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Hey everyone.

I am trying to sleep, but I simply couldn’t… so I decided to draw a little more. I thought of Zutara, Zuko and Katara union. It wasn‘t canon although it had every chance of being successful as Aang‘s and Katara’s romance and later relationship.

Now don’t misunderstand me, I am not a writer of Avatar fanfic, and I am not a reader of it. The universe is not all my taste, although I loved the original show a ton.

I hope you like this drawing from my sleep depraved brain.

I was listening to an audiobook of my favorite Stephen Fry - a passage stuck on me as I turned for the billionth time.

Zeus rules the Heavens and the world, and Hera rules him.

And I sorta flew out of bed, went for my device and started drawing.
Fire Lord Zuko, worshipping his wife (Queen?) Katara’s ass.

I hope you can enjoy this rare little trinket.

I might make a few Avatar pics... don’t blame me and please don‘t abandon me…😣 just think it as supplement 🥺♥️

Other than that, I hope you are doing well.

I will try to see if I can at long last rest and power down…

fingers crossed.

Yours truly




We will not abandon you nor hate you for doing what you want and i am pretty sure everyone likes that sketch soooo. Even if they payed me i would hate you 😊


Btw what time is it for you because for me it morning 😂


Usually when i try to sleep i start tinking of myself that I'm leaning against a cypress tree in the middle of a yellow meadow next to a river. And its soo peaceful 🥰


You could try use that next time if you want . Have a great day and stay safe. 😁


Love to see Sokka and the kyoshi warriors including ty lee my head canon until proven otherwise is kyoshi island is just full of sokka's descendants


No Worries :)!! No way would any Sane person abandon you with you art. Also if your interested in drawing other characters later how about Jin, Zuko’s date from Book 2 always thought she was sweet and curvy a good contrast for Zuko, or Ty Lee,always loved her, she’s like a cross between Yori and Tara,curvy and battle ready.


Hera rules Zues? Isn't he like the worst husband ever and their marriage not that great?