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The nearly 100 year old GILF of the south pole Watertribe.

This is not a canon fact, but just my own idea about the Avatar universe. It seems like reaching a 100 years and even surpassing it isn’t uncommon. Since it is all fiction and an alternative universe, and the spirit realm is tightly bound to the world of the Avatar, there might be some alternate aging processes.

I am of course only basing this off my own interpretations and the fact that apparently a bunch of children are the right age to save the world, and not the Over Powered older gang of White Lotus dudes that single-handedly took back the Earth Kingdom… I mean… they did it while the firebender’s should have been nearly unbeatable…

You know, I hear that there is this argument in the Lord of the Ring’s community… that The eagles could have flown Frodo to Mount Doom, dumped the ring and then… credits.

The White Lotus could have done the same.

It’s the same thing in so many franchises. For some reason… the dumbest and most difficult path is chosen, instead of the more… obvious and clear path…

I know, I know, I am nitpicking, but that is my nature. ❤️

If you like the last airbender series then don’t worry, I ain’t bashing it as I myself like it a lot. I have my issues with it, but those are my own, and as you can tell I have my moments when I return to it.

A little fact.

My vacation is coming to an end, and soon I will be home again. Only a few more days.

I know… I am weird. But my dad’s and brother’s idea of vacation doesn’t always ring with my own. They are trotters, they love running around and checking new things out.

Not to mention their love of watching a bunch of Millionaires driving around in Billion dollar cars… 😂 hehehe, lol, don’t worry, I love my dad and brother. And to a degree I share their like for F1 racing. But my brother is an engineer so I guess it’s more his speed than mine.

He also LOVES racing games far more than I do. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy a good racing game, but the F1 racing games always felt so… hard… almost like a test, and… I didn’t like it much.

And other racing games I get bored… REALLY fast. It is just my taste, and there is nothing wrong with racing games or liking them. Heck they’re some of the oldest and best ones out there.

I prefer shooters and LOVE Battlefield. My brother used to as well, but as we are both grown men we have lesser and lesser time for them.

Sorry… didn’t mean to bore you all with my preferences.

I just hope you like this sketch and I look forward to go home soon and get a ton of gorgeous stuff out to you freaking amazing people.

Yours truly





For what it's worth, the Avatar taking down the Fire Lord carried different political weight than the White Lotus doing the same, and Iron said so. It's why he didn't just wreck Ozai himself even though he could in theory.


plot holes aside, there are alot of wacky things in the world of avatar. Such as the fact that there are firearms but their considered as 'useless' weapons by everyone, even the fire nation who originally developed them, and that's due to the fact that the world has gone the route of explaining this... Stagnation as the firearm being seen like the first steam engine made the greeks, useless, ineffective, and unneeded in the face of firebenders who can well... "Cast fireball and nothing but fireball!" - joecat