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Hello everyone.
Here is second part of the short story of Sandra and Flora. Tara’s parents.
And how they fare at the mansion in Ron’s harem.

It begins pretty much where the first chapter left our friend. So if you haven’t read that, then please go and check it out… just for… you know, the heck of it. ♥️

Please be advised English is not my first language, and I make mistakes. Sorry.

Yours truly

As Tara and Ron once again descended from Tara’s room, she almost ran to her mothers with a huge smile on her face. She found them in the living room, all dressed, as was Tara and she hugged her mom Flora and kissed her cheek.

Flora: Honey are you still here, I thought you went to Ron’s place…?

Tara: I am going now, but I wanted to tell you the news!

Sandra emerged from behind her newspaper: Don’t tell me you are with child!

Sandra looked shocked. Flora and Tara shook their heads.

Tara: Mommy, I am on the pill. And no… I wasn’t gonna tell you that.

Sandra took a deep sigh of relief. As ready as she was to have more children, she was not ready to be a grandmother.

Flora: What is the news Honey?

Tara: Well, I just called Selene, and they said they are throwing a party back at Ron’s mansion.

Sandra, once again reading the paper said: That is nice, princess.

Tara: And Selene asked me to invite you too!

Flora blinked and looked over at Sandra, who once again lowered her newspaper.

Sandra: What?

Tara: Selene wants you two to come to the party! Tonight!

Flora and Sandra shared a look.

Flora: Well that is very nice of Selene to ask us if we wanna go but… isn’t it a little short notice?

Tara looked disappointed: But mom, it’s Selene! She is my girlfriend and I want you to get to know her better!

Sandra: Your mom is right princess, it is a little sudden, and… frankly we aren’t really sure that… that we have the time to…

Tara: Mommy you are snowed in. You can’t work the next few days and mom can’t get to the store…

Both Tara’s moms looked like these facts weighed too heavily to deny.

Tara walked over to Sandra and sat down at her knees and looked beggingly up at her mom resting her head on her mommy’s legs.

Tara: Please mommy… pretty pretty please with extra sugar…?

Sandra was a sucker for her daughter's big blue eyes and wobbly pink lips. Although she was a fully grown woman she still saw the little baby girl.

Sandra: Alright, we will go. When should we be there?

Tara jumped up and kissed her mom on the cheek. Flora rolled her eyes and sighed, even though she smiled.

Tara: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! You just have to be there around 7pm. That’s when the party starts. See ya!

Tara kissed both her moms, then ran out to Ron outside.

Sandra sat a little sheepish while her wife looked over at her.

Flora: You are pathetic, you know that?

Sandra: As if you can deny that girl anything.

Flora began laughing, then as she collected herself she began imitating Tara’s performance.

Flora: All she has to do to sway you is to flutter her huge eyelashes…

Flora blinked with her own beautiful long eyelashes.

Flora:… Look at you with her baby blues…

Flora turned her head and looked at her wife with her own baby blue eyes.

Flora:… and wobble her pretty pink lips and then you crumble… pathetic.

Flora wobbled her own pretty pink lips and in that moment she looked exactly like her daughter. Pretty given as Tara was pretty much Flora just in a younger format. Flora began laughing… teasingly, and only slightly mocking. But enough for Sandra to catch it.

Sandra laid down her newspaper and looked stern and steadfast at her wife.

Sandra: Pathetic? I will show you pathetic.

Sandra quickly stood up, and Flora laughingly jumped up and began running around the furniture. Sandra chased her and as she did, Flora laughed louder and louder.

Flora was at one side of the couch, and Sandra was at the other, they were staring into each other's eyes both with excitement in their gaze.

Sandra: Just you wait until I get my hands on you!

Flora: … Then what? Doesn’t my Baby blues do anything for you anymore?

Flora fluttered her eyelashes again, and Sandra growled, and sat after her wife who ran the opposite direction of her.

