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Hello everyone.

Second last day of the vacation. It’s been nice, but I am truly waiting in pleasure to go home. Out is good but home is best.

If you are only here for the saucy stuff (all respect to that 🤗) Skip past this first block to the first line and start reading from there. Wink wink 😉😘

To those still here ❤️

Here is something that I have just finished here at the Hotel.

I have had a little time to myself. I need it. Otherwise I am loosing my freaking mind. And while it might be fun to watch rich guys try to improve their spot on the race tomorrow… that is not my type of fun. But I will go tomorrow. Rain or drought. Because… well… been waiting this long for it.

Hehehe… In seriousness I have enjoyed the vacation. It has given me a ton of energy. I also love Montreal. I must say Canada, you impress me. You drive a little like the Americans and you aren’t good at giving room for emergency vehicles, but all in all… a Gorgeous city. Canada, you are amazing. Kind, warm, welcoming and trustworthy. I could honestly see myself live in a city, or just outside a city like Montreal.

My brother also wanted to see the University McGill. Apparently it was on his wishlist for his exchange program. It looked like something out of the Sims game 🤩 Great to see so many eager and bright young minds in pursuit of an education. On thy thin nerdy shoulders shall we build our future. ❤️ Comes from the biggest slim shouldered nerd ever 😂 Hehehe. Love you my fellow nerds.

Other than that we have found the most charming little Italian restaurant just a brisk walk from our current hotel. We have dined there twice, and they are spectacular.

I even tried their Escargot - snails. Well… it is French speaking Canada 🤗 And you wont believe it, it tasted heavenly. Really wonderful.

For the main it has been Risotto and Tortellini Gigi. Oh goodness I hope I can persuade them to try it a third time. There are still items on the menu I wanna try. But if they insist on steak then sure thing. ❤️

For now… Here is an update to the story of Harry… following his return to Hogwarts.


Harry’s detention with Gilderoy Lockhart was beyond annoying. He was endlessly bragging about himself and his achievements, while Harry kept writing addresses on the envelopes. He thought this was one of the worst punishments he had ever gotten.

It was torture. Tedious... and a complete waste of time.

The only light in the dark was the fact that some of the witches that sent Gilderoy letters sometimes sent photo’s of themselves.

Harry saw several women with last names he recognized. Including Parkinson, Greengrass and Goyle.

Harry looked at the photos and was pleased to see that all the photos were moving, and all of them were nudes of Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Greengrass and Goyle.

Now... How in the world a babe like Mrs Goyle managed to pop out such an only child as Gregory was beyond Harry.

She was perhaps not the hottest MILF ever but Harry would gladly jump her.

Mrs Parkinson was also something of a looker. She looked a lot like her daughter and Harry saw how her photo was of her finger in herself.

Mrs Greengrass took the prize though. She was so incredibly hot. A grown up version of Daphne and with larger hooters that spoke their true language about motherhood. Harry looked over at Gilderoy who smiled as he signed another letter.

Harry stuck the photo’s away, knowing that they were wasted on that blatant narcissist.

He kept signing the response letters with addresses when he heard a voice. A voice, so cruel and evil... that it made the hairs on the back of his head rise.

“Sooooo loooong time... I can smell blood... let me drink your blood... I want your bloood... Sooooooo hungry...”

“What?” Harry said out loud.

“Yes, it’s fantastic isn’t it! Six months on the bestselling list! A record breaker among record breakers!”

“N-no! That... voice!”

“Voice?” Gilderoy said, confused. “What do you mean?”

“That... that voice!” Harry looked baffled at Gilderoy. “Didn’t you hear it?”

Gilderoy blinked. “What are you talking about Harry? Maybe you are a little exhausted. Oh, look at that, we’ve been sitting here for 4 hours straight! Scary how time flies when the time is good, right! Heheh, no wonder you’re tired.”

Gilderoy let Harry go to bed and told him not to expect such a favorable treatment the next time he was in trouble.

Harry looked at the door for a few seconds after Gilderoy closed it, and then he began to move back to the Gryffindor dorms. He met Ron on the way. He was stinking of polishing cream.

“I won’t be able to hold a quill for at least a month...” He whined.

Harry told him about what had just happened down at Gilderoy’s office.

“And Gilderoy claimed he heard nothing?” Ron said. “That’s odd... Maybe... maybe it was a ghost... I mean... an invisible person would need to open the door to get inside.”

Scared and baffled, the two go to their bedrooms.

Angelina was sleeping in Harry’s bed. Harry got undressed and climbed into his Queen. She made a happy sound as he wrapped his arms around her warm body.

“Mmmh... My king...” She said and pushed her perfect ass up against his groin. Harry was tired... but seeing all those MILF photo’s of the Slytherin moms, had made him incredibly horny... so he mounted Angelina and they fucked until the wee morning hours... It was Saturday the next day... so they thought they were safe...

They were wrong.


Harry was awakened by someone tugging him hard in the shoulder.

Harry was spooning Angelina Johnson so his movements also went into her.

“Mmmh... Harry... just do whatever you want with me...” She mumbled in her sleep. “But please let your queen sleep.”

Harry opened his eyes, turned on his bed and reached for his glasses. There stood Oliver Wood, the captain for Gryffindor’s quidditch team.

“Oliver...?” Harry said and rubbed his face.

“Quick, up you go Harry... and YOU TOO Angelina! We are going to train!”

Angelina turned over on her stomach. Her gorgeous dark skin was in sublime contrast to the white sheets of the bed.

They heard her mumble something like: “Like hell we ain’t!”

“Oliver... The sun isn’t even up yet...” Harry said. He was trying to snuggle back down to Angelina.

“That’s the point! We are gonna train earlier, harder and longer than any other Quidditch team in history! This year we’re gonna win, I know it!”

“Oliver!” Angelina said out loud. “I will let you have whatever Hufflepuff girl exclusively for the rest of the year that you want, if you will forget about that idea...”

“Yeah yeah, a lot of talk,” Oliver said. “Get out of the feathers and see you down the field in 20 minutes...”

Harry was sitting up and as Oliver left, Angelia’s head came up next to Harry’s. “You know he isn’t kidding, right...?” Angelia mumbled...

“Yeah...” Harry replied.

They looked at each other.

Harry looked at his watch. It was 20 minutes to 6 AM. He looked back at Angelina. She looked at him.

Harry set the timer on his watch. “We only need five minutes to get our stuff and get to the field.”

Angelina smiled.

They hurled themselves at each other and began to fuck.

Angelina was already wet. She was always wet in the morning hours, and Harry’s morning wood flung towards her pussy and entered into her flesh like nothing.

Sex in the morning is the best.

Perhaps not with morning breath, but it is literally the best way to start the day.

You get a really good kick of all the best things your brain has to offer. It’s a lot better than coffee.

And... it tells your partner that you are desired.

Angelina was ready to skip training and spend all of their Saturday in bed, fucking like a set of wild animals.

But Harry knew better. And no matter how much of a fanatic Wood was, Harry agreed. He too wanted to win the Quidditch Cup this year.

So after a few short rounds of Angelina in Doggy style and one quick orgasm later, Harry and Angelina literally ran in their Quidditch Robes to the field.

They almost trampled down the little Colin Creevey who said something about a photo he had just developed.

“Who is that little creep?” Angelina asked looking back at Creevey who ran after them.

“New first year student, just ignore him.” Harry said.

They ran to the dressing room at the field and Harry looked at his watch.

“Dang, we're over 15 minutes late.” Harry said.

Angelina tidied herself up in the mirror.

“You can’t rush Royalty.” Angelina said while making kissy faces. “It’s not proper.”

She spun around, looked at Harry and corrected his robe a little and then she kissed him right on the mouth.

“Perfect. Now... let’s go.”

“Right behind ya.” Harry said and gave her perfect ass a good slap. —————————————————————————————————————

Oliver Wood was lecturing them over a bunch of Diagrams, that Harry honestly didn’t catch a single part of. Angelina rested her head on his shoulder and slept through most of Oliver’s lecture.

As did Fred and George. And also Katie and Alicia.

Harry himself caught nothing either, and meant stuff like this would have been better suited for a midday lesson.

An hour later, they were out on the field and Harry flew around the field at least once. And he was fully awake.

Ron and Hermione were sitting down on the stands, and looked up at him. Harry was looking enviously at the huge pieces of toast with marmalade that they were gorging themselves on.

“Aren’t you done yet?” Ron asked.

“Not even started,” Harry said. “Throw me a toast, will ya?”

Hermione smiled and threw a wrapped bacon and eggs sandwich up to him. Harry smiled back at her, and began to eat after he had unwrapped it.

Colin had apparently found his way to the stance and he was now clicking pictures left and right, and all in Harry’s direction. Harry flew past him, as fast as he could.

