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Greetings All!

As a show of hands, who has actually used one of these in game? A Block and Tackle is included in the SRD as a piece of adventuring gear, and as useful as a mirror or pole. This version is a x5 (instead of the mundane x4) which allows a massive amount of force, especially in a team effort.

I am pretty sure I am the first to make a magical version of this, but there are so many wonderful creators, I can never be sure. As a Common Item, I also included a locking mechanism, which in my head is sliding those bronze boxes into place to lock the pulleys on either side. Which really opens up some options to someone with a lot of rope and a plan.

As always, your thoughts, and questions are encouraged, especially with something often overlooked.

Updates: Updated the edging to wood to give it a less heavy appearance.

I hope you enjoy this one! Truly, as always and ever sincerely, Thank You.

- Hos (Dungeon Scribe)


The name might seem odd at first, but this style of Block and Tackle are held in almost a mythical regard to common folk. Named for their ability to instill the strength of a Draft Horse to a common man, they are treasured heirlooms for labor. They are easily recognizable by the details of the horse carved into the sides and an additional rope in its structure. The faint magic imparted into these makes them unbreakable, with muscle and support ropes sure to fail you first.


  • This block and tackle allows the user to hoist up to 5 times the weight they can normally lift. Achieving this also depends on placement and strength of support ropes and anchor points.
  • Calculation for quick reference.
    • Maximum Lift Weight: Strength Score x 30 (Double Carrying Capacity)
    • Maximum Hoist Weight: Lift Weight x 5
  • Lock: Unlike the standard Block and Tackle, as an Action, a creature can compress a section of the Blocks, locking the pulleys in place and suspending the need for continued Hoisting. It will remain in this state until a creature uses an Action to Unlock the mechanism freeing the weight. The GM determines the quality of the support ropes or anchor point for sustaining the weight for long periods of time.



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