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So mom is home now, doing better I guess but things are still stressful. She's recovering, needing constant help, but that's why I'm here. Haven't had much time to writer during the day when I normally do, most of that time is spent taking care of her.

In the evening however after she goes to bed I'm free, and while I'm less mentally functional, I did still manage to write something! Hope you like it.

Password is: nurse

(Remember, you'll find the story on my wordpress under the Patreon section.)



Please tell me when the next chapter will be be available?


Next week I hope.


Thanks for story. Keep taking care of your Mom and yourself. I hope she continues improving.


Love these kinds of stories.


A very fun and wicked story. Amelia is such a bad Mom, the best kind. She really needs a more worthy son implanted by Darmell. And Darnell should be given the pleasure of snuffing her worthless ex-husband, with the complicity of Amelia and her loser white son. Bullies needs always come first, after all.


Enjoyed this story. I’d like to see a mother doing this to her daughter. Also, a daughter doing it to her mother. And a daughter to her father.