“What’s that noise?” Oliver asked as Harry passed him. He looked back and saw Colin Creevey.

“What’s that guy doing? Taking pictures? Is he a spy from Slytherin?! I’m gonna turn him into a Cantaloupe!”

Harry held him back.

“No, Oliver he’s no spy, just an annoying new Gryffindor student.” “Besides, Oliver, Slytherin has no need for spies.”

Oliver looked at him like a ghost. “What on earth makes you say that?”

“The fact that the entire Slytherin team is already here.”

Fred pointed down to the other end of the field where a bunch of green dressed players were entering the arena.

“Oh like hell!” Oliver said. “I reserved the field the entire day! I’m putting an end to this.” Oliver jolted down to the Slytherin team.

“FLINT!” Oliver yelled when he landed. The rest of the Gryffindor team joined him. Marcus Flint was a huge person, larger still than Wood who was pretty big.

“Flint, the field is reserved, get lost!”

Marcus Flint lifted both his arms to look welcoming. His smile showed his ugly teeth. “Lot’s of space for the lot of us Wood. You won't even notice that we’re here.”

“I bloody RESERVED the field today! Just check the board and go and sign up yourself.”

“True as that may be...” Flint said, pulling out a document. “I have a special notice from Professor Snape.”

Wood snatched the letter out of Flint’s hand and started reading. Harry stood next to him and read it over his shoulder.

“I Professor S. Snape hereby allows the Slytherin team the field for the coming time to begin training the new seeker.”

“You got a new Seeker?” Wood said looking confused at Flint. "Who?"

The Slytherin team stepped aside and a silver blonde and gorgeous woman stepped forward. She looked at Harry with her ice blue eyes and a smug smile.

“Malfoy?” Harry said. He couldn’t believe it.

Draca smiled a little more smugly. She was gorgeously beautiful and seeing her standing in her brand new Quidditch Uniform in green and silver gray was absolutely amazing. But there was a hideous side to her beauty.

“Yes,” Draca said through her perfect white teeth. “And... that’s not the only new thing this year...”

Draca moved her broom from one shoulder to another. Harry noticed. And so did all the others around her.

Draca and all the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team were all holding shining new racing brooms in an amazing top tuned design. They were coated in a black color, and had silver and green adornments over their handles. They were custom made.

Ron and Hermione who had come over were now gawking at the brooms with the rest of the Slytherin team.

“Nimbus 2001 brooms... where the heck did you get those from?” Ron asked, looking like he just saw a ghost. He couldn’t slide the eyes off the broom in Flint's hand.

“A generous donation from Draca’s father.” Flint said with his usual trollish grin.

“See Weasley...” Draca said looking unbelievably insufferable. “Unlike some others... MY daddy can afford, the best of the best...”

She looked at Harry. Her gaze was challenging... It wasn’t that unusual for her to look at Harry that way. What was unusual was that she was doing it in this situation. She looked like Harry should somehow realize a mistake or something.

“... But... I am sure there is hope...” Draca looked past Harry to Fred and George who each stood with a Cleansweep 5 in their hands.

“I am sure those antiques would fetch a colossal fee at the proper Museum.”

The Slytherin team bursted out laughing.

Hermione was raging like a thunderstorm and stepped forward.

“Unlike some others,” she said while stepping up next to Harry. “The Gryffindor players are on their team because of talent... not because they sold themselves like a common whore.”

The Slytherin team got silent and Draca turned sour. She walked right up to Hermione’s face and looked her dead in the eye.

“Hold your fucking tongue...” She hissed. “Filthy, stinking MUDBLOOD!” Harry knew at that moment Draca had said something really bad.

The entire Gryffindor team marched forward and at this moment all of them apart from Harry and Hermione stood as huge lion-men with fangs and claws.

Angelina stomped forward growling like mad: “HOW DARE YOU!?”

Flint and the rest of the Slytherin team had formed a wall around Draca and they all stood as tall green scaled snake-men... They hissed and showed their fangs in a warning.

But before anything could happen they heard a loud sound: BANG!

Ron flew backwards. He had tried to cast a spell with his broken wand and was hurled backwards by the spell he had tried to cast on Draca.

Harry and Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindor team rushed to Ron...

Ron... was burping snails. Harry and Hermione got him to Hagrid’s Hut to help him. Draca and the rest of the Slytherin team were cracking under the laughter from Ron’s condition. —————————————————————————————————————

We all know what happened after that. In Hagrid’s Hut, they got the information about the slur ‘MUDBLOOD’ that Draca had just used, and also about the story of so-called ‘PUREBLOODS’ like the Malfoy’s or even the Weasley’s.

Harry had noticed the strange behavior in the Magical Society. He didn’t get it... How come bloodlines and history mattered so much?

Wasn’t it enough to just be magical?

Harry had heard that his father was a pureblood - but he had married his mother, a muggleborn witch. In Harry’s mind it made no sense and held no importance.

And clearly not all Purebloods were as disgusting as Draca or even her mom. Mrs Weasley... Harry’s lovely wife was a pureblood and she was a dream come true.

Harry was sorta lost in a fantasy about Mrs Weasley. He ought to write to her again. —————————————————————————————————————

Later down the weeks Harry was invited to Nearly headless Nick’s deathday party.

Harry wasn’t keen on going but Nick had helped him out of a tricky situation with Filch and Nick had promised Harry that he would make it up to him. He said that there would be plenty of lovely ladies at the party, and he would be more than happy to introduce him to them. Harry was apparently just as famous in the Ghost society as he was in the living realm.

Harry brought Ron and Hermione with him, and they were both... eager and not eager to go, but - a promise is a promise.

They went down to the basements to find the party.

Under the great hall there was a shadow hall, and in here, there was something that resembled a parodic ghost party of the balls and parties upstairs.

Harry was greeted by Nick and as was Hermione and Ron.

It was dark, gloomy and cold down here, but... well... it was interesting to see the party...

Harry was not sure what Nick had meant about lovely ladies... sure... there were ghost women down here... but... they were ghosts...

One of them was unmistakably the Grey Lady, the Ravenclaw house ghost.

She was unbelievably beautiful. Harry had seen portraits of her. She was dressed in a silver gray dress. She was pale, and had jet black straight hair and hooters so perfect that any man would be driven insane by them.

Her face was oval and completely symmetrical. Oddly... in her frame there was no name attached... or rather... it had been scratched out.

Harry approached her to say hello.

“Good evening miss.” Harry said. She politely nodded to him.

“Good evening.” She replied. “Young Master Potter... how strange to find you at this place. Wouldn’t you rather be at the Halloween Party 4 floors above us?”

“Sure but...” Harry looked over his shoulder. Nick was conversing with some prominent looking ghosts.

“I sorta promised Nick, and... he said there would be lovely ladies and... he was right.” Harry shrugged.

"So... win win.”

She smiled. That was a first. her cheeks also got a silvery color... was she blushing? Can ghosts even do that?

She lowered her hovering height and stood shoulder to shoulder with Harry.

She looked at Harry. First in his eyes, then at his arm and then back in his eyes again. Harry understood.

“Oh, uh... May I?”

Harry lifted his arm in gesture. The Grey Lady nodded and made a courtesy in his gesture and placed her arm around his own.

To Harry’s surprise... he didn’t feel cold by her touch... and more surprisingly... he actually felt her touch...

Harry escorted the Grey Lady around the party, and to the dancefloor. “A dance, my lady?” Harry asked.

“Gladly, Mr Potter.” She replied.

Harry got into position and she placed one arm on his shoulder and another in his hand. Harry placed his remaining hand on her hip, and they started to dance to the ominous but still beautiful music.

Harry waltzed around with the Grey lady. She had to be a splendid dancer in her time alive.

She was so beautiful. Her eyes in life must have enchanted so many men to do the most outrageous of things. Harry was certain that in her life, she must have been the cause of plenty of duels.

“You are an excellent dancer, Mr Potter.” She said after a few minutes.

“Thank you, my lady.” Harry said. “It helps when your partner is the epitome of grace and beauty on the floor. As delicate as a dowe and as elegant as a swan.”

She smiled again.

“Well... my mother insisted I perfected the arts of the time. She was adamant that I became the best dancer in my generation.”

“And you succeeded.” Harry answered.

She allowed Harry to pull her closer, to make her spin in her own circle and soon after Harry realized they were the center of attention of the entire ballroom. But he cared not for any other than the Grey Lady.

They danced to the music, which had turned away from ominous to more delicate and lively. Maybe due to Harry’s and the Grey Lady’s dance.

Harry either imagined it... or maybe his eyes were turning more adjusted to the pale bluish colors of the ghosts... but it was almost like she no longer stood before him like a ghost... but instead... stood like a living person.

