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Ursa and Zuko in a pool of water.

Things seem to get heated up as Ursa forgets herself around the young fire lord.

I hope you like this.

I usually don’t draw Avatar stuff, but I just couldn’t help myself.
Don’t expect more of this, just be happily surprised when you see it come around from time to time.

Yours truly




Wow doing avatar now nice I’d like to see your version of those characters


I like you doing Avatar characters. One thing I haven't understood why everyone has such a hardon for Zuko getting every character. Yes he was the sad boy who started to make up for himself and had some character growth. For me Aang has more potential to develop after cannon or just reason to be going around to all these people and gets done dirty in a lot of fictions with his girl(s) getting taken by others. most of the time. Give me an Aang snatching up Azula, Ursa, and Ty lee any day, and if you want to throw in Toph, Katara, and June the Bounty Hunter any day.


Sorry. I appreciate and respect your honesty and your opinion, but I personally don’t share it. Of all main characters Aang is the one I like the least in all modern fiction (that I have read/watched - which is far from everything) That being said, I understand why people like him, I am just not one of them. ♥️


Same fun version, Also like that while well busted and bootied she has a more reasonable waist than some characters. Don't feel she'll snap like a twig under the *ahem* Adult Athleticism in that universe. Very aesthetic in some of the other art and also the only thing that starts to stretch my verisimilitude. not complaint, just observation

Osbourne GG

I liked avatar Roku and avatar wan myself. I think they were characters who ideally wanted to do good and do the right thing. But sometimes just being good is never enough. They had such tragic bittersweet endings :(

Osbourne GG

Great art and u respect that you may not want to draw a lot of avatar art. I enjoy what has already been made as well as the Original characters. What are your thoughts on Ty Lee though. I always thought she was one of the best. So hopeful and sweet

Beau C

Ooh, me like


They really did. they were well crafted. For why I like the concept of Aang for growth or changed if you age him up during the series is that very same wanting to do good etc and the contrast of monk values to what an author/artist can awaken in him of early desires lol. Plus during the series he was 12 for the whole series and then 13 in the epilogue episode. And the show runners did a really good job of actually making him be a 12 year old with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Which it makes sense why a lot of people don't back him lol. I like the potential of where he could go. Like what you like always fun to have friendly convos about it. I say this not having made any fics or pics for it lol. you do you Henrik your the artist. ...would I be mad if your ATLA art had the Zuko and Ang Variants where only the male or a couple words were changed lol no I would not. do you have a lot of stuff on your plate so I feel bad even suggesting it, heck yes I do feel bad. All the other art you make is just fun side dishes I'm here for RSAHNP and these are just bonuses...also am I sleep deprived and rambling...yes so sorry for that.


It is one of the best couples in animation history. I loved watching Avatar bought Kora and the last air bender but like why was ther so much kid like relationship drama 😫. Anyway great work again.


under explored character she was. protecting her sisters and found family by being blackmailed by Azula. She had more depth than people thought.


Please show a front side of Ursa if you can?