This continued until Sandra finally caught her wife’s hand.

She pulled her after her and sat them down on the couch. She swung her wife over her knees and sternly grabbed both her arms and held them in a grip behind her back.

Then she lifted up in her dress and exposed her beautiful ass. She pulled her underwear so she was now nude and then she began spanking her wife.

Flora was screaming in pain, but it was all for show and it was all for fun.

Even though Sandra and Flora in many ways were both each other's wife, Sandra was by far more the manly part of the couple.

She had, in many ways, adopted the role as a man. She was not strict and she wasn’t harsh, but she had an air of dominant might that when paired with her strong lust for her wife, could appear very male like.

This was also a response to Flora being very feminine. It simply matched them both that Sandra was more male like in her role in their relationship.

The clashing sounds of Flora’s butt when Sandra spanked her was like sweet music, and the sounds of Flora’s screams and begging to be; “let go!” And “Stop!” Was all part of the game.

They had a word when one needed the other to stop. And in over 18 years of marriage, none had ever said that word. They knew each other too well. They knew each other's limits, and they knew each other's boundaries.

To be frank, Flora loved a good spanking. It was so intoxicatingly exciting. But only by someone she knew and loved. Sandra was her spanker. Her punisher. Her wife…

Sandra spanked her wife for a good long while, and when her wife’s butt was finally the right shade of pink. She had begun caressing it and they had begun talking.

Flora: What dress should I wear for the party?

Sandra: The short pink one.

Sandra’s answer came promptly. She knew exactly what dress she wanted her wife to wear.

Flora looked back at her smiling and calculating.

Sandra: That dress has secured me 3 promotions on 3 different occasions. Imagine what it can do this time.

Flora smiled: Only if you wear the black one with straps and your highest heels.

Sandra rolled her eyes: Sure thing babe.

Sandra gave her wife one last spank, then she pulled up her wife’s panties again.

Flora could now leave, but the petting after a good spanking was almost the best part of the ordeal. The two wives enjoyed each other even more.


At 7pm Flora and Sandra drove their car carefully through the cleared roads to the mansion of Ron Stoppable. It was snowing again. They drove up to the place in front of the main door, and here they drove the car into the parking basement. The ports opened when their car came into its vicinity.

They parked and excited the car. The temperature in the basement was very nice.

Flora stood out of the car.

She was looking marvelous in her hot pink dress. It was very short, and it struggled to keep her amazing breasts in.

Sandra was dressed in a more modest but still hot as hell dress. All black and perfectly matching her high heels.

Flora controlled her face in the side mirror of the car.

Sandra: You look perfect, my love, come on.

Flora stood up, smiling and then she allowed her wife to wrap her arm around her waist and they walked over to the stairs. Down the stairs came their daughter Tara. She smiled and ran to meet them.

She was dressed in a short baby pink dress and hugged them both.

Tara: You came! You really came!

Sandra and Flora both kissed their daughter and allowed her to show them the way upstairs.

They entered into a dimly lit and huge hall. It was the party central - or so the residents called it.

Flora and Sandra meant it could best be described as something out of a movie. There were a ton of people here. It looked like a popular disco or a very popular restaurant.

Only the tables were either standing tables, or you had to go over to the couches.

And all the people in here were female.

Sandra: Wow…

There were so many women. In all colors and shapes of life. Blondes, brunettes, redheads, raven hairs… even a few with hairs in bright neon colors. It truly looked like a real high end party club.

All were dressed in short dresses. Some had bright colors like Flora’s and Tara’s. Others were black like Sandra’s. But all wore heels and all looked like bombshells.

Flora seemed to recognize her friend Ann Possible… bug she was in doubt. Ann, if it was her, looked like something out of a movie… Her hair was longer and parted in the middle. She looked way younger and she seemed to be the center of attention for an entire group of ladies. Including a girl who looked just like her, both in clothing, and hairstyle. That had to be her daughter Kim.