She also... seemed less transparent and more... solid than before.

Harry kept dancing and dancing around with her. He really enjoyed it.

The music course came to it’s climax, and Harry and the Grey Lady stood hand in hand. Harry bowed before his partner, and she made an elegant courtesy.

The entire hall bursted out clapping. Especially sir Nickolas. He looked very pleased.

Harry once again offered his arm to the Grey Lady and she took it. He escorted her off the dancefloor as the entire hall still applauded them.

Harry saw to his surprise that many... in fact... ALL the ghosts stood more solid... none were hovering around and all were standing on the floor like living people.

The music started shortly after, and Harry saw many of the ghosts go to the floor to dance... like... living people.

“Mr Potter...” The Grey Lady whispered to him. “Will you please escort me out to get some fresh air?”

Harry nodded and answered: “Of course, My lady.”

They walked up the stairs until they reached the ground floor and Harry let her out into the gardens that were decorated with giant pumpkin lamps and ghastly and scary decorations.

Harry and the Grey Lady walked around the great hall where the Halloween Party was celebrated.

They found a bench and Harry sat his lady down, and sat down right next to her. Now he was sure he wasn’t imagining things. She stood solid in front of him. As if she was still alive.

“Harry...” She said and Harry looked her in the eyes... he had been drawn to her majestic hooters.

“Yes, my lady?” He replied, and looked a little guilty. But he relaxed as he saw her smile.

“I have just had the most wonderful time in almost a thousand years.” She looked up at the stars.

“I have longed to see the stars again for all this time.” Harry looked at her.

“Ghosts can’t see stars?” He asked.

The Grey Lady shook her beautiful head.

“Like the stars, we ghosts are but reflections of what we once were. A shimmering light that is neither here nor there. Stuck forever in the dark void until the end of time. Or until... the source of our light runs out. And thus... we cannot see each other.”

Harry looked up at the starry sky with a smile.

“None of the stars up there, even compare with the star right down here.”

The Grey Lady blushed... this time with pink cheeks and she smiled the most bashful of smiles.

She looked up at Harry after she had turned her face downwards.

“Mr Potter... you are a charmer.” She sounded somewhat scolding and happy at the same time.

“I am being truthful, my lady.” Harry said as he corrected some of her black hair that had fallen out from behind her ear. He... he felt her... and she was more than solid. She was warm.

She held his hand where it was with her own.

“My name...” She said... almost as if she was finally remembering it. “My name... is Helena...”

She looked into Harry’s eyes with her own eyes. Harry saw they were as gray as the silvery dress she was wearing.

“Please... call me... by my name... Harry...” Harry leaned in, as did she... and they kissed.

She was neither cold nor was she transparent. She was warm... and solid... and she kissed him like it was all just a dream... but it wasn’t.

Harry’s hand fell from her face and down to her boobs. He managed to fish out her right boob from its socket in her dress and he began to fondle and massage it.

It was an amazing titty.

Harry and Helena stopped their kissing for a while, and while they both looked at each other, she was looking both baffled and... aroused.

As if she was shocked over her own actions.

“Harry...” she said hardly louder than a whisper. “Please... defile me...”

Harry lifted an eyebrow. He knew that had to be dark age speech equivalent to the more modern: “fuck me...”

Harry obeyed his lovely lady fair.

They hurled themselves at each other on the warm late autumn night.

Getting her out of her middle age dress - however sexy and decorated - was something of a task.

She was tied up more securely than Harry would have ever guessed.

Finally! She was standing naked, and Harry got out of his own outfit, and when they stood naked, they once again hurled themselves at each other and kissed like wild animals.

Harry loved her kisses. She was both wild and eager. She did something akin to suckle his own tongue and Harry loved it. She was both biting lips and sucked his neck.

Harry got down on his knees... slowly. He made sure to make a good and long stop by her massive hooters.

He was in love with these magnificent hooters. She was incredibly hot.

Harry moved on, past her hooters and down over her flat, slightly bulgy stomach, and to her fully bushed pussy. Harry arranged himself on his knees and grabbed Helena on the buttocks to pull her to his face.

He squished her buttocks in his hands... they were just as wonderful as her tits. But his main focus was on her pussy...

Her fur was as soft as a kitten. And she tasted like a goddess.

Harry heard that she was trying to conceal her moans and screams by holding her hands over her mouth.

But Harry just intensified his pressure and his efforts and he was enjoying it maybe even more than she was.

“Oh Harry...” She gasped when she clearly was getting an orgasm. “Your tongue... it’s... it’s truly... magical...”

Harry kept giving her the time of her... afterlife.

She was so delicious. She was so hot. And he kept squeezing her massive buttocks in his hands.

After a good long while, and Harry counted at least 4 orgasms, but there might have been more, he stood up and kissed Helena on the mouth. He stuck his tongue deep into her mouth and she sucked it like she did before.

After a mostly depraved kissing session, Helena looked at Harry, and she saw in his eyes what he expected. She knelt down in front of him, and looked at the marvel that was his cock.

She collected her jet black mane in her hands behind her head and looked up at Harry.

Harry understood her unspoken intention and grabbed hold of her topped ponytail with his hand.

She wanted him... to lead.

As a Gryffindor, he was more than able and willing to take the lead.

He aligned his cock with her perfect mouth and with a gentle but firm assertion of his dominance, he got the cock into her mouth, and he began to fuck her face.

He wasn’t brutal at first and she was not an expert in this bodily art. Not by any means necessary. She was in fact a little bad at it, but she was determined and with some gentle

and firm nudging and some deep breaths... did Harry manage to stick his cock deep, deep, DEEP down her throat...

Harry fucked her face and throat all the while she managed to hold her breath and then... when she wanted to gasp for air... she gagged over Harry's cock and pulled back her head to breath...

Harry looked down on her confused as he coughed... much to her own confusion.

“Harry... I nearly choked...” She looked confused and scared up at him. “But... how can that be?”

Helena was blinking and she looked at Harry’s cock. Her eyes lid up and she looked wildly at Harry.

“Do it again!”

She opened her mouth and Harry stuck his cock as deep down her throat as he could. He pressed her beautiful face against his abs as he went down her throat to the root.

He kept her there as long as it was even possible, and when she began to gurgle and gag again, she fought and resisted him and got his massive junk out of her throat again. She gasped for air, and used a little of it to scream.


Harry obeyed and flung his cock down her mouth for as long as she possibly could. She was twisting and turning under his merciless grip and only when she seemed just about to lose did he let her resurface to breathe, and every time she gasped for air she cried out even louder.


For over 40 minutes did Harry brutally fuck the face of Helena. He came several times, and sometimes when she cried “Again!” Her voice was that of a woman drowning, but it didn’t stop her.

Harry just kept fucking her face.

He had started moving his hips and he fucked her throat as brutally as it was even possible.

He thought he understood.

Helena was experiencing something she hadn’t felt since she died... she was feeling close... to death...

What had happened...?

Shouldn’t she be able to do this no problem with no issue of breathing at all?

It didn’t make sense. But Harry didn’t complain.

He simply kept fucking her face for as long as he could.

When he family had grown satiated with her mouth he looked to her other holes. Her ass was raised right now and he was giving it a loud spanking session. She was whimpering under his brutal treatment but she was not unhappy with it. In fact she seemed to be more than pleased.

“Helena...” Harry said out loud.

“I wanna... defile your pussy next!” He had nearly said fuck... but he stopped himself. He was unsure of her reaction to such a word.

Helena was once again having his cock balls deep in her throat. Once again, testing her own... mortality...?

And when she finally needed air again... she pulled her head back and gasped for air.

“Oh Harry...” She said... gasping and moaning “Please... defile me and use my body to your satisfaction!”

Harry spun her around and made her lean on the bench they had been using earlier. He pushed her up so she was on her knees on the bench and slapped her ass so hard she cried: AUW!

But Harry didn’t bother. He got in position behind her and aligned his saliva soaked cock with her dripping wet pussy.

He rammed the cock inside her. She was tight at the entrance so he really had to shove it in there.

Helena made big eyes and her mouth opened in a huge ‘O’ as Harry’s huge member pierced inside of her womanly flesh like a battering ram went through a rampart.

“OOOOH SHIT!” Harry said... he had never had ghost pussy before... but this one sure was magnificent.

“Oooooh fucking shit...” Harry adjusted his stance before he began to fuck Helena’s pussy.

It was purely animalistic. Harry fucked Helena like she was a bitch in heat and nothing else. Their otherwise romantic and quite lovey dovey performance earlier was completely out the window. Harry fucked her like she was just a common whore. And it was more than clear that Helena wanted it no other way.

Harry got hold of her jet black mane and collected it in a tight ponytail and then he pulled hard backwards as to fuck the literal mind out of her beautiful head.

