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Note: This animation is missing some final scenes and still contains a few errors.

MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/q8oVkDqJ#qAUYyELHTZSgtKssJ54JqHMVeEU4N47QUUgrZdz2NDw
Decryption Key: qAUYyELHTZSgtKssJ54JqHMVeEU4N47QUUgrZdz2NDw

Late again, but at least I have Chiaki. Here are my revisions for the second half of Giga Despair Chiaki as well as a few extended scenes. The ending of this animation is missing at the moment, where she will lick up the city visible in the last scene and then finish it off by her growing while she takes a nap on the country side. I appreciate any and all feedback. Stay tuned for sound and Aegir and thank you for your support!!



1 min 20 sec video



I remember there was a scene about the pov where the city that Chiaki crushes with her feet(bad describe), will that be adding back later or just deleted? Anyway, it is really great, thanks for your work)


Ooooh, I realy loved the part of her chest growing out of her shirt😍 It always ads like 50% more feeling to the animations in my opinion... Will she completely grow out of the rest in the end?


Holy...nice, Giga Chiaki is making waves of destruction for our amusement...i like the clothing destruction when her breasts grew...we need some more of that.


Wow, as stated by others, that was amazing! Not just what happened, but how you framed it, what views you selected and the textures from hose to metal to skin, all incredible and combined well with the colors.


Of course, this is a good example of the effort you put into your animations, the colors of the landscape, how imposing Chiaki is with such a size, good expansion of the size of her boobs and the effects of destruction are excellent, I have also been able to notice that Chiaki’s bra broke next to her t-shirt this time, better because that way you can better appreciate Undoubtedly, when I have the last scenes, the audio and it is polished, it will be a great masterpiece, just imagining it excited, I will also wait for Aegir, Evie and Shizune, good luck.


2 quick questions: will her boobs get even more gigantic in the end? Also, can should we expect a milk version?


My goodness. Your work on vast expansive landscape destructions is getting so impressive.


Her breasts don't get any bigger but I will definitely be making a milk version as well as a clothed version

Lol Face323

love the softness so much @_@ I swear the next time you do butt growth I'ma die

Darren van der Valk

As always, having the luxury of a WIP gives us the excellent benefit of seeing just how much improvement has taken place. As what is improvement without something to compare to? With that said, let's get into it! One thing I've taken particular notice of recently is the way you've been tackling the emotive nature of the characters. Little tonal directions such as how, in this version, Chiaki doesn't take a glimpse at the fighters. Perhaps minor in scope, it drastically affects the tone being set. Not only does this make sense in the grander scheme of things, such that they're simply too small to catch attention but additionally emphasizes just that: they're beneath her notice and so passively attributes to the divide. The bits of exaggerated bobbing of her head in both the city look over and the explosive pop as her shirt sewed 🧵 what it means to be shredded gave that extra emphasize of surprise. Personality is what separates the individual and you've done an outstanding job of giving each character their own brand. I'm often moved to want to see more of them and it's in no small part due to your hard work to bring them to life expressively. Unironically emotion is what makes us feel and you've excelled at making every action fun and unique. Overall, her sense of curiosity and wonder is what made this so memorable as the casualness of her emote set against the size makes for an interesting combination. “Girls just wanna have fun~” 🎤🎶 and does she ever look like she is! The camera shakes on motion felt just right giving presence to the power of her movements, one need only look at examples such as the head turn, tit turbulence or her looking down at the city. Not sure if it’s just me but there feels to be a slight delay in the jitter, which if right accentuates the scale even more as it implies the time taken for the energy to travel with the fact it can be felt at such length. This animation really pushed all the right buttons. Like on the shirt! We're one step closer to them shooting off. I did miss the bra, I'll say bravo nonetheless! Then I just had one nip pick, the pendulous sway. The use of framing gave the restrictive view that so ups the feeling of hugeness though admittingly this can still suffer in the way that the size is not fully understood thus your ingenious use of comparison in the buildings being knocked over helped alleviate this issue. The background then gave a directly relatable comparison point whilst we were simultaneously treated to the sight of the surrounding metropolis (a close at hand marker). It was a great application of positioning and environment. Capturing the boobs in the long shot as we gaze upwards was incredibly enthralling and while I did slightly miss the extra zoom on the cleavage in the tilt up, as I feel that sold the bigness better, I understand that the proceeding shots had a similar perspective so pushing it forward (as she did) was for the better. Having them in the image also helps the scene flow as they’re a titillating tease for what is to come as it quite literally hangs over them. On that front, the use of screen spacing on her breasts as they transition from a partial fill to spanning the entire screen gave a good sense of distance, with the camera following the movement giving more impact to the motion. It’s what I’d call a slam dunk 🏀⛹ I was happy to see more meteoritic mammary manoeuvres. Thank you for keeping us abreast. Such interactions are sorely needed. The ending felt a bit strange as the buildings look far bigger than what they should have been, with the crash that followed surely toppling them totally. Could just be the errors you mentioned. Though it might be a trick of the view. If that is the case, then I think another indicator needs to be utilized in the scene; (shading/tinting) the hue in the back, using blur or tilting the camera ever so slightly to add perspective as it has an almost orthographic feel currently. The environment itself was a lot more vibrant. The details are much clearer and more obvious. So, the shading was impeccable. I really love the direction in style. Not to mention how you’ve become more confident in showing more on camera at any given time. That itself speaks volumes for the strives you've taken. Well... you DO grow when you rest 😉☝️ The unaware consequences with regards to size are the best. Talk about a dream come true~ Seems like we shouldn't sleep on what's to come 😴🛌💤 This was far from a bust... it was busty! That is to say it was a hoot(ers) 😏


This was a very good analysis, I basically agree with everything. You clearly experimented with your style during your analysises and I think this specific one now is my favourite. The less frequent use of emojis and puns I think now the perfect ratio. I enjoy your comments so much. I totally agree on the weird size of the buildings in the very last scene. I believe it is indeed either an error or the thin is that it is an optical illusion and we are so fucking far away in reality- nonetheless they shoul have clearly damaged indeed. Those boobs are just so ubbelievably huge, oh my god. Giantesses is my fetish ofc and like it is hard to impress me with size anymore but like what the fuck, these boobs are so insane.


always with sound please hurry is the enemy of perfection


really good stuff