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Another week and mom has improved further. Won't be long and I'll be taking her to radiation and chemotherapy every single day, so that's gonna be really draining. I got our car fixed though, 1900 fuckin bucks. Still needs new tires, that's another 700, so that's some bullshit. Why can't things just last forever?

Other than that, I'll try to finish 63-3 by next week, and I have a commission I need to finish to make a little extra money from all the expenses, so I can post that too when it's done.

I hate I haven't put up a new chapter for Julia or Bully, but I don't wanna screw those up, considering my brain is frazzled from all the shit going on, it's hard to put myself in the headspace to write those.

Anyway, here's the next part of 63. Hope you enjoy it.

Password is: darnell



Soo... whats the PW for 63-1?


awesome story Neb, love where it's going keep it up, looking forward to the next chapter :)


I haven't seen a pw for part 1?