But Helena was not just a fucktoy. She pushed backwards and... for likely the first time in her life - and afterlife - cried out profanities that would put a London whore to shame.

Harry spanked her ass, as she deserved it. Where had she learned such foul language? Harry asked her this.

“I’ve... heard it... when the Ravenclaws... in my house... got fucked... by the Gryffindors... like the whores... they are... OHHHH FUCK!”

That made sense. Ravenclaw had some of the most beautiful girls in the entire Hogwarts University.

Harry kept fucking Helena.

He moved her into another position. He placed her on her back so he could fuck her and enjoy her lovely face.

He fucked her like a massive breeding bull.

Her mouth was open and her tongue hung out. It was as if her mind told her to kiss her lover but she wasn’t all there anymore so she was trying her best to get her tongue out there to hopefully catch Harry’s mouth, resulting in her tongue flinging itself around like a wild fish on land.

Harry saw in mercy to her and caught her wild out of control mouth and began to engage her wild tongue.

She was so fucking hot. And her warm wet tongue was like a wild animal that sought to find its way down his throat.

She was so impatient, so demanding... so craving... and Harry provided it all.

“Oooh fuck you fucking bitch... I am gonna cum inside of your pussy!”

Harry exploded into her womb, filling her up inside with his potion of life. He pumped it deep, deep... deep into her womanly sanctum turning her cold inner self into a deep seeded ocean of his potent sperm.

Never before had Helena tried something like this. Not in her life. Not in her afterlife. She was the beginning and the end of all things. The stars above her shined on her. They smiled at her. They seemed to applaud her, like the ghosts had all done in the basement earlier.

She saw the sky, not as grayish black, but instead as a deep dark blue. Her hands clasped around Harry’s neck and her legs locked themselves behind his back. She was feeling it... she was feeling the true meaning of life once again.

For the first time in a thousand years she felt her long still heart beat in her chest once again... wild and strong... like it once was...

She felt how Harry lifted her up, not without mass... but as heavy as she was. She was a burden... she was massive... she had volume.

What had transpired...?

How could it be...?

Was she not meant to be nothing but a pale imitation of what she had once been?

How could she feel... when she had nothing to feel? How could this be...?

Harry had moved her into a position that allowed him to enter her body though another hole... a hole that her mother would never have approved of.

A hole... where no offspring would ever spring.

But as Harry entered her through this hole, while she was on the grass with her ass held up high in a position her mother for sure would punish her for ever getting into, she felt the pain... real and true... magnificent and wonderful pain...

Never had she felt for real... never had she been alive as she was now. Never had she been so happy as she was, right now. Harry... Oh Harry...

Harry fucked Helena’s asshole. It was spectacular. He could feel that this was her first time, and she was sucking him in like a vacuum. She was so hot and slippery. She was so tight and soft. It was a truly wonderful experience.

Harry fucked her. Right there in the gardens. And as their lovemaking came to a close... Harry pulled his cock from her ass, and stuck it deep down her throat to fill up her stomach with sperm.

She was completely filled up and his cum overflowed in her mouth as he emptied his sack all over her. His precious elixir of life... So tasty... yes... she could taste him... she could actually taste this potent and warm magical potion that seemed to have solidified her.

She drove her tongue around in the puddle of sperm in her mouth and finally... she swallowed the precious seed. Harry was caressing her head as if she was a good and obedient pet.

She looked up at him with eyes that gleamed with lust, love and passion. Harry’s member hung down between her legs, and she kissed it with her still wet lips.

“My love... my truest of most wonderful love... Thank you... Thank you Harry Potter...” Harry smiled at her and patted her black haired head.

“You are most welcome, my fair lady Helena.”

They stood like that for a while, and when she finally came to her legs, they got dressed. Harry had to help her with her dress. She hadn’t been out of it for a thousand years, and... it kinda needed help from another to get it to sit correctly.

When they finally stood decently dressed, Harry offered her his arm and led her inside again.

They walked through the halls in silence, and then... it happened again... Harry heard the murderous whispering hissing voice from inside the walls.

“Kill... Kill... Come to me... let me bite you... let me tear you... let me kill you...” “What?” Harry said.

Helena looked at him. “Beg your pardon?”

“Didn’t you... hear that?”

Helena looked confused. She looked like she tried to listen. “I... I can’t hear a thing?”

Harry walked over to the wall where he heard the voice. “Let me bite you... let me flay you... let me slay you...”

“It comes from in there... and it’s moving!”

Helena looked a little scared, but she looked determined as well.

“Let me check.”

She walked towards the wall and... BONK!


Helena walked against the solid massive stone wall in a brisk pace and walked right into it head on, with the only result of a loud thud and bloody nose.

“AUW AUW AUW auuuuuuw!” She held her now bleeding perfect nose in a hand and tilted it upwards.

“Helena?” Harry asked. “What happened?”

“Well what do you bloody think happened!?” She yelled back at him. “I got a bloody nose, that’s what happened!”

Harry looked at her a little perplexed and then it seemed she realized what she just said.

She looked back at Harry after she had pulled out a handkerchief and placed it under her nose.

She removed the handkerchief and looked at the white fabric in her hand. “I haven’t seen that color... since the day I died...”

Harry looked at her in bafflement and walked over to check her nose. It wasn’t broken, just hurt and a little scruffed.

“You... you are solid still... and... you are...” Harry placed a hand on her chest. She dashed it away.

“Hey!” She barked. “We may be engaged by coitus now, but don’t you dare take liberties.” “I didn’t mean to, I...” Harry shook his head and instead he thought of something else. “Just... let me feel your pulse ok?”

Helena blinked and lifted her head a little to expose her neck.

Harry felt her throat with two of his fingers... Her skin was so soft and delicate, and as perfect and frail as marble.

He pressed a little and... he felt it. He felt a pulse...

She was... alive...

“You...” Harry said. “... Helena... you are alive... Your blood is pumping... how?”

Helena gazed at Harry. This... this was unheard of. No magic could bring the dead back to life...

Harry was just about to say something, when he heard the voice again... this time down the hall.

He grabbed Helena’s hand and pulled her with him down the halls.

“Harry!?” Helena cried out. “Harry wait...! I haven’t run in a millennia!”

Her gold bloom brocade shoes were ill equipped for anything but dancing and trotting.

As they turned another corner they found a hall with the floors flooded with water. At the one lit wall they saw meter tall letters written on the wall in blood...

“The chamber of secrets has been opened... enemies of the heir... beware!”

“Oh no...” Helena said. “It’s happening again...”

Harry looked at her... and as he did he looked past her and saw the janitor's cat hanging... She was hanging by her tail in one of the lamps next to the text written.

She wasn’t... looking dead... she was looking... frozen... as if... in mid jump after a scare... from below her...

“Harry,” Helena said and she sounded scared. “Harry... we need to get away from here.”

She took his hand. He was about to protest and say that they needed to help the cat down, when it happened.

A horde of students from both directions of the hall came towards them.

They all saw the weird and ominous scene in front of them, and they all were whispering in horror about the message. They were clearly distraught. Harry wasn’t certain what to think or even expect.

“Enemies of the heir... beware...” Draca Malfoy stood in front of the crowd flanked by her posse of Slytherin girls. She looked at the others in the crowd.

“That means you! MUDBLOODS!”

Argus Filch the Janitor pressed his way through the crowd.

“What’s happening here!? Why are you all gathering around here!? What is... Madam Norris...?”

Filch saw the cat and all blood drained from his already pale face.

“My cat... what has happened to my cat...!?”

Harry didn’t like Filch one bit, but he did feel sorry for him at this moment.

Filch looked at Harry with wild anger in his eyes.


Filch marched towards Harry with a frodded mouth.

“I am gonna pay you back! I swear it! I...!”

“Argus...” A deep voice said from the other end of the hall. Albus Dumbledore stood in the mix flanked by the other teachers.

“Argus I...” Dumbledore saw the text on the wall.

“All students, return to the common rooms. Instantly.”

Harry was about to obey when he heard. “Expect... for you Harry... and your friends.”

Harry saw that Hermione and Ron had come up to him from the crowd. He saw the horror in their faces. Helena stood next to Harry and held his arm tightly.

Albus Dumbledore walked over and pulled Madam Norris down from the lamp. Then he brought Harry, Ron, Hermione and Helena and the teachers to the nearest classroom and there he started to investigate Madam Norris' stiff body.

He quickly concluded that she was not dead. She was petrified.

When Harry was asked to make an explanation for his whereabouts for the last couple of hours Helena stepped forward and told him what had transpired before this moment.

“I can vouch for Harry. He has been in my company all evening.” She sounded very authoritarian and as if they should just take her word as gospel. The teachers all looked at her in confusion.

