scenarios where Harry and Molly grinded up and down each other left them both horny and lustful.

Molly broke their kiss and squatted down. She undid Harry’s belt and opened his fly.

His cock sprang out and she kissed it right before she gulped it down.

That was only the start dish of what became a hot, outdoor fucking.

Harry couldn’t believe the snow didn’t melt and flowers began to spout all around them, because they were going at it like crazy… as if they were the gods of spring…

Harry found a large tree, and pretty much planted Molly up against it. First he fucked her face to face. Then he turned her around and began plowing her from behind.

They were not silent, they were not discrete. Right now, the entire world could see what they were doing and they still wouldn’t care… not one single bit.

Harry was Molly’s and Molly was Harry’s.

Now and forever.


The end.