There was a huge bar, and in it, tending it, was one of the most beautiful women Sandra could ever have sworn she would ever see. She was black and had long curly hair which was tamed in a tight ponytail. She was dressed in a bright orange, short dress that made Sandra think of her as a Lamborghini.

Tara led her parents up to the bar. Here sat the only male in what had to be miles around them. It was Ron. He was dressed in a hot, dark blue suit and a buttoned up shirt. He looked great. He was talking to the bartender.

Monique: Hi Tara.

Tara: Hi Monique… Hi Ronnie!

Tara kissed Ron who kissed her back.

Tara: Have you seen Selene?

Ron: She went to the bathroom, but she is coming.

Monique: Hi Mrs King and Mrs Knight. Welcome, glad you could come.

Sandra smiled and extended her hand to shake Monique’s.

Sandra: Thank miss?

Monique: Monique Williams, Ron’s fiancé.

Monique also shook Flora’s hand.

Monique: Oh my, that is… a lot over cleavage you are in possession of, Mrs. King…

Flora blushed but she was used to such comments by now.

Monique: If we end up doing body tequila, I am sure we have found the perfect bosom to do it from.

Shego: On that we agree, Monique.

A woman who was clearly the closest thing to a living goddess walked over to the gathering in the bar. She was dressed in a green short dress, and though Flora was bigger than her, Sandra could see that she was in fact a big bosomed woman. Sandra knew who she was. Her long black hair was reflecting what little light there was in here, and her eyes were almost shining green. They matched her dress perfectly.

Tara smiled and walked over to the woman. She kissed her deeply and tenderly and the woman kissed her back like a true lover.

Sandra and Flora watched.

Tara and the woman finally stopped kissing and Tara turned to her moms and pulled the black haired woman with her.

Tara: Mom, Mommy, I want to officially present Selene to you, as my girlfriend.

Selene placed her hand on Tara’s ass and bowed her head to Tara’s moms.

Sandra extended her hand again and Selene shook it. She had a good strong grip. A vote of confidence for Sandra.

Sandra: Nice to get better acquainted, miss Selene.

Shego: Truly. Glad you could come to the party.

Flora extended her hand to Selene.

Flora: Hello Selene, nice to meet you.

Selene looked at Flora with a burning interest in her eyes, but her smile showed nothing.

Selene: I can see the blood is strong in your bloodline, Tara baby.

Tara gently and blushing pushed Selene, but it was clear she was flattered.

Ron: Well welcome and please help yourself to anything. We have a buffet at the other end of the room.

Flora: Oh I am starving, come Sandra!

Flora pulled Sandra with her, and left Ron, Tara and Selene by the bar.

Monique: Want a drink Selene?

Shego: Sure, let me have a grasshopper.

Tara: Me too.

Ron: Make that 3.

Monique: Sure thing.


Sandra and Flora grabbed plates and started going around the buffet. It had everything from oysters to small pizza’s.

Flora: Oh my gosh I love oysters… and grilled shrimps!

Sandra also went onboard.

She ended up next to an elderly looking woman with gray curly hair. The woman looked up at Sandra with a remarkable spark in her eyes.

Nana: Hello dear, Nana Possible.

Sandra: Oh, Hello, my name is Sandra Knight.

Nana: Pleased to meet you. I think you should try the pies. It’s my grandmother's recipe.

Sandra saw she was pointing to some small bite size pies on a platter. They looked and smelled delicious.

Sandra took a pair and took a bite from one. It was a delicious chicken onion pie.

Sandra: Mmmh, your grandmother was a brilliant cook.

Nana: Hehe, thank you my dear. She sure was. Her cooking was helping keep the spirits up for all the young men back in WW1.

Sandra nodded: I knew we won due to woman influence.

Nana giggled.

Sandra: So… what is your affiliation with this… family?

Nana: Oh I am Kim Possible’s grandmother…

Sandra: Ah, that makes sense.