“Excuse me, my dear,” Albus carefully said. “But who are you?” Helena blinked with her eyes and looked baffled.

“Albus,” She said and leaned her head a little forward. “It’s me... Helena... You know... the Grey Lady... Ravenclaws House ghost...”

The teachers all looked at her in shock.

It was as if they finally recognized her from her portrait.

“Goodness...” Minerva said and held a hand over her mouth. “Albus... it... it is her...”

Albus let the cat be cat and instead focused on the true marvel in the room... the ghost that now stood... as a fully living person...

“How on earth did this happen, my dear?” Albus asked and walked over to examine her. As did Snape and Minerva.

Filch looked from the teachers to his cat on the table, and he looked a little bewildered as he took the stiff cat from the table.

Harry met Helena’s gaze and they both shrugged. —————————————————————————————————————

To be continued.

Harry’s detention with Gilderoy Lockhart was beyond annoying. He was endlessly bragging about himself and his achievements, while Harry kept writing addresses on the envelopes. He thought this was one of the worst punishments he had ever gotten.

It was torture. Tedious... and a complete waste of time.

The only light in the dark was the fact that some of the witches that sent Gilderoy letters sometimes sent photo’s of themselves.

Harry saw several women with last names he recognized. Including Parkinson, Greengrass and Goyle.

Harry looked at the photos and was pleased to see that all the photos were moving, and all of them were nudes of Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Greengrass and Goyle.

Now... How in the world a babe like Mrs Goyle managed to pop out such an only child as Gregory was beyond Harry.

She was perhaps not the hottest MILF ever but Harry would gladly jump her.

Mrs Parkinson was also something of a looker. She looked a lot like her daughter and Harry saw how her photo was of her finger in herself.

Mrs Greengrass took the prize though. She was so incredibly hot. A grown up version of Daphne and with larger hooters that spoke their true language about motherhood. Harry looked over at Gilderoy who smiled as he signed another letter.

Harry stuck the photo’s away, knowing that they were wasted on that blatant narcissist.

He kept signing the response letters with addresses when he heard a voice. A voice, so cruel and evil... that it made the hairs on the back of his head rise.

“Sooooo loooong time... I can smell blood... let me drink your blood... I want your bloood... Sooooooo hungry...”

“What?” Harry said out loud.

“Yes, it’s fantastic isn’t it! Six months on the bestselling list! A record breaker among record breakers!”

“N-no! That... voice!”

“Voice?” Gilderoy said, confused. “What do you mean?”

“That... that voice!” Harry looked baffled at Gilderoy. “Didn’t you hear it?”

Gilderoy blinked. “What are you talking about Harry? Maybe you are a little exhausted. Oh, look at that, we’ve been sitting here for 4 hours straight! Scary how time flies when the time is good, right! Heheh, no wonder you’re tired.”

Gilderoy let Harry go to bed and told him not to expect such a favorable treatment the next time he was in trouble.

Harry looked at the door for a few seconds after Gilderoy closed it, and then he began to move back to the Gryffindor dorms. He met Ron on the way. He was stinking of polishing cream.

“I won’t be able to hold a quill for at least a month...” He whined.

Harry told him about what had just happened down at Gilderoy’s office.

“And Gilderoy claimed he heard nothing?” Ron said. “That’s odd... Maybe... maybe it was a ghost... I mean... an invisible person would need to open the door to get inside.”

Scared and baffled, the two go to their bedrooms.

Angelina was sleeping in Harry’s bed. Harry got undressed and climbed into his Queen. She made a happy sound as he wrapped his arms around her warm body.

“Mmmh... My king...” She said and pushed her perfect ass up against his groin. Harry was tired... but seeing all those MILF photo’s of the Slytherin moms, had made him incredibly horny... so he mounted Angelina and they fucked until the wee morning hours... It was Saturday the next day... so they thought they were safe...

They were wrong.


Harry was awakened by someone tugging him hard in the shoulder.

Harry was spooning Angelina Johnson so his movements also went into her.

“Mmmh... Harry... just do whatever you want with me...” She mumbled in her sleep. “But please let your queen sleep.”

Harry opened his eyes, turned on his bed and reached for his glasses. There stood Oliver Wood, the captain for Gryffindor’s quidditch team.

“Oliver...?” Harry said and rubbed his face.

“Quick, up you go Harry... and YOU TOO Angelina! We are going to train!”

Angelina turned over on her stomach. Her gorgeous dark skin was in sublime contrast to the white sheets of the bed.

They heard her mumble something like: “Like hell we ain’t!”

“Oliver... The sun isn’t even up yet...” Harry said. He was trying to snuggle back down to Angelina.

“That’s the point! We are gonna train earlier, harder and longer than any other Quidditch team in history! This year we’re gonna win, I know it!”

“Oliver!” Angelina said out loud. “I will let you have whatever Hufflepuff girl exclusively for the rest of the year that you want, if you will forget about that idea...”

“Yeah yeah, a lot of talk,” Oliver said. “Get out of the feathers and see you down the field in 20 minutes...”

Harry was sitting up and as Oliver left, Angelia’s head came up next to Harry’s. “You know he isn’t kidding, right...?” Angelia mumbled...

“Yeah...” Harry replied.

They looked at each other.

Harry looked at his watch. It was 20 minutes to 6 AM. He looked back at Angelina. She looked at him.

Harry set the timer on his watch. “We only need five minutes to get our stuff and get to the field.”

Angelina smiled.

They hurled themselves at each other and began to fuck.

Angelina was already wet. She was always wet in the morning hours, and Harry’s morning wood flung towards her pussy and entered into her flesh like nothing.

Sex in the morning is the best.

Perhaps not with morning breath, but it is literally the best way to start the day.

You get a really good kick of all the best things your brain has to offer. It’s a lot better than coffee.

And... it tells your partner that you are desired.

Angelina was ready to skip training and spend all of their Saturday in bed, fucking like a set of wild animals.

But Harry knew better. And no matter how much of a fanatic Wood was, Harry agreed. He too wanted to win the Quidditch Cup this year.

So after a few short rounds of Angelina in Doggy style and one quick orgasm later, Harry and Angelina literally ran in their Quidditch Robes to the field.

They almost trampled down the little Colin Creevey who said something about a photo he had just developed.

“Who is that little creep?” Angelina asked looking back at Creevey who ran after them.

“New first year student, just ignore him.” Harry said.

They ran to the dressing room at the field and Harry looked at his watch.

“Dang, we're over 15 minutes late.” Harry said.

Angelina tidied herself up in the mirror.

“You can’t rush Royalty.” Angelina said while making kissy faces. “It’s not proper.”

She spun around, looked at Harry and corrected his robe a little and then she kissed him right on the mouth.

“Perfect. Now... let’s go.”

“Right behind ya.” Harry said and gave her perfect ass a good slap. —————————————————————————————————————

Oliver Wood was lecturing them over a bunch of Diagrams, that Harry honestly didn’t catch a single part of. Angelina rested her head on his shoulder and slept through most of Oliver’s lecture.

As did Fred and George. And also Katie and Alicia.

Harry himself caught nothing either, and meant stuff like this would have been better suited for a midday lesson.

An hour later, they were out on the field and Harry flew around the field at least once. And he was fully awake.

Ron and Hermione were sitting down on the stands, and looked up at him. Harry was looking enviously at the huge pieces of toast with marmalade that they were gorging themselves on.

“Aren’t you done yet?” Ron asked.

“Not even started,” Harry said. “Throw me a toast, will ya?”

Hermione smiled and threw a wrapped bacon and eggs sandwich up to him. Harry smiled back at her, and began to eat after he had unwrapped it.

Colin had apparently found his way to the stance and he was now clicking pictures left and right, and all in Harry’s direction. Harry flew past him, as fast as he could.

“What’s that noise?” Oliver asked as Harry passed him. He looked back and saw Colin Creevey.

“What’s that guy doing? Taking pictures? Is he a spy from Slytherin?! I’m gonna turn him into a Cantaloupe!”

Harry held him back.

“No, Oliver he’s no spy, just an annoying new Gryffindor student.” “Besides, Oliver, Slytherin has no need for spies.”

Oliver looked at him like a ghost. “What on earth makes you say that?”

“The fact that the entire Slytherin team is already here.”

Fred pointed down to the other end of the field where a bunch of green dressed players were entering the arena.

“Oh like hell!” Oliver said. “I reserved the field the entire day! I’m putting an end to this.” Oliver jolted down to the Slytherin team.

“FLINT!” Oliver yelled when he landed. The rest of the Gryffindor team joined him. Marcus Flint was a huge person, larger still than Wood who was pretty big.

“Flint, the field is reserved, get lost!”

