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Half the way… well it’s further than any other woman has yet gone Shego, but there is still a way to go before you really claim Ron.

Hey everyone.
I have been really busy in my end. And also feeling a little lazy in the hot weather. I prefer staying up at night at such temperatures and be awake at a better temperature but other stuff has been keeping me a day dweller.

I hope you enjoy this page nonetheless and that you can stay well in the summer.

Yours truly



Julian Fratzscher

So that's the reason his pants fall down so often.^^

Teh Wen Khiey

Shego's never going to let Kim go after that cockblock.


Good progress! Is it possible that you can give an ETA on when this will be released fully? If not that's fine


I'm sorry but I don't understand. What do you mean fully? if it's a long answer then please don't hesitate to send me a message instead. :)


I just meant chapter 4 being fully colored and rendered. Looks really good and im excited to see the finished product