Nana:… and Ron Stoppable’s mistress of course.

Sandra almost choked on her next bite of pie.

Sandra: Wh-what?

Nana: I know, it is preposterous, but then I keep turning the boy's attempts to ask me to marry him down. I am way too old to consider marrying again, and really the role as live-in-lover suits me perfectly fine. He comes to me whenever he desires a little extra experience, and I provide him with my long knowledge of pleasuring men. But his endless proposing is very charming…

Sandra was speechless. This grandmother was part of the harem?

Sandra looked her over…

Sandra blinked.

She wasn’t sure how she had missed the body of this grandma. She had a plump and wound ass, a well kept physique. She didn’t at all look frail or even… weak. She looked like a lively and strong woman, only with grayer hair and a bit more wrinkles, but other than that, she looked as lifestrong as a much younger woman.

Nana: Well, it was nice talking with you my dear, and welcome to the harem. I am sure you are gonna enjoy it.

Sandra didn’t even have time to collect her thoughts to tell the woman that she wasn’t really a part of the harem, before she was gone with her plate.

Sandra: Holy hekatombe…

Flora made her way over to her wife who still stood with a perplexed look in her eyes.

A couple of girls had made their way to the buffet. One had long curly black hair, and the other was radiantly blonde.

Flora: What is up with you, babe?

Sandra blinked and shook herself out of the shock.

Sandra: Uh… it was uh… the pies… they are incredibly good.


The party had pretty much everything.

It had loud music, tons of dancing people, good food, and endless drinks.

Flora made an effort to avoid too strong drinks.

Sandra knew her wife and it was because she was very sensitive to liquor. Oddly enough, Flora’s otherwise sizable forms did nothing to expand her limit to take and hold her drinks.

Sandra knew and had been amused by it in the past, but now Flora was too well aware of her shortcomings and she made an extra effort not to get too much.

But other girls were already drinking heavily.

A dark skinned woman with shining green eyes and eye-catching white hair walked over to them. Her dress was white as snow and stood in sharp contrast to her dark complexion but matched her hair pretty well.

She was accompanied by Bonnie Rockwaller in her purple dress.

Flora: Hello dear Bonnie, how are you?

Bonnie: Good, thank you mrs. King.

Sandra: And who is your friend?

The woman in white rolled her eyes in a very superior way.

La: My name is La, I am the Queen of his Majesty, King Ron of Middleton and Opar.

Sandra and Flora blinked.

La: If you will excuse us. We are on our way to the buffet. Come Bonnie.

And with a very Royal gesture the Queen waved Flora and Sandra good bye.

Bonnie followed La.

Sandra and Flora were left behind in perplexion.

Flora: She seems nice.

Sandra looked at her wife and then they walked further into the party.

When girls weren’t chatting they were dancing, when they weren’t dancing they were either eating or they were drinking.

They ran into more girls they recognized. On a couch with a good looking drink in her hand sat Ann Possible. Her hair was longer and prettier than they had ever seen it. Also it wasn’t tied up in her usual style, but loose and free… kinda like the woman appeared to be herself.

She was sitting next to Lonnie Rockwaller, who also had a drink in hand and also seemed to enjoy herself. They were sitting among a group of girls, some that Sandra and Flora didn’t know the names of. And some of the girls were so dolled up tonight that Sandra and Flora hardly even recognized them.

There was Grace Solomon, the mother of Tara’s friend Hope, and she sat right next to her daughter.

There was Liz and Marcella, two of Tara’s other friends.

Crystal was there with a drink in her hand.

And there was Kim… in the dim light her hair was slightly darker than usual, but a beam of red light from a lamp made her glow like a lantern.

And next to Kim on the couch was their daughter.

Flora: Baby!

Tara: Mom!

Tara jumped to her feet and came to hug and kiss her moms.

Sandra: Hi princess… oh my gosh you look gorgeous.