Marcus Flint lifted both his arms to look welcoming. His smile showed his ugly teeth. “Lot’s of space for the lot of us Wood. You won't even notice that we’re here.”

“I bloody RESERVED the field today! Just check the board and go and sign up yourself.”

“True as that may be...” Flint said, pulling out a document. “I have a special notice from Professor Snape.”

Wood snatched the letter out of Flint’s hand and started reading. Harry stood next to him and read it over his shoulder.

“I Professor S. Snape hereby allows the Slytherin team the field for the coming time to begin training the new seeker.”

“You got a new Seeker?” Wood said looking confused at Flint. "Who?"

The Slytherin team stepped aside and a silver blonde and gorgeous woman stepped forward. She looked at Harry with her ice blue eyes and a smug smile.

“Malfoy?” Harry said. He couldn’t believe it.

Draca smiled a little more smugly. She was gorgeously beautiful and seeing her standing in her brand new Quidditch Uniform in green and silver gray was absolutely amazing. But there was a hideous side to her beauty.

“Yes,” Draca said through her perfect white teeth. “And... that’s not the only new thing this year...”

Draca moved her broom from one shoulder to another. Harry noticed. And so did all the others around her.

Draca and all the members of the Slytherin Quidditch team were all holding shining new racing brooms in an amazing top tuned design. They were coated in a black color, and had silver and green adornments over their handles. They were custom made.

Ron and Hermione who had come over were now gawking at the brooms with the rest of the Slytherin team.

“Nimbus 2001 brooms... where the heck did you get those from?” Ron asked, looking like he just saw a ghost. He couldn’t slide the eyes off the broom in Flint's hand.

“A generous donation from Draca’s father.” Flint said with his usual trollish grin.

“See Weasley...” Draca said looking unbelievably insufferable. “Unlike some others... MY daddy can afford, the best of the best...”

She looked at Harry. Her gaze was challenging... It wasn’t that unusual for her to look at Harry that way. What was unusual was that she was doing it in this situation. She looked like Harry should somehow realize a mistake or something.

“... But... I am sure there is hope...” Draca looked past Harry to Fred and George who each stood with a Cleansweep 5 in their hands.

“I am sure those antiques would fetch a colossal fee at the proper Museum.”

The Slytherin team bursted out laughing.

Hermione was raging like a thunderstorm and stepped forward.

“Unlike some others,” she said while stepping up next to Harry. “The Gryffindor players are on their team because of talent... not because they sold themselves like a common whore.”

The Slytherin team got silent and Draca turned sour. She walked right up to Hermione’s face and looked her dead in the eye.

“Hold your fucking tongue...” She hissed. “Filthy, stinking MUDBLOOD!” Harry knew at that moment Draca had said something really bad.

The entire Gryffindor team marched forward and at this moment all of them apart from Harry and Hermione stood as huge lion-men with fangs and claws.

Angelina stomped forward growling like mad: “HOW DARE YOU!?”

Flint and the rest of the Slytherin team had formed a wall around Draca and they all stood as tall green scaled snake-men... They hissed and showed their fangs in a warning.

But before anything could happen they heard a loud sound: BANG!

Ron flew backwards. He had tried to cast a spell with his broken wand and was hurled backwards by the spell he had tried to cast on Draca.

Harry and Hermione and the rest of the Gryffindor team rushed to Ron...

Ron... was burping snails. Harry and Hermione got him to Hagrid’s Hut to help him. Draca and the rest of the Slytherin team were cracking under the laughter from Ron’s condition. —————————————————————————————————————

We all know what happened after that. In Hagrid’s Hut, they got the information about the slur ‘MUDBLOOD’ that Draca had just used, and also about the story of so-called ‘PUREBLOODS’ like the Malfoy’s or even the Weasley’s.

Harry had noticed the strange behavior in the Magical Society. He didn’t get it... How come bloodlines and history mattered so much?

Wasn’t it enough to just be magical?

Harry had heard that his father was a pureblood - but he had married his mother, a muggleborn witch. In Harry’s mind it made no sense and held no importance.

And clearly not all Purebloods were as disgusting as Draca or even her mom. Mrs Weasley... Harry’s lovely wife was a pureblood and she was a dream come true.

Harry was sorta lost in a fantasy about Mrs Weasley. He ought to write to her again. —————————————————————————————————————

Later down the weeks Harry was invited to Nearly headless Nick’s deathday party.

Harry wasn’t keen on going but Nick had helped him out of a tricky situation with Filch and Nick had promised Harry that he would make it up to him. He said that there would be plenty of lovely ladies at the party, and he would be more than happy to introduce him to them. Harry was apparently just as famous in the Ghost society as he was in the living realm.

Harry brought Ron and Hermione with him, and they were both... eager and not eager to go, but - a promise is a promise.

They went down to the basements to find the party.

Under the great hall there was a shadow hall, and in here, there was something that resembled a parodic ghost party of the balls and parties upstairs.

Harry was greeted by Nick and as was Hermione and Ron.

It was dark, gloomy and cold down here, but... well... it was interesting to see the party...

Harry was not sure what Nick had meant about lovely ladies... sure... there were ghost women down here... but... they were ghosts...

One of them was unmistakably the Grey Lady, the Ravenclaw house ghost.

She was unbelievably beautiful. Harry had seen portraits of her. She was dressed in a silver gray dress. She was pale, and had jet black straight hair and hooters so perfect that any man would be driven insane by them.

Her face was oval and completely symmetrical. Oddly... in her frame there was no name attached... or rather... it had been scratched out.

Harry approached her to say hello.

“Good evening miss.” Harry said. She politely nodded to him.

“Good evening.” She replied. “Young Master Potter... how strange to find you at this place. Wouldn’t you rather be at the Halloween Party 4 floors above us?”

“Sure but...” Harry looked over his shoulder. Nick was conversing with some prominent looking ghosts.

“I sorta promised Nick, and... he said there would be lovely ladies and... he was right.” Harry shrugged.

"So... win win.”

She smiled. That was a first. her cheeks also got a silvery color... was she blushing? Can ghosts even do that?

She lowered her hovering height and stood shoulder to shoulder with Harry.

She looked at Harry. First in his eyes, then at his arm and then back in his eyes again. Harry understood.

“Oh, uh... May I?”

Harry lifted his arm in gesture. The Grey Lady nodded and made a courtesy in his gesture and placed her arm around his own.

To Harry’s surprise... he didn’t feel cold by her touch... and more surprisingly... he actually felt her touch...

Harry escorted the Grey Lady around the party, and to the dancefloor. “A dance, my lady?” Harry asked.

“Gladly, Mr Potter.” She replied.

Harry got into position and she placed one arm on his shoulder and another in his hand. Harry placed his remaining hand on her hip, and they started to dance to the ominous but still beautiful music.

Harry waltzed around with the Grey lady. She had to be a splendid dancer in her time alive.

She was so beautiful. Her eyes in life must have enchanted so many men to do the most outrageous of things. Harry was certain that in her life, she must have been the cause of plenty of duels.

“You are an excellent dancer, Mr Potter.” She said after a few minutes.

“Thank you, my lady.” Harry said. “It helps when your partner is the epitome of grace and beauty on the floor. As delicate as a dowe and as elegant as a swan.”

She smiled again.

“Well... my mother insisted I perfected the arts of the time. She was adamant that I became the best dancer in my generation.”

“And you succeeded.” Harry answered.

She allowed Harry to pull her closer, to make her spin in her own circle and soon after Harry realized they were the center of attention of the entire ballroom. But he cared not for any other than the Grey Lady.

They danced to the music, which had turned away from ominous to more delicate and lively. Maybe due to Harry’s and the Grey Lady’s dance.

Harry either imagined it... or maybe his eyes were turning more adjusted to the pale bluish colors of the ghosts... but it was almost like she no longer stood before him like a ghost... but instead... stood like a living person.

She also... seemed less transparent and more... solid than before.

Harry kept dancing and dancing around with her. He really enjoyed it.

The music course came to it’s climax, and Harry and the Grey Lady stood hand in hand. Harry bowed before his partner, and she made an elegant courtesy.

The entire hall bursted out clapping. Especially sir Nickolas. He looked very pleased.

Harry once again offered his arm to the Grey Lady and she took it. He escorted her off the dancefloor as the entire hall still applauded them.

Harry saw to his surprise that many... in fact... ALL the ghosts stood more solid... none were hovering around and all were standing on the floor like living people.

The music started shortly after, and Harry saw many of the ghosts go to the floor to dance... like... living people.

“Mr Potter...” The Grey Lady whispered to him. “Will you please escort me out to get some fresh air?”

Harry nodded and answered: “Of course, My lady.”

