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Hey everyone.

wow some wild days. I’ve had to do a ton. Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been trying to stress off by gaming some, and it helped. It tanked my work load a bit. But I am trying to find a better spark to go with in my creativity.

I don’t know if I am making sense or not, I’ve been really busy and it has stopped my work flow a bit.

but here is a sketch page for you, I hope you enjoy ♥️♥️

Yours truly




Osbourne GG

Haha nice callback


Love that comment shego said about syntha drones

Jaguar Man

Shego here looks straight up evil, so cool.

Teh Wen Khiey

Is it weird that I kind of agree with Shego? Kim did fall in love with Eric because he happened to be the most handsome face she met on campus, only to realise too late that he was a Synthodrone built to bait her into a trap, which she fell for, hook, line, and sinker.


Nice little call back to the plot of so the drama

Jaguar Man

Any person would fall for it, no shame in that. Drakken broke the rules by playing into their personal lives anyhow, especially a lonely teenage girl.