Tara swung around in a giggle. Her younger frame reminded Sandra of Flora back in the day. There was no doubt that Tara would one day inherit all her mothers features.

Tara turned her lush hindquarters to show her moms how well she was taking out in her new dress… Sandra spewed out a zip of her drink.

Sandra: Tara!? What the…!?

The dress exposed the top of Tara’s buttocks and revealed the 3 strings that composed her thong underneath.

Flora: Oh my… that… that dress reminds me of something Tonnie would wear.

Tonnie: Why thank you darling.

Flora and Sandra turned around to be met by the Rockwaller Matriark. Next to Tonnie stood a tall gorgeous blonde with a relaxed and calm expression over her angelic face. She was wearing a silver dress. This only strengthened her reminiscence of an angle. Her blue eyes were shining and her arm was fixed around Tonnie’s hip.

Tonnie was a radiantly beautiful woman with a huge curly brown mane, and a nice golden tanned skin. Her eyes were wonderfully green blue and she had her never ending smile in place.

Sandra, who normally only was strongly drawn to blondes, couldn’t help but feel her knees wobble under her as the gaze of Tonnie Rockwaller landed on her.

Tonnie was wearing a bright purple dress with huge holes that exposed her wide hips.

Flora: Tonnie…

Flora’s tone was unusually dark… To anyone who didn’t know Flora, it could sound almost heartwarming… but that wasn’t the case. She sounded polite, but there was spite in her voice that only Sandra could detect.

Tonnie either didn’t catch Flora’s tone, or she simply ignored it, because she pulled in Flora for a kiss. The two women kissed each other on the lips. As they parted Sandra saw Flora roll her eyes.

Tonnie: Sandra!

Sandra leaned in for her kiss with Tonnie.

Sandra thought - don’t get carried on, don’t get carried on, don’t get carried on!

Tonnie’s tongue entered Sandra’s mouth and began to seek the way down to Sandra’s lungs and Sandra felt how her brain began to melt away. Why was this damn goddess also such a good kisser?

Seconds later, or so it felt, Sandra was pulled backwards by someone… probably her wife, and Tonnie stood smiling back looking Sandra right in her eyes. Sandra felt like she had just been hit by a bullet train…

She got carried away… again…

Flora: Did you… buy our daughter her dress?

Tonnie: I sure did. Her and many of the other girls here at the party. I got a good discount agreement if we bought over 20.

Sandra turned around, she saw many of the girls in the couches were all wearing dresses that seemed to come from the same place. They were in all colors.

Tonnie: Girls, show off your dresses!

The girls all stood up.

Grace had a green colored dress with an opening over her buttocks like Tara’s dress. Hope’s dress was baby blue and she had an opening like Tara’s as well, but was a different cut over her shoulders that’s Grace.

Liz was in a pink dress but her dress had two long holes on the side, and held together with laces.

Marcella was in red, and her dress was the same as Liz.

Crystal was in a purple dress, with holes over her tits, her belly and one over her buttocks.

Lonnie was in a sharp pink dress, just so short it seemed to hide her buttocks, but if she bent over… they would see everything.

Ann’s dress was in a similar color, but strapless.

Kim was in a green dress, it really did wonders for her red mane.

Tonnie: Turn around girls, we wanna see those pretty asses.

The girls smiled and all turned over to show their posteriors.

Sandra felt how the blood ran to her head… she was getting turned on by all this… stimulation.

Sandra: Well uhm… that’s… that’s all… very nice…

Flora: Indeed, come Sandra, let's find our host and thank him again.


Flora and Sandra passed several women they knew, and some they didn’t.

Ron wasn’t at the bar, but since Sandra was walking around with an empty glass, she found it reasonable to get a refill.

Flora: A virgin Cuba Libre, and keep the little umbrella, thank you.

Monique smiled, she went under the desk, she found a coke and poured it into a glass.

Sandra: a dry martini please.

Flora: Urgh… that Tonnie…

Sandra: Sorry babe.