They walked up the stairs until they reached the ground floor and Harry let her out into the gardens that were decorated with giant pumpkin lamps and ghastly and scary decorations.

Harry and the Grey Lady walked around the great hall where the Halloween Party was celebrated.

They found a bench and Harry sat his lady down, and sat down right next to her. Now he was sure he wasn’t imagining things. She stood solid in front of him. As if she was still alive.

“Harry...” She said and Harry looked her in the eyes... he had been drawn to her majestic hooters.

“Yes, my lady?” He replied, and looked a little guilty. But he relaxed as he saw her smile.

“I have just had the most wonderful time in almost a thousand years.” She looked up at the stars.

“I have longed to see the stars again for all this time.” Harry looked at her.

“Ghosts can’t see stars?” He asked.

The Grey Lady shook her beautiful head.

“Like the stars, we ghosts are but reflections of what we once were. A shimmering light that is neither here nor there. Stuck forever in the dark void until the end of time. Or until... the source of our light runs out. And thus... we cannot see each other.”

Harry looked up at the starry sky with a smile.

“None of the stars up there, even compare with the star right down here.”

The Grey Lady blushed... this time with pink cheeks and she smiled the most bashful of smiles.

She looked up at Harry after she had turned her face downwards.

“Mr Potter... you are a charmer.” She sounded somewhat scolding and happy at the same time.

“I am being truthful, my lady.” Harry said as he corrected some of her black hair that had fallen out from behind her ear. He... he felt her... and she was more than solid. She was warm.

She held his hand where it was with her own.

“My name...” She said... almost as if she was finally remembering it. “My name... is Helena...”

She looked into Harry’s eyes with her own eyes. Harry saw they were as gray as the silvery dress she was wearing.

“Please... call me... by my name... Harry...” Harry leaned in, as did she... and they kissed.

She was neither cold nor was she transparent. She was warm... and solid... and she kissed him like it was all just a dream... but it wasn’t.

Harry’s hand fell from her face and down to her boobs. He managed to fish out her right boob from its socket in her dress and he began to fondle and massage it.

It was an amazing titty.

Harry and Helena stopped their kissing for a while, and while they both looked at each other, she was looking both baffled and... aroused.

As if she was shocked over her own actions.

“Harry...” she said hardly louder than a whisper. “Please... defile me...”

Harry lifted an eyebrow. He knew that had to be dark age speech equivalent to the more modern: “fuck me...”

Harry obeyed his lovely lady fair.

They hurled themselves at each other on the warm late autumn night.

Getting her out of her middle age dress - however sexy and decorated - was something of a task.

She was tied up more securely than Harry would have ever guessed.

Finally! She was standing naked, and Harry got out of his own outfit, and when they stood naked, they once again hurled themselves at each other and kissed like wild animals.

Harry loved her kisses. She was both wild and eager. She did something akin to suckle his own tongue and Harry loved it. She was both biting lips and sucked his neck.

Harry got down on his knees... slowly. He made sure to make a good and long stop by her massive hooters.

He was in love with these magnificent hooters. She was incredibly hot.

Harry moved on, past her hooters and down over her flat, slightly bulgy stomach, and to her fully bushed pussy. Harry arranged himself on his knees and grabbed Helena on the buttocks to pull her to his face.

He squished her buttocks in his hands... they were just as wonderful as her tits. But his main focus was on her pussy...

Her fur was as soft as a kitten. And she tasted like a goddess.

Harry heard that she was trying to conceal her moans and screams by holding her hands over her mouth.

But Harry just intensified his pressure and his efforts and he was enjoying it maybe even more than she was.

“Oh Harry...” She gasped when she clearly was getting an orgasm. “Your tongue... it’s... it’s truly... magical...”

Harry kept giving her the time of her... afterlife.

She was so delicious. She was so hot. And he kept squeezing her massive buttocks in his hands.

After a good long while, and Harry counted at least 4 orgasms, but there might have been more, he stood up and kissed Helena on the mouth. He stuck his tongue deep into her mouth and she sucked it like she did before.

After a mostly depraved kissing session, Helena looked at Harry, and she saw in his eyes what he expected. She knelt down in front of him, and looked at the marvel that was his cock.

She collected her jet black mane in her hands behind her head and looked up at Harry.

Harry understood her unspoken intention and grabbed hold of her topped ponytail with his hand.

She wanted him... to lead.

As a Gryffindor, he was more than able and willing to take the lead.

He aligned his cock with her perfect mouth and with a gentle but firm assertion of his dominance, he got the cock into her mouth, and he began to fuck her face.

He wasn’t brutal at first and she was not an expert in this bodily art. Not by any means necessary. She was in fact a little bad at it, but she was determined and with some gentle

and firm nudging and some deep breaths... did Harry manage to stick his cock deep, deep, DEEP down her throat...

Harry fucked her face and throat all the while she managed to hold her breath and then... when she wanted to gasp for air... she gagged over Harry's cock and pulled back her head to breath...

Harry looked down on her confused as he coughed... much to her own confusion.

“Harry... I nearly choked...” She looked confused and scared up at him. “But... how can that be?”

Helena was blinking and she looked at Harry’s cock. Her eyes lid up and she looked wildly at Harry.

“Do it again!”

She opened her mouth and Harry stuck his cock as deep down her throat as he could. He pressed her beautiful face against his abs as he went down her throat to the root.

He kept her there as long as it was even possible, and when she began to gurgle and gag again, she fought and resisted him and got his massive junk out of her throat again. She gasped for air, and used a little of it to scream.


Harry obeyed and flung his cock down her mouth for as long as she possibly could. She was twisting and turning under his merciless grip and only when she seemed just about to lose did he let her resurface to breathe, and every time she gasped for air she cried out even louder.


For over 40 minutes did Harry brutally fuck the face of Helena. He came several times, and sometimes when she cried “Again!” Her voice was that of a woman drowning, but it didn’t stop her.

Harry just kept fucking her face.

He had started moving his hips and he fucked her throat as brutally as it was even possible.

He thought he understood.

Helena was experiencing something she hadn’t felt since she died... she was feeling close... to death...

What had happened...?

Shouldn’t she be able to do this no problem with no issue of breathing at all?

It didn’t make sense. But Harry didn’t complain.

He simply kept fucking her face for as long as he could.

When he family had grown satiated with her mouth he looked to her other holes. Her ass was raised right now and he was giving it a loud spanking session. She was whimpering under his brutal treatment but she was not unhappy with it. In fact she seemed to be more than pleased.

“Helena...” Harry said out loud.

“I wanna... defile your pussy next!” He had nearly said fuck... but he stopped himself. He was unsure of her reaction to such a word.

Helena was once again having his cock balls deep in her throat. Once again, testing her own... mortality...?

And when she finally needed air again... she pulled her head back and gasped for air.

“Oh Harry...” She said... gasping and moaning “Please... defile me and use my body to your satisfaction!”

Harry spun her around and made her lean on the bench they had been using earlier. He pushed her up so she was on her knees on the bench and slapped her ass so hard she cried: AUW!

But Harry didn’t bother. He got in position behind her and aligned his saliva soaked cock with her dripping wet pussy.

He rammed the cock inside her. She was tight at the entrance so he really had to shove it in there.

Helena made big eyes and her mouth opened in a huge ‘O’ as Harry’s huge member pierced inside of her womanly flesh like a battering ram went through a rampart.

“OOOOH SHIT!” Harry said... he had never had ghost pussy before... but this one sure was magnificent.

“Oooooh fucking shit...” Harry adjusted his stance before he began to fuck Helena’s pussy.

It was purely animalistic. Harry fucked Helena like she was a bitch in heat and nothing else. Their otherwise romantic and quite lovey dovey performance earlier was completely out the window. Harry fucked her like she was just a common whore. And it was more than clear that Helena wanted it no other way.

Harry got hold of her jet black mane and collected it in a tight ponytail and then he pulled hard backwards as to fuck the literal mind out of her beautiful head.

But Helena was not just a fucktoy. She pushed backwards and... for likely the first time in her life - and afterlife - cried out profanities that would put a London whore to shame.

Harry spanked her ass, as she deserved it. Where had she learned such foul language? Harry asked her this.

“I’ve... heard it... when the Ravenclaws... in my house... got fucked... by the Gryffindors... like the whores... they are... OHHHH FUCK!”

That made sense. Ravenclaw had some of the most beautiful girls in the entire Hogwarts University.

Harry kept fucking Helena.

He moved her into another position. He placed her on her back so he could fuck her and enjoy her lovely face.

He fucked her like a massive breeding bull.

Her mouth was open and her tongue hung out. It was as if her mind told her to kiss her lover but she wasn’t all there anymore so she was trying her best to get her tongue out there to hopefully catch Harry’s mouth, resulting in her tongue flinging itself around like a wild fish on land.