Flora: I ain’t blaming you, I am blaming her. What is it with her and all the kissing?

Sandra: I don’t know… Maybe she is just trying to be nice?

Flora: Try to sound a little less happy about it, honey.

Sandra took a deep zip of her martini. It was really good.

Sandra: You are one heck of a bartender, Monique.

Monique: Thank you, hon. I like to keep all of my Beau’s women hot and well adjusted.

Sandra: Speaking of, where did he go off to?

Monique: We have some latecomers to the party, and he went out to show them the way.

Sandra: Hmm, they must be important, since Ron himself is guiding them.

Shortly after they heard the doors open and in walked a black woman dressed in what could be best described as a party of its own…

She was wearing tall leather boots, something akin to a bathing suit disguised as a dress, and over her shoulders a huge fur painted in turquoise. Her hair was long and colored turquoise as well, and she was wearing big ass sunglasses, even though it was dark in here. She walked with her arms wrapped around two other black girls in turquoise dresses, and was followed by a third black girl in a turquoise dress.

Flora: Oh my… isn’t that…?

Monique: MC Honey is in the house!

The woman sat her course directly at the bar. Here she planted her arm candy on some stools on her sides, and leaned in to greet Monique.

MCH: Hey there sweet mama… let me have some of your finest and most colorful drinks for me and my homegirls… we have just flown a loooong way for this party. But first of all, a nice row of shots to get the buzz going!

Monique smiled and allowed the hip-hop star a good long look down her tits as she pulled up her tools to make her drinks.

Sandra: Ron sure knows how to keep a party entertained.

Tara: Oh she isn’t here to entertain, mommy.

Sandra turned to face her daughter who had come up on them.

Tara: MC Honey is part of the harem. She drops in from time to time.

Flora: Oh my…

Before anyone could say anymore, there was Ron. He came up on MC Honey from behind and gave her a kiss.

MC was smiling and turned to meet her man's lips with her own.

Ron: Was the flight alright, MC?

MCH: Baby, you call me Honey. And yes, it was alright. I am ready to party.

Monique had placed a row of shot glasses. And filled them with a bright green fluid that shined in the light of the bar’s glowing top.

MC Honey and her girls each took a glass, as did Monique and they drank it down.

MCH: Mmmh, that’s the stuff!

Monique poured a tall glass with orange and red juices - a tequila sunrise - for MC Honey and her girls.

MCH: Alright, let's mingle girls!

MC Honey gave her tallest a sounding clap in her butt and left Ron with a kiss.

Flora: Oh my…

Sandra: What a character…

Ron: She isn’t so bad. In fact she is very tender.

Monique: And she sure brings the party wherever she goes. What do you want Beau?

Ron: Oh… oh uh, let me have something you wanna try on me.

Monique: Let’s see how you like your mama's grasshopper.

A few minutes later, Ron was served a green colored drink in a drink glass. It smelled nice. Kinda like mint chocolate.

Ron took a zip: Mmmh, that’s delicious.

Flora: May… may I have a taste?

Ron looked at her and smiled.

Ron: Sure… Mama, I think we are gonna need some more.

Monique: Coming right up.

Flora took a zip of Ron’s drink. Flora’s eyes beamed up.

Flora: Oh my gosh, it tastes like chocolate!

Sandra laughed and Ron giggled.


In a blink of an eye the party had shifted.

Monique had not overestimated when she said that MC brought the party. But… her grasshopper might also have done some of the work.

Flora was rocking the dance floor.

And her appearance had pretty much drawn all the other girls, or most of them to join her. Sandra was a good dancer, but unlike her wife, she was nowhere near drunk enough to dance like that. Flora had pulled Ron by his tie and dragged his ass to the floor. They had begun dancing.

Flora danced like a much younger girl, and given Ron was now on the floor, all his harem had swooned to him, like moths to a flame.

Tara had joined her mom, and they were now dancing close and really getting down, showing their moves and skills.

Sandra was watching them both, while she began to feel more and more right minded to join them dancing.

Shego: What a sight…

Sandra turned her head. There stood Selene.

Shego: I think I could watch them like this for my entire life, and never ask for more… blondes… in colorful short dresses… dancing the night away…

Sandra: Yeah… I feel the same… only one of them is my daughter.

Shego giggled: You sure struck gold with Flora… I have never seen one like her… except her daughter that is.

Sandra giggled: Yeah… she takes after her mom. But you seem to be doing ok for yourself. You have Ron.

Shego: Oh I don’t have Ron. Ron has me. And I have her…

Shego pointed to a tall gorgeous blonde in a black dress. She was talking to some of the other girls. She caught Selene pointing her out, and smiled and waved at her.

Sandra knew that smile. It was the smile of a loving spouse happy to catch a look of their opposite part.

Shego: That’s my Vivian…

Sandra: So…. You are collecting them?

Shego: As many as possible. I call them… my golden treasure.

Sandra took a zip of her martini.

Sandra: So… are you looking to collect my Flora as well?

Sandra was looking ever so slyly at Shego, who did in fact blush a little.

Shego: Oh… I was aiming at it, but… if we are to have a disagreement on it, then…

Sandra: Nah… I think it’s what Flora and I want anyway. I don’t own Flora and… we have been meaning to sorta… join in on the fun you have here.

Shego: Hmm, that sounds… interesting.

Sandra: Indeed. But Flora, believe it or not, is actually a little shy. You wouldn’t believe how hard it can be to get her to kiss someone…

A roaring ‘Wooooo!’ went up over the dance floor. Flora was kissing Tonnie Rockwaller in something that looked like a dare kiss. The two big bosomed women had to position themselves ever so weirdly to get it to work. But it seemed nice enough.

Shego looked at Sandra with a lifted eyebrow.

Sandra: … when she isn’t intoxicated.

Shego: How much did she have?

Sandra: Oh, just a grasshopper.

Shego: Hehe, what…? That candy? Did that do that to her?

Sandra: She doesn’t like that many forms of alcohol. She prefers it sweet. And then… she gets drunk… But sadly if she drinks too much, she goes out like a light.

Shego looked like someone had taken a present away from her.

Shego: Oh damn…

Sandra eyed a possibility.

Sandra: Buuuut… if you are able to hit her with another drink in about 20 minutes… then she enters her incredibly horny phase.

Shego looked like a dog who had caught wind of a squirrel.

Shego: What?!

Sandra: Yeah… When she has burned through about half the drink in her system, then she can get another, and then she will become this incredibly horny and immensely slutty woman. Oh gosh you won't believe the endless pussylicking and scissoring, and finger fucking you have to perform when she gets to that point. You can really get far with a double headed dildo, but you have to be wary of passing out yourself, because it’s like she is possessed. She just wont stop fucking.

Shego: Whe-ahem! When… Did she have that drink?

Sandra: Oh about 20 minutes ago, so… in about 10 minutes will it be prime for her to get another drink… that is if anyone is foolish enough to try and tangle her in that state…

Shego: Yeah, yeah yeah whatever…

Shego pretty much ran to the bar and here she leaned in to fetch Monique. Out the back of her ear, Sandra heard:

Shego: … Don’t give me any lip, Grasshopper! Now!

Sandra smiled.

Sandra: Sorry baby, but it seems I might be the first one to be impregnated tonight…


To be continued.



Devious but sexy.


Been loving this story. Much thanks!


No sorry, there has been too much interference for me to write. Writing isn’t a thing I am as practiced in as drawing. I can tolerate a presence around me when I draw, I can’t when I write, that takes a level of focus that (in my case) requires silence. Mostly because I am writing in my second language - English. That is difficult. And hasn’t really been possible in this chapter, but I will get back to it soon.


Sorry for bugging man I hope you get the quiet you need