Harry saw in mercy to her and caught her wild out of control mouth and began to engage her wild tongue.

She was so fucking hot. And her warm wet tongue was like a wild animal that sought to find its way down his throat.

She was so impatient, so demanding... so craving... and Harry provided it all.

“Oooh fuck you fucking bitch... I am gonna cum inside of your pussy!”

Harry exploded into her womb, filling her up inside with his potion of life. He pumped it deep, deep... deep into her womanly sanctum turning her cold inner self into a deep seeded ocean of his potent sperm.

Never before had Helena tried something like this. Not in her life. Not in her afterlife. She was the beginning and the end of all things. The stars above her shined on her. They smiled at her. They seemed to applaud her, like the ghosts had all done in the basement earlier.

She saw the sky, not as grayish black, but instead as a deep dark blue. Her hands clasped around Harry’s neck and her legs locked themselves behind his back. She was feeling it... she was feeling the true meaning of life once again.

For the first time in a thousand years she felt her long still heart beat in her chest once again... wild and strong... like it once was...

She felt how Harry lifted her up, not without mass... but as heavy as she was. She was a burden... she was massive... she had volume.

What had transpired...?

How could it be...?

Was she not meant to be nothing but a pale imitation of what she had once been?

How could she feel... when she had nothing to feel? How could this be...?

Harry had moved her into a position that allowed him to enter her body though another hole... a hole that her mother would never have approved of.

A hole... where no offspring would ever spring.

But as Harry entered her through this hole, while she was on the grass with her ass held up high in a position her mother for sure would punish her for ever getting into, she felt the pain... real and true... magnificent and wonderful pain...

Never had she felt for real... never had she been alive as she was now. Never had she been so happy as she was, right now. Harry... Oh Harry...

Harry fucked Helena’s asshole. It was spectacular. He could feel that this was her first time, and she was sucking him in like a vacuum. She was so hot and slippery. She was so tight and soft. It was a truly wonderful experience.

Harry fucked her. Right there in the gardens. And as their lovemaking came to a close... Harry pulled his cock from her ass, and stuck it deep down her throat to fill up her stomach with sperm.

She was completely filled up and his cum overflowed in her mouth as he emptied his sack all over her. His precious elixir of life... So tasty... yes... she could taste him... she could actually taste this potent and warm magical potion that seemed to have solidified her.

She drove her tongue around in the puddle of sperm in her mouth and finally... she swallowed the precious seed. Harry was caressing her head as if she was a good and obedient pet.

She looked up at him with eyes that gleamed with lust, love and passion. Harry’s member hung down between her legs, and she kissed it with her still wet lips.

“My love... my truest of most wonderful love... Thank you... Thank you Harry Potter...” Harry smiled at her and patted her black haired head.

“You are most welcome, my fair lady Helena.”

They stood like that for a while, and when she finally came to her legs, they got dressed. Harry had to help her with her dress. She hadn’t been out of it for a thousand years, and... it kinda needed help from another to get it to sit correctly.

When they finally stood decently dressed, Harry offered her his arm and led her inside again.

They walked through the halls in silence, and then... it happened again... Harry heard the murderous whispering hissing voice from inside the walls.

“Kill... Kill... Come to me... let me bite you... let me tear you... let me kill you...” “What?” Harry said.

Helena looked at him. “Beg your pardon?”

“Didn’t you... hear that?”

Helena looked confused. She looked like she tried to listen. “I... I can’t hear a thing?”

Harry walked over to the wall where he heard the voice. “Let me bite you... let me flay you... let me slay you...”

“It comes from in there... and it’s moving!”

Helena looked a little scared, but she looked determined as well.

“Let me check.”

She walked towards the wall and... BONK!


Helena walked against the solid massive stone wall in a brisk pace and walked right into it head on, with the only result of a loud thud and bloody nose.

“AUW AUW AUW auuuuuuw!” She held her now bleeding perfect nose in a hand and tilted it upwards.

“Helena?” Harry asked. “What happened?”

“Well what do you bloody think happened!?” She yelled back at him. “I got a bloody nose, that’s what happened!”

Harry looked at her a little perplexed and then it seemed she realized what she just said.

She looked back at Harry after she had pulled out a handkerchief and placed it under her nose.

She removed the handkerchief and looked at the white fabric in her hand. “I haven’t seen that color... since the day I died...”

Harry looked at her in bafflement and walked over to check her nose. It wasn’t broken, just hurt and a little scruffed.

“You... you are solid still... and... you are...” Harry placed a hand on her chest. She dashed it away.

“Hey!” She barked. “We may be engaged by coitus now, but don’t you dare take liberties.” “I didn’t mean to, I...” Harry shook his head and instead he thought of something else. “Just... let me feel your pulse ok?”

Helena blinked and lifted her head a little to expose her neck.

Harry felt her throat with two of his fingers... Her skin was so soft and delicate, and as perfect and frail as marble.

He pressed a little and... he felt it. He felt a pulse...

She was... alive...

“You...” Harry said. “... Helena... you are alive... Your blood is pumping... how?”

Helena gazed at Harry. This... this was unheard of. No magic could bring the dead back to life...

Harry was just about to say something, when he heard the voice again... this time down the hall.

He grabbed Helena’s hand and pulled her with him down the halls.

“Harry!?” Helena cried out. “Harry wait...! I haven’t run in a millennia!”

Her gold bloom brocade shoes were ill equipped for anything but dancing and trotting.

As they turned another corner they found a hall with the floors flooded with water. At the one lit wall they saw meter tall letters written on the wall in blood...

“The chamber of secrets has been opened... enemies of the heir... beware!”

“Oh no...” Helena said. “It’s happening again...”

Harry looked at her... and as he did he looked past her and saw the janitor's cat hanging... She was hanging by her tail in one of the lamps next to the text written.

She wasn’t... looking dead... she was looking... frozen... as if... in mid jump after a scare... from below her...

“Harry,” Helena said and she sounded scared. “Harry... we need to get away from here.”

She took his hand. He was about to protest and say that they needed to help the cat down, when it happened.

A horde of students from both directions of the hall came towards them.

They all saw the weird and ominous scene in front of them, and they all were whispering in horror about the message. They were clearly distraught. Harry wasn’t certain what to think or even expect.

“Enemies of the heir... beware...” Draca Malfoy stood in front of the crowd flanked by her posse of Slytherin girls. She looked at the others in the crowd.

“That means you! MUDBLOODS!”

Argus Filch the Janitor pressed his way through the crowd.

“What’s happening here!? Why are you all gathering around here!? What is... Madam Norris...?”

Filch saw the cat and all blood drained from his already pale face.

“My cat... what has happened to my cat...!?”

Harry didn’t like Filch one bit, but he did feel sorry for him at this moment.

Filch looked at Harry with wild anger in his eyes.


Filch marched towards Harry with a frodded mouth.

“I am gonna pay you back! I swear it! I...!”

“Argus...” A deep voice said from the other end of the hall. Albus Dumbledore stood in the mix flanked by the other teachers.

“Argus I...” Dumbledore saw the text on the wall.

“All students, return to the common rooms. Instantly.”

Harry was about to obey when he heard. “Expect... for you Harry... and your friends.”

Harry saw that Hermione and Ron had come up to him from the crowd. He saw the horror in their faces. Helena stood next to Harry and held his arm tightly.

Albus Dumbledore walked over and pulled Madam Norris down from the lamp. Then he brought Harry, Ron, Hermione and Helena and the teachers to the nearest classroom and there he started to investigate Madam Norris' stiff body.

He quickly concluded that she was not dead. She was petrified.

When Harry was asked to make an explanation for his whereabouts for the last couple of hours Helena stepped forward and told him what had transpired before this moment.

“I can vouch for Harry. He has been in my company all evening.” She sounded very authoritarian and as if they should just take her word as gospel. The teachers all looked at her in confusion.

“Excuse me, my dear,” Albus carefully said. “But who are you?” Helena blinked with her eyes and looked baffled.

“Albus,” She said and leaned her head a little forward. “It’s me... Helena... You know... the Grey Lady... Ravenclaws House ghost...”

The teachers all looked at her in shock.

It was as if they finally recognized her from her portrait.

“Goodness...” Minerva said and held a hand over her mouth. “Albus... it... it is her...”

Albus let the cat be cat and instead focused on the true marvel in the room... the ghost that now stood... as a fully living person...

“How on earth did this happen, my dear?” Albus asked and walked over to examine her. As did Snape and Minerva.

Filch looked from the teachers to his cat on the table, and he looked a little bewildered as he took the stiff cat from the table.

Harry met Helena’s gaze and they both shrugged. —————————————————————————————————————

To be continued.



This was creative and hot. What happens next?